Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Are YOU Going to Vote?
(Please leave a comment explaining your response)

YES! I voted already. In Person Early Voting. 587
YES! Voting on Election Day 11/5. 207
YES! I voted already by mail. 217
NO! 2020 was not fixed. Voting is useless until 2020 is fixed. 19
NO! The whole thing is rigged anyway. Voting does not matter. 28

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30 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DIANE MCCARRICK says:

    I would love to see how many people voted in these polls, not just percentages.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Bronis says:

    I wanted to make sure nothing got in my way to be able to vote.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine D. Oyler says:

    All Presidents of the de-facto corporation were selected by the Electoral college…. We the people were led to believe that this government was for the people which is total BS… They are/were a corporation set-up against the people and for the enrichment of themselves … mere puppets of the hidden hand …. we need to stand up against this tyranny

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    We voted in person and early already!! So excited to see 81% so far have done the same. Looking forward to see more of the statistics as more vote on this poll!

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine T Harris says:

    First off is Kamala the man and Joe the child trafficker and murderer were executed already and everyone is Central casting. Why hasn’t the demonic Vatican and crown been on the news yet?

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Beverly Bussell says:

    Voted in Oklahoma yesterday. People were so ready to vote. People are tired of old Joe and Kamala. Our state is always RED! Obummer never won a county in Oklahoma, Kamala won’t either. TRUMP 2024

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cyndy says:

    Our country and freedom is in jeopardy. We have this God given right to stand for truth and freedom. The choice is ours. I want my grandchildren to exercise these rights in their lifetime.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary says:

    Very surprised by the lines in CT early voting — shows everyone is listening and voting early !

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Roxana Macdonell (Ssnia) says:

    VOTED early! “ Don’t they know that sooner or later the “ TRUTH “ will set you Free !! God Bless !

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Crystal says:

    I am upset to vote this election. I know the last election was rigged. I could easily take the stance that voting is pointless because how do I know fraud has been fixed. 2020 in my eyes still needs to be rectified. But I will vote for my president and hope God will shine the mighty light on everything we don’t understand. ? Faith, No Fear!

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sherri says:

    2020 still does need to be fixed but I voted in person early

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine GMS4 says:

    I am pretty used up so I voted by mail and then checked with my city hall that my vote had been received and counted. I too, wish we knew the numbers who voted early. I am hoping this time we have voted in droves so big to rig like in 2016!! This movie needs to end, it has been going on since WWW1, they have done a valiant job in clearing our homeland from the evil that has engulfed us for years. God has help them once more, we must not give up!

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lucy Sampson says:

    I couldn’t vote early. My husband went into a coma and trying to save his life. I want to vote on election day if I can. I’m waiting on those 6000 cures. I don’t want to lose a lovely sweet man because of this horror they call medicine which wants to euthanize him with a shot of Ativan. I am fighting for him, it is a struggle!

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    After tossing the idea of voting early back and forth and listening to arguments on both sides, I went with the urging of Dan Bongino to cast my vote early and in person. I was concerned about casting my vote early, because, as per David Clement (of the “Let My People Go” video), I worried that the sudden/unexplained curve in rise of Democrat votes on Election Day would not be as visible as it was in 2020. Still, I was concerned of the possibility of a cyber-attack on our electric grid on Election Day, disenabling the equipment at the voting booths (ie election worker’s laptop, the scanner machines, lighting, heating, etc…)
    I now see that voting early enabled the voter fraud to be very visible upfront much sooner than it would be on Election Day, enabling the election auditors/researchers to view, investigate, report and correct fraudulence early. Waiting until Election day arrives would be too late to fix the fraud that is occurring in our election. This is the most important election in our country, and it must be done with as much care and attention as possible.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terrie: Mayes says:

    We really need to fix the 2020 election so it doesn’t happen again.If it’s not fixed and people are not charged then cheating will continue.There are people showing on their phones that there is cheating again in the 2024 election.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marvn says:

    Elections are invalid but vote anyway, it’s a good visual. I think exposure is coming Monday.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barbara says:

    Voting Trump Nov 5. VERY rural local here, best option is election day. We need Trump and a republican House & Senate or we’re toast! Praying daily !!!

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Trista Painter says:

    I’ll be voting election day, but I won’t hold my breath. Electronic tabulators still being used, which I disagree with. Also, the candidates at state and local level are part of the machine in WV. No hope for change with them but I’m hoping a Trump victory will provide an opportunity to clean house.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donald stone says:

    Yes I’m voting in person just because we do not have early voting here . Trump 2024

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mountain Foxx says:

    I wasn’t going to vote because 2020 should have been dealt with PUBLICLY and rectified, and because they still cheat, and because I just don’t trust anyone anymore after everything I’ve seen with the weather warfare etc. I don’t see the point.
    We’re to believe words that have zero proof or an affect on us in the real world thus far! NOTHING has happened that positively affected our lives! It’s all theatre with zero actual proof. Put up or shut up WHs! I decided a few moments ago to mail in my absentee ballot because I still have to try at least in my state to keep those that fight for the Constitution in office! Otherwise I wouldn’t bother voting! I could literally see this psyop working towards evil NWO PLANS at this point. I was the biggest advocate of THE PLAN up until Helene. Now I trust NO ONE! In the next few days or weeks we’re going to know the truth for sure, and may Yahweh have no mercy on anyone who deceived us if this was all bullshit! We’ll go out on our feet not our knees ?

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mountain Foxx says:

    Also this weather warfare that continues using these NEXRAD/GWEN towers and HAARP is making us all sick as well! If WHs are in control why is this allowed!? We’re being microwaved and myself being a truck driver that travels the country has been greatly affected by it causing extreme dizziness and sea-sick type symptoms! They’re effing with our bodies to this day and nothing changes! It’s why I no longer trust ANYONE! We’re being destroyed by frequency weapons and it’s STILL HAPPENING!??

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine AB says:

    I wasn’t going to vote early with the thoughts that this would allow even more time to screw with my vote, however, when a friend said they discovered when they went to vote early that they had somehow been removed from the registered voter list, I changed my mind. I figure there would be too much of a fiasco to fix that ON election day (or even if it could).
    2020 still hasn’t been fixed, so that’s really insane and screwing with everyone’s psyche. Machines are still being used here in PA (unacceptable!!!) which is crazy because, it ends up that software was indeed nefariously programmed in certain areas AND, if it’s plugged in, it can be manipulated remotely via wireless.
    I served as a J.O.E. back in 2020. We did EVERYTHING 100% by the book, but when we had to bring the locked bag to the elections office late that night, I had a deep feeling in my gut that it was all for naught. The fact that anything could happen once it’s handed over, whether locally or cyber-related made me sick.
    BTW – I spent 3 1/2 hours at my local county election office voting early. That’s how busy they were!

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine janet says:

    Voted early as encouraged by other patriots over the weeks leading up. My county of Tarrant got flipped blue by those stoopid machines in the last prez elections & it pissed us off big time. Mayors (Maddy Parker) on up are corrupt as shit & we’re going to weed them out. Here’s your pink slip….. go step on a rake, commies . Find & follow Russell Jay Gould. Get your true awakening on.

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barbara Woodard says:

    I normally donot vote early but at his rallies President Trump talked a lot about early voting. I started wondering if there was something to it. Maybe early voting was pertinent to the cause. Asked friends to vote early too. I know President Trump will win…but it may not seem like it at first. I know God has his hand on President Trump’s shoulder so how can we possibly lose. The evil in this world of ours is so scary. Patriot friends keep praying. Prayer changes things.
    Love to all..strength to all…..faith to all. I have this feeling after this storm we will b more than ok with a world of peace,love, and enough to live on for everyone like God intended it to be .
    Vote early?

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cheryl Mullen says:

    Live in Washington so no going in to vote…which my husband and I would both prefer. Wrote to the Elections Office on 10/25 asking if they were viewing, recording or manning the drop boxes because of what went on in 2020. I got a note back promptly that served up a nothing burger, not really giving us a feeling of security. A few days later there were drop box fires in Oregon and here in Washington!!! GRRR!!! Wish they would take protecting the ballots a bit more seriously! They need security people guarding those boxes while they are open until they do their 5:00 pick up then lock them so nobody gets their ballot burned up!!!

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rob Searcy says:

    All of the above is why I put other

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Chance says:

    All pray for ALL of the choices to be fulfilled. We must turn back to Yah a in order to be blessed again.

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DJ Williamson says:

    Kamala Harris is a Cackling Worthless idiot just like Biden. Americans didn’t vote for Dummy Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris, if that’s her/his name.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert says:

    I couldn’t just vote on one of them as I believe we need each one of those things to bring our Country back. All those things are needed and President Trump will be done one to bring our Country back.

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cheryl Yount says:

    One of the main issues that wasn’t mentioned is Education of our children. This, to me, is an important issue. Our children are our future and unfortunately have not received valuable skills needed to be functioning adults. This system needs a major makeover and the educators need to be held accountable along with the school boards and The Board of Education!

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