Election 2024 Countdown


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George Magazine Poll Question
With Kamala Harris now slated to be the Democratic Party Candidate for President, who would have been a better VP Choice by Trump other than J.D. Vance?
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George Magazine Poll Question
With Kamala Harris now slated to be the Democratic Party Candidate for President, who would have been a better VP Choice by Trump other than J.D. Vance?
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  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - The Apostle Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, was direcied by the Holy Spirit to write to fellow Christians, “Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - The Statue of Liberty: She stands proudly for all of us. Many years have passed, and she’s still strong. People from everywhere often come to see her, But many have come to taste freedom and wanted to belong.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Pastor Bob Joyce granted an exclusive interview to George; Gene — who attends Pastor Bob’s Household of Faith church in Benton, Arkansas - sat with him in the sanctuary. They talked about how the little church got started

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - New World Order, that some call “The Great Awakening,” that could Very well turn out to be the beast government system spoken of in Revelation 17, being initially ridden by the harlot Mystery Babylon.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Quite frequently we hear a child of God quote Romans 8:28, especially when some sorrow or disappointment has been experienced.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Tender Love
    By Margie

    George Magazine - Tender Love: What made Mary most happy while getting dressed for the prom was her surprise date, A special date he made with her recently on the phone.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Do you remember your mama's home cooking? I remember being in the kitchen as a boy, everything smelling so good. There would be biscuits, fried chicken, potatoes, gravy ... all sorts of homemade food.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - In 2024, the persistence of belief in “Q” and the “plan” reflects a complex interplay of psychological, sociopolitical, and technological factors. What began as a fringe conspiracy theory has grown into a cultural phenomenon, with adherents spanning the globe.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - The sovereign citizen movement is a loosely organized collection of individuals who belive that they are not subject to the laws and regulations of the United States government. They often claim that they are “freemen on the land" or “common law citizens” who are not bound by the U.S. Constitution or any other government authority.

George Magazine, Issue 22:

Loneliness: National Crisis and Emerging Security Risk | Gaeton Fonzi: Insider’s Investigation of JFK Assassination | Banking System NOT Collapsing GESARA Nowhere in Sight | Christian Nationalism Backfiring on Christians | Empty Nest Syndrome | The Child of God and The Word of God, The Bible | Adult-Onset Anemia: Growing Epidemic | Amanda Grace: Herself, America, and the Ark of Grace | and MUCH More!

George Magazine Issue 22 – Standard Edition

George Magazine Issue 22 – Collector’s Edition

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - The term “soft disclosure” can refer to a couple of different concepts depending on the context. In the realm of communication and relationships, it often pertains to the process of revealing personal information gradually over time

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - I get it. To some in the MAGA faithful, it would be unthinkable for Trump lose the election in November of 2024. I also know that some in the MAGA faithful think there is no way Trump

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic framework that challenges conventional views on government spending, taxation, and the role of money in a sovereign economy. While it has gained prominence in recent years, it remains a subject

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - The experience of Lot and the destruction of Sodom will give us light on this question: Will the Church, the Body of Christ be in The Great Tribulation?

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - I thought we were finished with the labels. There was a time when America was all about it. You could be a Democrat, or you could be a Republican, and there were those who loved to call themselves neither one, but they took a label.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    How Apple Cozied Up to the CCP & Got Swindled
    By Andre Bauer and Geoffrey Cain

    George Magazine - Apple abandoned American national security for the whims of a foreign dictator but was shown the door anyway.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Historically, shifts toward the center have been a common strategy for candidates seeking to appeal to a broader electorate in the general election.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Q and The Plan to Save America
    By Darrin Williams, MA, LMHC

    George Magazine - Q and The Plan: This information was first given to the masses by Q posts on an internet forum called 4chan. On this imageboard website, Q posted about a war that was in the planning stages for over 50 years prior to its initiation

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - It is unlikely that this dynamic has happened at any time in history, or if so, certainly not on the scale of what is happening today. That term being uttered by the people in 200-plus nations is The Great Awakening.

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