Election 2024 Countdown


George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots

By Rachel Writeside Blonde

George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots  at george magazine
George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots  at george magazine
George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots  at george magazine
George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots  at george magazine

2 thoughts on "George Vault: The Power of America’s New Patriots"

  1. Kimberlee Wood says:

    This article REALLY got me thinking about just how much has been down to dumb down all of us – but especially our young people in schools. If we asked high school seniors to give us the name of someone considered a hero ? They might srruggle to answer for fear of offending any number of noisy politically correct groups that target and ‘cancel’ those who dare to speak. This phenomenon has created a sort of fear paralysis in many people but especially so for younger people who accept this because they’ve never known anything else. And how about the quality of the knowledge base from which they might try and bring to mind a hero ? As a society, sadly, we just don’t celebrate heroes enough anymore. In fact, just the opposite might happen. Good samaritans get sued – cops get fired – and the media are crowing about those stories and burying the stories that celebrate real heroes. We live in an upside down world that desperately needs to be able to celebrate real heroes and heroines without getting cancelled for misgendering one.

  2. Sharyll E Martin says:

    To read an enlightening article, like this one, gives me hope that we are on the right track in getting back to God’s purpose for our nation and this world.

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