Election 2024 Countdown


A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally

By Donna Gwin

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally  at george magazine
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally  at george magazine
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally  at george magazine
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally  at george magazine

4 thoughts on "A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Politically Involved Locally"

  1. Vickie Condit says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I’ve been wondering what I can do to help.
    And now I have a place to start. I dont want my grandchildren in these schools.
    Do you know if there’s any education level needed to get into these positions?
    I’m going to give it a try anyways . Happy New Years and God bless you all

  2. Myra L Ellis says:

    This is great news
    Thank you so much for sharing
    We are election judges
    We attend local meetings, county, city and school board all to no avail
    New laws ?
    Don’t we have enough laws?
    I’m a retired banker and have also work in the health insurance with BC/BS
    Thanks again
    God bless you and yours

    Myra L Ellis

  3. Joey Bohn says:

    I have school books from 100 years ago and the subject matter taught then is shocking compared to today. Reading, writing, math, history, geography, Philosophy, language for students in middle school, but today these would be college courses.
    We’ve been dumbed down to the point adults no longer can comprehend long sentences in a newspaper or magazine!

  4. Gina Mattaliano says:

    Thank you Soo much beautiful sissy for all this info. You rock

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