President Trump is the Warrior this Country AND The World needs at this time. He isn’t part of the NWO and Can’t be Bought! I truly believe he Loves our Nation and our Citizens, along with the People of the World
We need a strong leader, we have seen this with Trump . People say he is a dictator that is not true , He has courage and a huge amount of love for this country more than most Americans, he is the only one who deserves a second term for the way the actual dictatorS treated him all the lies they pushed on him , the behind his back moves they made, He was still able to do great things .
Its not even close. Not a single one of the others truly cares about our Republic and protecting the people, keeping our borders secure and our country out of needless wars. Trump gets it and is trying to return the power in Washington DC back to the people where it belongs. He wasn’t successful in his first term because the swamp interfered with him at every turn, thus exposing how deep and wide it is. Now we see it, we realize we have to band together and kick out the scum in Congress – BOTH Parties – our courts and all of the corrupt 3 letter agencies. MAGA is possible, but we all have to participate. Trump is our only option. All of the others are phony liars.
Donald Trump is the truly elected President.
He will rectify this mess. The entire world is better when he is in charge.
God has called him ‘ His David’.
God Bless the ??
President Trump will be returned to his rightful place as our President. These past three years of horror were needed to occur to show the sleeping people just what evil is lurking among us. President Trump returning to the White House is just the start of a beautiful future for the USA, followed by the recovery of rest of the world. Exposure of all the evil/satanic celebrities/athletes/politicians/leaders, etc will occur and will shock many people who have been asleep at the wheel (brainwashed). President Trump was asked to run as president and be the leader of a world-wide movement to eliminate the evil that has been running the world for hundreds of years.
As per Q #4461 on June 13, 2020:
“Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it. Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception. Seeing is Believing. Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It had to be this way. This is not another 4-year ELECTION. GOD WINS. Q “
Life was good whenTrump was in office. Gas price was low, stocks were high, and peace was fostered throughout the world, especially in the middle east. They bleeder wall was almost completed!
Trump proved himself during the 4 years he served. He did things that made America first, and that is what we need. We should not be sending money elsewhere when we have homeless veterans, when our own citizens need help. The admin both republican and democrats serving currently have shown no interest in fixing America. Actually ‘we the people’ have not been heard by these current politicians, and we need to change the entire system. I believe Trump will do what needs to be done.
President Trump received my vote in 2016 and 2020, which was definitely stolen! I will vote for CIC Trump again in 2024! They hate him because he couldn’t be bought! Trump is a business man who loves America and all the patriots love him! With God, all things are possible. With Trump, we will save our country and have a MAGA celebration!??
President Trump did not conceded 2020. He also reorganized the Pentagon after the election to complete the takedown of [their] “trinity of power” (DC, Vatican, London).
Since then we are in a quiet military occupancy that administers to a continuity of government devolution of government powers while an international criminal cartel of satanists is rounded up, processed and taken out with the garbage.
Meanwhile, body doubles etc, are playing out a movie to wake up sleeping zombies who are not living up to their human potential by ignoring what is in all of our faces.
Pres. Trump is our rightful president! He is C IC. Our nation was so badly broken–the entire world was so badly broken. He showed us the corruption, the treason, the satanism. These past three years have been so painful to my heart to learn of so many horrific things and to see a fake president put in. I don’t ever remember a president who was as strong of leader as President Trump– a true patriot. When he said he would drain the swamp, he meant the worldwide swamp. What other president consistently said “God bless America”? God bless him-! God bless the military and all patriots fighting for good.
Honest, Transparent, Can’t be bought. Best economy. Peace maker. Greatest President and Commander and Chief we have ever had. Great role model. Loves America. WWG1WGA. MAGA Again ??? Drain that Corrupt Swamp Everywhere ??
I read 3 books about Trump to see if I wanted to vote for him. The Art of the Deal when it came out in 1986 and two others. I was so impressed, I read a total of nine.
I valued his problem-solving skills and his ability to create working teams. I was jealous of his work ethic. I knew that if I had a company that needed a turn-around CEO and he was available, my worries would be over.
We the People want and need our President Trump. May it be so and let no evil plan prevail against him, We the People, this country in the Name of Jesus. Amen
I would like to add. I will not participate in any type vote no matter who is running until a new process for doing so is implemented and proved to be without fraud. We can NEVER vote our selves out of tyranny with the current fraudulent system. And a reminder to all FRAUD vitiates EVERYTHING. Back it up to 1871 or earlier and start over. I also demand 100% truth and the pile of lies we have been told about everything.
Robert Kennedy Jr. An unwavering champion for Life and with a deep knowledge of what is undermining the founding principles of government of, by, and for the people. He knows the terrain inside out, from decades of successful litigation against gross polluters and against the federal regulatory agencies who repeatedly fail us, lured by $$$$, let the fox into the hen house.
Political parties are pushing themselves into being obsolete. The people are awake, enough people to end this tragic game! Donald Trump is CIC and the vast majority of people stand with him. The media noise is just that – noise. We The People are done with the games. Let’s make that move already and CLEAN HOUSE PUBLICLY!
Don shook the entire world and woke people up to things they would have never even imagined; or if they did imagine, he gave them the confirmation and strength to fight against it. He is a great connector of millions and a proven catalyst to many people changing their lives for the better. FINISH THE JOB. FINAL BATTLE.
President Trump has done everything he has said he would do he has got American people interest at heart does what is best for them he has our back and we have got his back
For me, there’s never been any question of voting for anyone other than President Trump. Eventually the Quantum Voting System will show that this is the case for the vast majority of Americans!
They will be no traditional 2024 election.. Hillary Clinton is already dead including Joe Binden and the U.S. Government has been in (COG) and a series of executive orders and presidential emergency action documents signed by President Trump! Everyone already knows and we are just waiting for GESARA and NESARA to be implemented and the courts to over turn the 2020 elections. We will have a new election for many positions within 120 days of them announcing all this ! Let go already “EBS” and or “EAS”
Love President Trump….A true people’s PRESIDENT who truly wants the republic restored. President Trump kept all his promises and more. Looking at the list of his accomplishments is unbelievable and the sad thing is that the news didn’t report the truth, but purposely continued to lie about him. Although I have to say that it woke me up to seeing TRUTH vs. Propaganda…..Thank you President Trump for putting God and The United States first!!!! You are truly amazing!!!!
President Donald John Trump
the 45th, 46th, and 47th ?
if he hadn’t taken on this role.. many would not have survived this far
for he has brought us back from the brink of disaster
he has brought back God to humanity
In Love and Light we begin anew
a world brought together in Peace???
DEAR Georgemagazine Team!
Donald trump is christ people from me the best Person in the USA for love and peace!?? The Father the son and the holy ghost
GOD BLESS Amerika!!!?❤?
While I certainly commend RFK Jr for his relentless push against vaccines and increasing public awareness of their many hazards, I will NOT vote for him. Granted, many of his issues are commendable, HOWEVER his anti-2nd Amendment policy is unacceptable. Furthermore, President TRUMP did in fact have this nation “firing on all cylinders” as has been stated by others. POTUS Trump got many things accomplished for this nation and citizens even with a lack of cooperation from a Congress bent on impeaching him, and not focused on their other duties at hand. Can you imagine how much MORE could have been done without a compromised US Congress?? He’s the greatest President not only in my lifetime, but in this nation’s history. The unprecedented Abrahamic Accords are but one Sterling example of many; while Democrats and RINO’s were wasting taxpayer dollars (and the time we elected them for…to work FOR US) all for nothingburger Russian Collusion/Impeachment hoaxes and other accusations that THEY THEMSELVES are largely guilty of (cough cough China?!) insider trading, and many other things.
Yet I do want to see the 2020 Election Steal remedied INCLUDING THE VOTING SYSTEM(s) so we have a real 2024 election, or we can kiss this nation and its Freedom goodbye forever. OUT WITH THE CRIMINALS. All of them.
2020 election was RIGGED and FULL of FRAUD (and probably every election prior to that dating back to who knows when, but for sure since these corrupt electronic machines have been used). Trump is our PRESIDENT and EVERYONE including GOD knows it!
President Trump is All for The United States of America and all Americans!!! He Is Against all wars! Put All Pedophiles and human traffickers in Prison and take away their wealth no matter Who they are !!!!
President Trump is THE only choice. He is the only one who can right the ship and I believe he is doing God’s work. Get rid of the pedophiles, bring this sick crap into the open so all know what we are fighting. The election was stolen, the vast majority know this and there is a fake in the White House. Bring bring down the criminals, the pedophiles, jail them all, NOW.
President Trump is THE only choice. He is the only one who can right the ship and I believe he is doing God’s work. Get rid of the pedophiles, bring this sick crap into the open so all know what we are fighting. The election was stolen, the vast majority know this and there is a fake president and administration in the White House. Bring bring down the criminals, the pedophiles, jail them all, NOW.
If I was asked “Will there be a 2024 election” I’d say no. BUT if there is I will vote for Pres Trump again. I just can’t wrap my brain around all the evil corruption and depopulation agenda (to name a few) with no justice for we the people. We can’t go on as if nothing has happened. I’m losing family, friends and neighbors because of this evil system we live in. They are GONE. God please have mercy on our beloved country…
If you truly care about your country or your family and not about party loyalty, you have to choose the best and strongest proven leader, that’s Donald Trump. Just about everything was better when he was President. Much better.
I voted for President Trump twice and will do so a third time. He is the only logical choice. Only he has the courage, common sense, and intelligence, to do what must be done to straighten out the mess in which we find ourselves.
President Trump has a proven excellent track record and he is still our President as the 2020 election was fraudulent. He works for the People. Best President ever!!
Trump is returning the power to the people, securing the border & securing elections, drilling American oil, getting rid of the evil & the deep, deep swamp. He is sacrificing his own happiness for the American people. No other govt official can say they’ve done that too. He is beholding to NO ONE but God The Almighty & I find that refreshing.
If I’ve learned anything from the Covid debacle it’s that we cannot trust the deep state, cabal, establishment, whatever you wanna call it. Their system is more valued than our people; their thirst for control knows no boundaries, they are 100% committed to destroying the middle class. We had a brief taste of Trump’s America First policy… and I’m ready for a second serving.
He is the only truly pro-life President. He has demonstrated his sincere love of our country and he is true to his word in carrying out his campaign promises.
Donald Trump truly cares about people! From all walks of life. I get so angry when MAGA Trump supporters are made to appear crazy and portrayed as if we put Donald Trump above the one and only Jesus Christ. MAGA is about as simple as it gets, Make America Great Again, period. How they have demonized Trump and we who just want a better life on earth is truly beyond anything I can imagine.
I don’t actually believe we will have a 2024 election (unless we have a special one following Gesara/Nesara). But if we actually do, I will vote for Trump. I like Robert F. Kennedy but I believe that Trump was chosen by God for such a time as this!
Trump isn’t a perfect man by any means. He’s loud, crude, rude. But he genuinely loves America and puts his country first. All the blatant political targeting the Democrats and the Establishment RINOs are hitting him with only proves how desperate and unethical they are. I don’t like the man personally, but as President he did a good job against massive opposition, and he was clearly and undeniably robbed of his second term.
Robert F. Kennedy jr. Seeks to heal the divide in this country. He is against censorship and corporations running our government agencies. Both Biden and trump are beholden to the corporate interests that own the DNC and RNC. Trump seemed like he was against corporate capture of our government agencies but then he put Pfizer in charge of HHS. Biden is no better. I will vote RFKJR 2024.
I believe that Donald J. Trump was chosen by our creator to lead Humanity out of the “swamp,” forward into the freedom of our birthright. Please help me pray for health and safety for him, his family, and all of Humanity.
If one desires confinement inside a FEMA CAMP, and one’s head lying in a basket below a facial recognition guillotine, by all ignorant means, vote for someone other than Trump.
Donald J Trump love our US Constitution….all of it… and order.
DJT doesn’t cherry pick. He wants our Constitution to be followed and respected. I agree with this 100%.
DJT policies are sound and proven to be very effective for our USA financial recovery following the Constitution.
DJT woke me up in 2015. While it was a harsh listen at times to his words, they stand proven correct 100%. I would rather be given harsh truths than smooth lies. Smooth lies believed by US has been truly detrimental to the takeover of our great country. It’s our fault but THEY are cunning to a fault. WEthePeople are seeing this now As they expose themselves as corrupt liars.
I’ve been a supporter of DJT since he woke me up in 2015. DJT/JFK Jr are the BEST
Because this country needs to be run
1. Like a business.
2. A competitive human.
3. Not by special interest groups.
4. By not selling off farmlands and our Country.
5. Not to be manipulated by a party.
6. Most importantly give this country back to GOD.
Donald Trump is the only person that can finish the job he was called to start. He cannot be bought. He did everything he said he was going to do. He called out the swamp for what it is and he is going to finish draining that swamp. He was called of God before he was ever born to do this job. It will be finished! He truly loves America and puts the people first instead of trying to figure out ways to line his pockets like 98% of the scum that say they are “serving” the public.
There is no other leader in this world that can wake the American people up as to the corrupt and Satanic beings that have tried to enslave humanity. I knew immediately when fake Biden was “selected”, there was something seriously wrong with our country. It lead me down to more than 3000 hours of research in the past 3 years. And I’m still digging. It has opened my eyes to see the people who performed crimes to humanity, as we have never seen before. I pray every day for the protection of not only President Trump but our good military personnel who are in this battle.
Donald J. Trump is the only viable candidate that can save
America and preserve our Constitution!! He has proven that he has the tenacity and leadership skills as a phenomenal President. He is a changemaker and a world leader for peace… God bless America and to all of us that believe in FREEDOM and PEACE and TRUTH.
I have always said don’t underestimate the power of Donald Trump. I prayed many years for him to be our President, and my prayers were finally answered. He brought out the American spirit in all of us and has changed the world and our lives. He has taken so many slings and arrows for us over the years, and now it is our turn to have his back. Loyalty has a very strong meaning with President Trump. I thank him for staying strong despite all the constant and enormous opposition. I thank him for endeavoring to bring back America’s priorities in accordance with what our founding fathers envisioned. President Trump, is loved and appreciated more than he can ever imagine from this MAGA Patriot, and I will always have his back, ALWAYS!
I’ve supported President Trump since 2016 and followed since 10/28/2017.
It truly has been a Biblical Journey.
He has taken slings and arrows long enough, the sleepy people will see just how amazing Trump is!
Trump is one of us. He was chosen by God to lead USA Republic and drain the swamp worldwide. IMO Almost everyone else on the list is a puppet or already gone.
Our Real CIC is President Donald J Trump. He never conceded. He is Still my president and there is no one qualified to even run against him. As Lin Wood says,” #fix2020
Donald Trump is the closest we have had to uniting the people of our great country, still a lot of work to be done. Talking points from corporate media need to be less listened too, and listen to the candidate’s and what they want. Donald Trump wants to unite the people with major issues, not just one sided wins. If we can find common ground on all major issues, we will have a thriving America once again!
I love this question. The short answer is the only answer, President Donald J. Trump! When I voted for him in 2016 I felt trepidation, afraid that I would jinx him. Since I voted for Ronald Reagan in the 80s I do not think one person I chose actually won an election. The joy I experienced when President Trump won was inexplicable. The tide was turning-I could feel it. Look where we are. I know in my heart and soul that our future shall be glorious, thanks to Mr. Trump, his family, the alliance, and all the free-thinking people of this world, not just the US. God Bless everyone.
President Trump is the Warrior this Country AND The World needs at this time. He isn’t part of the NWO and Can’t be Bought! I truly believe he Loves our Nation and our Citizens, along with the People of the World
We need a strong leader, we have seen this with Trump . People say he is a dictator that is not true , He has courage and a huge amount of love for this country more than most Americans, he is the only one who deserves a second term for the way the actual dictatorS treated him all the lies they pushed on him , the behind his back moves they made, He was still able to do great things .
Its not even close. Not a single one of the others truly cares about our Republic and protecting the people, keeping our borders secure and our country out of needless wars. Trump gets it and is trying to return the power in Washington DC back to the people where it belongs. He wasn’t successful in his first term because the swamp interfered with him at every turn, thus exposing how deep and wide it is. Now we see it, we realize we have to band together and kick out the scum in Congress – BOTH Parties – our courts and all of the corrupt 3 letter agencies. MAGA is possible, but we all have to participate. Trump is our only option. All of the others are phony liars.
Donald Trump is the truly elected President.
He will rectify this mess. The entire world is better when he is in charge.
God has called him ‘ His David’.
God Bless the ??
President Trump will be returned to his rightful place as our President. These past three years of horror were needed to occur to show the sleeping people just what evil is lurking among us. President Trump returning to the White House is just the start of a beautiful future for the USA, followed by the recovery of rest of the world. Exposure of all the evil/satanic celebrities/athletes/politicians/leaders, etc will occur and will shock many people who have been asleep at the wheel (brainwashed). President Trump was asked to run as president and be the leader of a world-wide movement to eliminate the evil that has been running the world for hundreds of years.
As per Q #4461 on June 13, 2020:
“Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it. Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception. Seeing is Believing. Sometimes you can’t tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. It had to be this way. This is not another 4-year ELECTION. GOD WINS. Q “
Life was good whenTrump was in office. Gas price was low, stocks were high, and peace was fostered throughout the world, especially in the middle east. They bleeder wall was almost completed!
Trump proved himself during the 4 years he served. He did things that made America first, and that is what we need. We should not be sending money elsewhere when we have homeless veterans, when our own citizens need help. The admin both republican and democrats serving currently have shown no interest in fixing America. Actually ‘we the people’ have not been heard by these current politicians, and we need to change the entire system. I believe Trump will do what needs to be done.
President Trump received my vote in 2016 and 2020, which was definitely stolen! I will vote for CIC Trump again in 2024! They hate him because he couldn’t be bought! Trump is a business man who loves America and all the patriots love him! With God, all things are possible. With Trump, we will save our country and have a MAGA celebration!??
President Trump did not conceded 2020. He also reorganized the Pentagon after the election to complete the takedown of [their] “trinity of power” (DC, Vatican, London).
Since then we are in a quiet military occupancy that administers to a continuity of government devolution of government powers while an international criminal cartel of satanists is rounded up, processed and taken out with the garbage.
Meanwhile, body doubles etc, are playing out a movie to wake up sleeping zombies who are not living up to their human potential by ignoring what is in all of our faces.
Pres. Trump is our rightful president! He is C IC. Our nation was so badly broken–the entire world was so badly broken. He showed us the corruption, the treason, the satanism. These past three years have been so painful to my heart to learn of so many horrific things and to see a fake president put in. I don’t ever remember a president who was as strong of leader as President Trump– a true patriot. When he said he would drain the swamp, he meant the worldwide swamp. What other president consistently said “God bless America”? God bless him-! God bless the military and all patriots fighting for good.
Honest, Transparent, Can’t be bought. Best economy. Peace maker. Greatest President and Commander and Chief we have ever had. Great role model. Loves America. WWG1WGA. MAGA Again ??? Drain that Corrupt Swamp Everywhere ??
Trump 2020, he will be back, election was stolen!!! Trump 2024, but as we all know there will be no 2024 election!! ?
Trump all the way!! MAGA
I read 3 books about Trump to see if I wanted to vote for him. The Art of the Deal when it came out in 1986 and two others. I was so impressed, I read a total of nine.
I valued his problem-solving skills and his ability to create working teams. I was jealous of his work ethic. I knew that if I had a company that needed a turn-around CEO and he was available, my worries would be over.
We the People want and need our President Trump. May it be so and let no evil plan prevail against him, We the People, this country in the Name of Jesus. Amen
NO ONE else beside TRUMP will be able to SAVE this country. Others are no good..
I would like to add. I will not participate in any type vote no matter who is running until a new process for doing so is implemented and proved to be without fraud. We can NEVER vote our selves out of tyranny with the current fraudulent system. And a reminder to all FRAUD vitiates EVERYTHING. Back it up to 1871 or earlier and start over. I also demand 100% truth and the pile of lies we have been told about everything.
Robert Kennedy Jr. An unwavering champion for Life and with a deep knowledge of what is undermining the founding principles of government of, by, and for the people. He knows the terrain inside out, from decades of successful litigation against gross polluters and against the federal regulatory agencies who repeatedly fail us, lured by $$$$, let the fox into the hen house.
Political parties are pushing themselves into being obsolete. The people are awake, enough people to end this tragic game! Donald Trump is CIC and the vast majority of people stand with him. The media noise is just that – noise. We The People are done with the games. Let’s make that move already and CLEAN HOUSE PUBLICLY!
Don shook the entire world and woke people up to things they would have never even imagined; or if they did imagine, he gave them the confirmation and strength to fight against it. He is a great connector of millions and a proven catalyst to many people changing their lives for the better. FINISH THE JOB. FINAL BATTLE.
President Trump has done everything he has said he would do he has got American people interest at heart does what is best for them he has our back and we have got his back
For me, there’s never been any question of voting for anyone other than President Trump. Eventually the Quantum Voting System will show that this is the case for the vast majority of Americans!
They will be no traditional 2024 election.. Hillary Clinton is already dead including Joe Binden and the U.S. Government has been in (COG) and a series of executive orders and presidential emergency action documents signed by President Trump! Everyone already knows and we are just waiting for GESARA and NESARA to be implemented and the courts to over turn the 2020 elections. We will have a new election for many positions within 120 days of them announcing all this ! Let go already “EBS” and or “EAS”
Love President Trump….A true people’s PRESIDENT who truly wants the republic restored. President Trump kept all his promises and more. Looking at the list of his accomplishments is unbelievable and the sad thing is that the news didn’t report the truth, but purposely continued to lie about him. Although I have to say that it woke me up to seeing TRUTH vs. Propaganda…..Thank you President Trump for putting God and The United States first!!!! You are truly amazing!!!!
Donald Trump is actually the Commander in Chief of the new Republic of America
President Donald John Trump
the 45th, 46th, and 47th ?
if he hadn’t taken on this role.. many would not have survived this far
for he has brought us back from the brink of disaster
he has brought back God to humanity
In Love and Light we begin anew
a world brought together in Peace???
DEAR Georgemagazine Team!
Donald trump is christ people from me the best Person in the USA for love and peace!?? The Father the son and the holy ghost
GOD BLESS Amerika!!!?❤?
While I certainly commend RFK Jr for his relentless push against vaccines and increasing public awareness of their many hazards, I will NOT vote for him. Granted, many of his issues are commendable, HOWEVER his anti-2nd Amendment policy is unacceptable. Furthermore, President TRUMP did in fact have this nation “firing on all cylinders” as has been stated by others. POTUS Trump got many things accomplished for this nation and citizens even with a lack of cooperation from a Congress bent on impeaching him, and not focused on their other duties at hand. Can you imagine how much MORE could have been done without a compromised US Congress?? He’s the greatest President not only in my lifetime, but in this nation’s history. The unprecedented Abrahamic Accords are but one Sterling example of many; while Democrats and RINO’s were wasting taxpayer dollars (and the time we elected them for…to work FOR US) all for nothingburger Russian Collusion/Impeachment hoaxes and other accusations that THEY THEMSELVES are largely guilty of (cough cough China?!) insider trading, and many other things.
Yet I do want to see the 2020 Election Steal remedied INCLUDING THE VOTING SYSTEM(s) so we have a real 2024 election, or we can kiss this nation and its Freedom goodbye forever. OUT WITH THE CRIMINALS. All of them.
2020 election was RIGGED and FULL of FRAUD (and probably every election prior to that dating back to who knows when, but for sure since these corrupt electronic machines have been used). Trump is our PRESIDENT and EVERYONE including GOD knows it!
President Trump is All for The United States of America and all Americans!!! He Is Against all wars! Put All Pedophiles and human traffickers in Prison and take away their wealth no matter Who they are !!!!
Frankly, I don’t believe there will be a 2024 election, but I want President Trump in office for the foreseeable future!
President Trump is THE only choice. He is the only one who can right the ship and I believe he is doing God’s work. Get rid of the pedophiles, bring this sick crap into the open so all know what we are fighting. The election was stolen, the vast majority know this and there is a fake in the White House. Bring bring down the criminals, the pedophiles, jail them all, NOW.
President Trump is THE only choice. He is the only one who can right the ship and I believe he is doing God’s work. Get rid of the pedophiles, bring this sick crap into the open so all know what we are fighting. The election was stolen, the vast majority know this and there is a fake president and administration in the White House. Bring bring down the criminals, the pedophiles, jail them all, NOW.
If I was asked “Will there be a 2024 election” I’d say no. BUT if there is I will vote for Pres Trump again. I just can’t wrap my brain around all the evil corruption and depopulation agenda (to name a few) with no justice for we the people. We can’t go on as if nothing has happened. I’m losing family, friends and neighbors because of this evil system we live in. They are GONE. God please have mercy on our beloved country…
If you truly care about your country or your family and not about party loyalty, you have to choose the best and strongest proven leader, that’s Donald Trump. Just about everything was better when he was President. Much better.
Gene He’s latest video on Telegram on who is that man was brilliant! Thanks for conformation!!!
I voted for President Trump twice and will do so a third time. He is the only logical choice. Only he has the courage, common sense, and intelligence, to do what must be done to straighten out the mess in which we find ourselves.
President Trump has a proven excellent track record and he is still our President as the 2020 election was fraudulent. He works for the People. Best President ever!!
I am voting for Donald Trump because he loves our country and has proven that he can do the job!
Trump is returning the power to the people, securing the border & securing elections, drilling American oil, getting rid of the evil & the deep, deep swamp. He is sacrificing his own happiness for the American people. No other govt official can say they’ve done that too. He is beholding to NO ONE but God The Almighty & I find that refreshing.
If I’ve learned anything from the Covid debacle it’s that we cannot trust the deep state, cabal, establishment, whatever you wanna call it. Their system is more valued than our people; their thirst for control knows no boundaries, they are 100% committed to destroying the middle class. We had a brief taste of Trump’s America First policy… and I’m ready for a second serving.
He is the only truly pro-life President. He has demonstrated his sincere love of our country and he is true to his word in carrying out his campaign promises.
Donald Trump truly cares about people! From all walks of life. I get so angry when MAGA Trump supporters are made to appear crazy and portrayed as if we put Donald Trump above the one and only Jesus Christ. MAGA is about as simple as it gets, Make America Great Again, period. How they have demonized Trump and we who just want a better life on earth is truly beyond anything I can imagine.
I don’t actually believe we will have a 2024 election (unless we have a special one following Gesara/Nesara). But if we actually do, I will vote for Trump. I like Robert F. Kennedy but I believe that Trump was chosen by God for such a time as this!
Going through what he has gone through, only President Trump understands the depth of the swamp.
Trump isn’t a perfect man by any means. He’s loud, crude, rude. But he genuinely loves America and puts his country first. All the blatant political targeting the Democrats and the Establishment RINOs are hitting him with only proves how desperate and unethical they are. I don’t like the man personally, but as President he did a good job against massive opposition, and he was clearly and undeniably robbed of his second term.
Robert F. Kennedy jr. Seeks to heal the divide in this country. He is against censorship and corporations running our government agencies. Both Biden and trump are beholden to the corporate interests that own the DNC and RNC. Trump seemed like he was against corporate capture of our government agencies but then he put Pfizer in charge of HHS. Biden is no better. I will vote RFKJR 2024.
I believe that Donald J. Trump was chosen by our creator to lead Humanity out of the “swamp,” forward into the freedom of our birthright. Please help me pray for health and safety for him, his family, and all of Humanity.
If one desires confinement inside a FEMA CAMP, and one’s head lying in a basket below a facial recognition guillotine, by all ignorant means, vote for someone other than Trump.
Donald J Trump love our US Constitution….all of it… and order.
DJT doesn’t cherry pick. He wants our Constitution to be followed and respected. I agree with this 100%.
DJT policies are sound and proven to be very effective for our USA financial recovery following the Constitution.
DJT woke me up in 2015. While it was a harsh listen at times to his words, they stand proven correct 100%. I would rather be given harsh truths than smooth lies. Smooth lies believed by US has been truly detrimental to the takeover of our great country. It’s our fault but THEY are cunning to a fault. WEthePeople are seeing this now As they expose themselves as corrupt liars.
I’ve been a supporter of DJT since he woke me up in 2015. DJT/JFK Jr are the BEST
Trump has and is exposing the Progressive Globalist agenda for all to see. The NWO is not to be.
TRUMP IS THE ONLY CHOICE in my heart. I trust him, and know that we need a strong leader more than ever. TRUMP IS THAT PERSON.
I believe he has been in charge all along, but it is TIME NOW to bring that out into the open!
Because this country needs to be run
1. Like a business.
2. A competitive human.
3. Not by special interest groups.
4. By not selling off farmlands and our Country.
5. Not to be manipulated by a party.
6. Most importantly give this country back to GOD.
Donald Trump is the only person that can finish the job he was called to start. He cannot be bought. He did everything he said he was going to do. He called out the swamp for what it is and he is going to finish draining that swamp. He was called of God before he was ever born to do this job. It will be finished! He truly loves America and puts the people first instead of trying to figure out ways to line his pockets like 98% of the scum that say they are “serving” the public.
There is no other leader in this world that can wake the American people up as to the corrupt and Satanic beings that have tried to enslave humanity. I knew immediately when fake Biden was “selected”, there was something seriously wrong with our country. It lead me down to more than 3000 hours of research in the past 3 years. And I’m still digging. It has opened my eyes to see the people who performed crimes to humanity, as we have never seen before. I pray every day for the protection of not only President Trump but our good military personnel who are in this battle.
Donald J. Trump is the only viable candidate that can save
America and preserve our Constitution!! He has proven that he has the tenacity and leadership skills as a phenomenal President. He is a changemaker and a world leader for peace… God bless America and to all of us that believe in FREEDOM and PEACE and TRUTH.
I have always said don’t underestimate the power of Donald Trump. I prayed many years for him to be our President, and my prayers were finally answered. He brought out the American spirit in all of us and has changed the world and our lives. He has taken so many slings and arrows for us over the years, and now it is our turn to have his back. Loyalty has a very strong meaning with President Trump. I thank him for staying strong despite all the constant and enormous opposition. I thank him for endeavoring to bring back America’s priorities in accordance with what our founding fathers envisioned. President Trump, is loved and appreciated more than he can ever imagine from this MAGA Patriot, and I will always have his back, ALWAYS!
he is the only one attempting to continue doing Gods work
I’ve supported President Trump since 2016 and followed since 10/28/2017.
It truly has been a Biblical Journey.
He has taken slings and arrows long enough, the sleepy people will see just how amazing Trump is!
I will be voting for Donald Trump again, reason being- PROMISES DELIVERED. Nuff’ said!
Trump is one of us. He was chosen by God to lead USA Republic and drain the swamp worldwide. IMO Almost everyone else on the list is a puppet or already gone.
Our Real CIC is President Donald J Trump. He never conceded. He is Still my president and there is no one qualified to even run against him. As Lin Wood says,” #fix2020
Donald Trump is the closest we have had to uniting the people of our great country, still a lot of work to be done. Talking points from corporate media need to be less listened too, and listen to the candidate’s and what they want. Donald Trump wants to unite the people with major issues, not just one sided wins. If we can find common ground on all major issues, we will have a thriving America once again!
Because he’s God ordained
I love this question. The short answer is the only answer, President Donald J. Trump! When I voted for him in 2016 I felt trepidation, afraid that I would jinx him. Since I voted for Ronald Reagan in the 80s I do not think one person I chose actually won an election. The joy I experienced when President Trump won was inexplicable. The tide was turning-I could feel it. Look where we are. I know in my heart and soul that our future shall be glorious, thanks to Mr. Trump, his family, the alliance, and all the free-thinking people of this world, not just the US. God Bless everyone.