George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

For those who follow Q - What is the one PROOF you want to have happen, to give you \"I Told you so\" rights?
(Please leave a comment after voting)

the EBS with the Military taking control. (Military is the only way) 618
full implementation of NESARA 502
"My fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us" on X from President Trump 275
Full disclosure of all the world's mysteries, JFK, The Pyramids, why the Beatles broke up, etc. 223
Other 59
Q is/was Psy-Op garbage 15

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

78 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jayne Baxter says:

    I want all those plans implemented. The world to wake up and realize we don’t have freedom and to restore our freedom and prosperity.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine Vancelette says:

    People will never wake up, if the truth is never exposed.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy says:

    The Nesara thing would be nice, but I am just glad that things are moving in the right direction. I have learned a lot from Q, in fact right now there are so many things that do not have to be explained to me because I already know thanks to the Q postings and all the YouTubers who explained it in detail at the time.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Trista Painter says:

    I want it all to happen pretty much to prove to myself I’m not a nut job. Oh, and of course, to lead humanity on the path to peace and prosperity. Not interested in saying “I told you so” to anyone.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathleen Colwell says:

    I really want several things, NESARA, EBS & Military, Trump message the storm is upon us and full disclosure.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rachael says:

    Shocked by the results I would love full disclosure. I’ve felt I’ve lived in an open mental asylum all My life with no one questioning anything or not having any passion to stand up for what’s right, Or not caring about fellow humanity . Disclosure on all topics would be amazing over a tweet or people wanting to become richer, I think an EBS system would be needed, I would love to see Truth justice restored . For me it’s never about I told you so , But wanting Evil to end and all the pedos and stopped and No more trauma for the world . GOD BLESS to all , who are actively trying to achieve this . ? What is the Ben Ben Stone? What is under the Vatican? Ahh I Have too many questions .

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nina Fusilli says:

    There’s so many of us who are in dire straits and are desperately holding onto our faith and hope that we will see the light of day and all of our prayers come to fruition.
    Ultimately God is in control and although we struggle against the enemy, we are not beaten.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Harold Bolton says:

    Military has been in control continuity of government. Money is already being mirrored with new system. So I would like to see all the conspiracy stuff like Aliens, J.F.K,and J.F.K.JR. truths be shown.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa Schmidt says:

    In my opinion the EBS will awaken the people that are still believing the MSM and the lies being told. Maybe not all of them will but many more will. QDrop 34 is what a lot of us have been waiting for and I pray it does happen! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryann says:

    We need full disclosure on everything that was hidden from us or that they lied to us about ! We deserve that much !

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stefanie says:

    Trista said it perfect. Same thoughts
    LQVE from Germany

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tami Q says:

    If NESARA is fully implemented the rest should already be fully in process or taken care of already.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cheryl says:

    The storm is upon us…will be the signal to pull together our strength training and unite our forces in faith , spirit and resolve to make it through the final squall…..we are tired but this messsge will call us to attention to give it our all to make it through to the other side.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MrsGalt says:

    I’ve been waiting on that tweet/ X post since Day 1! LFG!! ??

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa says:

    I would like transparency – all things like JFK assassination, Antarctica, aliens. I would really like to see those from Epstein Island in Gitmo.
    Many will not believe until they see… some have been shaken awake, but others are so brainwashed they will not believe.
    I haven’t slept in 5 years… when my eyes were opened to the trafficking – I almost lost a child and grandchild to these horrible people. Its every where. You see signs of these people every where.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine recker6087 says:

    need it all to happen. still waiting on Podesta to be arrested.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vic Spurio II says:

    We have fought for all that is good, the enemy will soon die.
    We deserve all the Rewards.
    We deserve to know EVERYTHING that has been hidden from us.
    Amen and Amen.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tara M. says:

    I’m ready for the games and the lies to end. I want the mockingbird agenda to end. No more hiding. I want the children to be protected, at all times. Tired of seeing the good people suffer. Let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marta says:

    All other Q posts lead to one thing: Holding ALL THE EVIL ONES ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL THEIR CRIMES.
    If that doesn’t happen, we have NO COUNTRY….. said President Trump, and Q repeatedly!!!

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paula G says:

    For our Father in heaven, to pour out his wrath against his enemies with sudden power and might, free the captives in all nations, bring his glory and revival, bring forth deliverance and healing for all his creation then and only then, will we be free. Lead us into the the Promise Land ??

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynn says:

    Honestly, I want to see full disclosure of EVERYTHING! I was hoping that “other” would have allowed me to say, “I want all of the above, except that Q is a Psy-Op.”

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Frank van der Vaart says:

    First of all I hope from the bottom of my heart that the bloodshed stops and DJTrump brings peace to the world, the rest is a bonus ?

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    I would LOVE to see Q post 713 (Feb 10, 2018)come to fruition! “Seals are wonderful creatures. Heard they work fast at capturing their prey. Pray. silence is golden. CORONA_OFFLINE_Deac [0000]. Games R FUN! Q”……. Heck yes……. seals are very quick and do work fast to catch their prey…… PRAY…..

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pierre says:

    Peace, love, prosperity, abundance, freedom, light, disclosure to wake up the masses.

    Praise Jesus Christ and God


  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine mydaffer says:

    I’m 50/50 on 1 and 2 Military and Nesara! ?

    I can’t wait, it’s been a long road, long for me because I followed Anonymous a long time before the 2016 elections. Anonymous always said truth and gave me hope. I didn’t even know who Trump was because I follow no celebrities or watch TV. I’m a seeker of Truth. I don’t have people in my life that think like me, but fortunately they knew well enough to vote Trump. I wish I never had that, “I need to know personality.” I know too much and got taken advantage of during this entire take back of are country. You know what, I think JFK JR had something to do with anonymous! Anonymous on YouTube turned George and showed Military achievements etc! Unfortunately, because I believe he is alive, someone with a blue check on X had John F Kennedy Jr account and had me secure my funds……. For themselves apparently, they mist have needed the money more then mr, be careful out there, a lot of bad ones that need to be caught if our world is going to be heavenly! Hope X is getting all the crypto thieves and some saying they can recover your funds on X but are actually part of the network to get more money from you! The police say my money went to Singapore into kuCoin.
    I don’t really like social media anymore, It’s not safe!

    Regardless! I really love this question! Can’t wait for the reveal! ❤️

    I hope something happens real soon and Q exposes all truths between the Good and the evil.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Timbra says:

    I would love for them all to happen but I believe the EBS and military control is a broader umbrella in which all the others fall under in mathematical time. So in other words I believe and hope the EBS and fulfillment of Q drop #34 will be the kick off of all the others to come. Our country and the world for the sake of humanity NEEDS disclosure of EVERYTHING that has been going on for many many years (the PLAN). There comes a point where the cure becomes worst than the problem if it’s not enacted. This is the phase we are currently at…now that we won the W.H., the senate and kept the house if the ENTIRE corrupt government system does not get eradicated, the faith of the awaken patriots will shift back into division rather than unity!

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine J says:

    All in the following order please:
    1) Storm tweet
    2) EBS with arrests
    3) Full disclosure
    4) NESARA implemented, world wide

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert Linke says:

    I’ll know the good guys are TRUELY in control when the Chemtrail/SRM/Geoengineering programs stop.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Erika says:

    The Great Awakening is in full force but military is the only way, hoping to see this completed in my lifetime. Wish I would’ve known that first post in 2017 was only the beginning of the years that have followed and still ongoing. That’s one hell of a plan. WWG1WGA

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary Bahlinger says:

    Like most Americans, it’s getting pretty tight in our budget, especially retired people and the Elderly. We also grieve because Family members left us behind, were murdered in Hospitals, or murdered in floods or other natural disasters. We have been mocked, called names, turned down for financial help, and now using credit cards and barely having money to get by. I answered EBS because we were taught by the Q drops the military is the only way. My Father God is always first and in whom I trust, and if it be his will to use President Trump and the military, then let Gods will be done! WWG1WGA

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EDanforth says:

    If u tell us about true history (JFK) pyramids all that stuff than we will know why everything else.

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kimberly Wilder says:

    I am scared on every front! I want the Evil that runs this world disclosed, ie Black Rock, Vanguard, etc. The spiritual battle we can not see, is different! If the EBS happens, everyone will know the truth! Most of my family is not on social media that tells the truth! Military is the ONLY way!!!!!

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    Sadly, a lot of everyday people, both liberals and conservatives, are still not aware of the war that has been going on. This means our military are very good at carrying out their operations covertly, and the evil-doers are very good at sweeping their crimes under the rug. There are still many people falling for the vaccines being advertised on TV. On a Christian program last Sunday, a prayer for miracle healing was offered for 2 babies with holes in their hearts who are scheduled for surgery, one was 7 months old, and the other is still about to be born. The latter will undergo surgery immediately after birth. It’s so sad to watch specially when the victims are these young, who cannot speak and make choices for themselves. So, I believe the EBS will be the perfect wake up call for these sleepers, to make them drop everything that they are doing and LISTEN.

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mike Brashers says:

    NESARA/GESARA is primary and all exclusive. A complete reset return to our founding constitution, the end of fake money and, at last, full disclosure of truth and the wrongs committed against mankind.

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mike Brashers says:

    Exclusive was auto-corrected from inclusive

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine CJ says:

    Seems it’s time to move forward. If people aren’t awake at this point they need it in their faces.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Beverly Bussell says:

    I voted Nesara, when that happens so many will have so much hope restored. I want everyone to see the biblical move of God. Because if all these things happen it would be God that has truly delivered America and the world from all evil. Thank you, to everyone that has played a part in being anointed by God our Father in working in the earth to expose and reveal the truth!

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Janell says:

    They all really need to happen. I voted for NESARA because why not, but really all of it needs to happen: the truth coming out about so many things, the EBS, NESARA, “My Fellow Americans,” and so much else. If they do it another way besides the EBS I don’t really mind, but all the other stuff really, really needs to happen or we won’t really be out of this mess, ever. Vindication is less important than things getting fixed–but it’s not super helpful if those around us can say, “see, most of those things you said would happen never did.” They’ll just keep not listening to us and thinking we don’t have good discernment. <3

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angela Dickerson says:

    I love my family, even those who don’t believe anything I have shared with them….Yes, even the one’s that were vaccinated. I choose not to live in FEAR….WE ALL NEED HEALING IN SOME KIND OF WAY !!! We have all drank the water, ate the food, and indulged in their entertaining activities, while they kept us busy on their hamster wheel of life…..I don’t want to have the” I Told You So attitude” I would love to know the “TRUTH” about all things concerning the human race! I would rather put my efforts toward rebuilding what has been lost, so this will NEVER happen again!

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shannon says:

    Over 400,000 sealed Indictments racked up since October 2017, when previous average was a 1,000…. No one can argue with this. Ready for the Hammer to drop

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Art Worley says:

    I don’t think Q said Nesara was a real thing

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine T.C. says:

    I voted “Other” because I just want Epstein clients and sex & human trafficking to stop once and for all for the sake of the precious children!

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Scott says:

    They’re all good. NESARA is something most people need. My self, I have been telling people to prepare for the EBS for a long time now. Tribunals shown and Executions. People need to see the Truth. As far as JFK goes I don’t think it was him in the car. There’s a video showing the Driver turning and shooting. The Car never sped away like it should have. When I did research on this , ” We also have Clones “, came into the conversation. I would like to see all the video footage of these people after faking their deaths up to the present. We have been lied to about the Pyramids. There isn’t one Tomb in them. They are made for Energy plus whatever Technology that has been hidden from us. As far as The Beatles and breaking up. I have posted many things about the Beatles. William Shepherd replaced Paul. Billy Shears is William. I can tell you the True meaning of the songs. Maybe I should just “Let It Be”. Listen to the WHO sing “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. It’s about Paul’s death. I could go on and on. Lennon was also replaced. YESTERDAY is not about a Girl leaving. RUBY TUESDAY by The Rolling Stones refers to Paul’s Death. Watch the video by Bonzo Dog Doo Dog Band called “Death Cab For Cutie”. This is about the Accident that killed Paul and the girl hitch hiker he picked up. Vivian Stanshell, who sings the song, is William Shepherd. AKA. Paul McCartney. It’s an Amazing Story. William Shepherd goes way back to Royalty. Alister Crowley etc. Watch the Movie Magical Mystery Tour. They go by the Gravesite. Shepherd and his Band make an appearance singing that song. Elton John sang about Paul’s Death with “Your Song”. Shepherd had a Band called Billy Pepper and The Pepperpots. When he took over the Beatles the music and appearances changed. This is the meaning of “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Sgt.Pepper is William and the 3 other Beatles are The Lonely Hearts. Shepherd gave the Honor to Ringo to introduce William to the World. If Shepherd sang it the secret would be revealed. They were sworn to secrecy. So Ringo starts singing, “What would you think if I sang out of Tune. Would you stand up and walk out on me.? Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a sond. And I’ll try not to sing out of key. etc. etc. Shepherd was known as the Man with a thousand voices. Hence “The Fool On The Hill”. I’ll end this by quoting the last line in Won’t Get Fooled Again. Lennon gave the Beatles to Shepherd.
    “Meet The New Boss. Same As The Old Boss.”
    Please say Hello to JFK Jr. for me.
    Thank Q.
    Save The Kids Q.

    GOD Bless You ALL.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Faithfulanon says:

    I chose NESARA to give relief to all Americans ASAP. Many of us lost our careers and livelihoods from the mandates, especially those who were the main bread winners of their family deserve restitution. I also pray for all who were fired b/c of the illegal mandates to gain all the money they lost including damages, making these people financially whole can help start to heal them and their families. Those of us who are blessed financially need to use our wealth to help further the Kingdom of God on earth.
    My next choice would be the EBS and the True Military to take action and show all disclosure that will wake up the still sleeping population. The end is not for everyone but we want as many to see salvation as possible. Without truth there is no Salvation, Jesus is the only way!

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Adrienne Bartchak says:

    Nesara/Gesara was exactly what DJT was referring to when he said–No tax on tips–no tax on SS benefits etc. I believe once that’s rolled out , everything else will fall into place. Also–the Brunson ruling will also bring the truth to the forefront.
    Hopefully before the Inauguration.

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Margi says:

    Innerstanding IMPORTANT & Disclosure of the Behind the Scenes; SKY-BLUE, Blue Sky Military Operations connected to Q (The Source Intelligence dating back to Biblical Era) … and how is connected to the future events…Tesla, Military Technology, Super Advanced Technology > Faster than the speed of light technology and civilizations …And how these classified operations battled the deep state, satanic cabal that created wars… THE PLAN disclosed to the public & Crimes Against Humanity, Dark to LIGHT

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rhonda says:

    I don’t care about being right. I care about the world being saved from the evil that has taken control. I want those who have been blind to see, know and understand what we’ve been trying to explain. I want the people of the world to unite under God with liberty and justice for all.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jimmy B Hight says:

    What a wonderful day that will be, and in my heart they all will happen bringing great Joy and happiness, first to those in the know (Q)and then to those who are able to accept it! God’s timing is perfect and sometimes hard to wait for or accept but it is God’s timing, and I trust in the Lord! Family and friends thinking I’m the crazy old Grampa has been tough but then I think about the children who have been abused, tortured and sacrificed and I no longer care what people think because I know this has to be real and has to happen as soon as possible! God’s timing and not before, He knows when to pull the trigger and what a Booooom that will be! Thank you for this opportunity, May the Lord Bless and keep you safe and happy!

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maggie Gillett says:

    “Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
    Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]
    Difficult truths
    Do it Q!
    WWG1WGA ?? ❣️?

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Don Rozino says:

    The defining moment will be when the truth of Big Mike is revealed. The lie about the Obama family and our first gay president had to hide his shame from the public.

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Steff says:

    I just want clear, concise disclosure of the Main Events that have happened in this Military Occupation/Special Operation. I want people to see FOR SURE 1)Biden is an actor
    2) Election fraud
    3)Deep State is meeting justice
    4) the Operation has been going on

    So grateful for Our Military and people pulling!

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vicki says:

    I voted for the EBS; Nesara a close second. It seems like we are heading towards an EBS, and I sincerely hope it happens. There are too many people still asleep even in my own family. I have tried to wake them up. They pushed back at first, then just plain ignored me. At this point, sad to say, they are willfully ignorant. Bring on the EBS! I believe it’s the only way, and I’m here to help my family, friends and neighbors. I will never say “I told you so.” We’re on the brink of a golden age, and it’s all about patience, kindness and love. God gets all the glory and God bless everyone!

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lori, Ede says:

    I have lost every single family member and close friend for my telling that nissara was real and the EBS all the other stuff. Everything the whole thing. I’ve lost everyone. I’m all by myself now and it’s just what it is. Nobody will never believe me again, even if it is proven just like every other time

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mark says:

    If any of the voting options are true and come to pass , than all will come to pass. I chose the world’s mysteries because it would encompass truths revealed. We would have the technology that would heal children and adults so there would be no more suffering. I have an autistic son and my heart is broken that all my hopes and effort to help him is in vain.
    Because of Jesus

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Leann says:

    I just want the world to see God Wins.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donald stone says:

    I would love to see all of it , but the med beds are dear to my heart because of all the problems we all have , what a great miracle they would be .

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Doreen Gallaway says:

    I really want to know if JFK Jr. is alive, that’s personal for me, for my family and friends I voted EBS & Military everything else is pure joy as we learn the truth! Merry Christmas ?

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy Southworth says:

    We have been waiting for all of this for many, many years. Redpilling is truly difficult when people don’t “see” what we see. I believe EBS will help fully awaken those that aren’t quite awake yet and begin the awakening process for those that are sleepwalking. These are exciting times and I feel honored that I am one of the awakened. I just wish I could help more. Thank you for all you do!

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Meg says:

    This needs to come to light, all of it, and soon. There are many people hurting and hanging by a thread. Not just financially, but emotionally and healthwise. The PEAD needs to come out or the military needs to step in and put a stop to all of Bidens corruption. It’s been over 4 years now. We cant hold on much longer. Yes, we’re trusting the plan, but suffering immensly in the mean time.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cherie says:

    Thank you Gene Ho, I love your updates and what you do!
    Come on NESARA/GESARA – the world needs it severely!
    EBS and disclosure must happen. Never want this evil to prevail again.
    Stop the trafficking!!! Save the children, never should they be preyed upon.
    Never thought I’d see these changes in my life time. It’s exciting to see what’s happening!
    All the comments above are wonderful. You’re never alone, and we’ll see this thing through.

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nadine A Bosico says:

    Clicked on some of the TRUTH choice, wasn’t specific enough? JFK, Pyramids etc?? People NEED to learn the TRUTH, since many are in La LA Land. THE CHILDREN!!!, PEDOs, TRAITORS, ALL of the other Beings sharing this Planet, NOT HUMAN ones!! Many so DIVIDED, we’re unable to have logical conversations! Being a Military Brat, I observed father was on the crew of the Air Force One, during JFKs Presidency. As a young child we were sent home from school when the evildoers did their dirty deed, all the adults were very upset. My father did not speak about his service … 26 yrs in the Air Force…you’d have to be a stone NOT to know…..that something isn’t right with this planet!!!
    Can’t thank enough all of our protectors, patriots, so many…JFK Sr, JFK Jr, President Trump, their families all the good military men, women and their families…so many more to thank…most of all God, Jesus and the Blessed Family, it’s endless..

    We are Blessed..we are tired….

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tracy M says:

    Really looking forward to NESARA for in general that would help so many people immediately–os put that first BUT really think we need to get control of the country by the white hats plan to Make America Safe Again FIRST…so it really must be EBS FIRST with he Good Military in Control with CIC DJT. Common Scene would be to have people stay home during EBS while Military does mass arrests and clean up for Safety First & US Citizens can relax & pay attention to all the new Educational Documentaries…then, after people were formed with the Truths on all topics, THEN could people be back to Happiness , Relief & Joy by rewards of NESARA.
    Also there would be tine to lure the illegals to go home willingly–as I believe they must return home to claim their Gesara ( a really good incentive for all illegals to go home eagerly & willingly)!

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ellen Harris says:

    I don’t want I told you so rights – I just want EBS, Military publicly, Disclosure, Nesara, Reality.

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    This was hard. I think it’s important for people to stop and listen first. They need to know there are issues big enough to call for EBS and for those who sort of know something is wrong but still sleeping and going along…I think they need to be validated with an event like EBS. Following that, disclosures and roll out of Nesara. “You have to show them.”

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Davis says:

    NO, to telling them I told you so. Disclose everything from A-Z, the TRUTH. When ALL info is brought forward to ALL of us, we will need each other to go forward. The Best is yet to come, MAGA ❤️

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Georgina Jordan says:

    I would love for it all to happen but, definitely look forward to the end. It has been a long journey and it isn’t over yet. Seeing Trump say My Fellow American’s, the Storm is upon us, would certainly let us know that things are nearing the end of this insanity, and possibly wake up people and make them take notice.

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JoanofAmerica says:

    I have had 100% faith in Q from the start and rely on the proofs to stay up to date on comms.

    I opted for Trump to tweet on X “My fellow Americans…” but I also think we Qanons are just as anxious for the EBS.

    No fear, God is in control and we got this!

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Heidi Remakel says:


  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Becki Hernandez says:

    Looking forward to the tweet, that will be like D Day. But for me, the real biggie is finding out who’s been talking to us here. 🙂

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lara Saquicoray says:

    In reality I want to see proof of everything and info on how to prepare for this.

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Crystal Smith says:

    As a Navy veteran who witnessed the UFO while I was on the Nimitz then being told by the CIA “You saw nothing. You’re crazy. I’m admitted you into the VA mental hospital. Oh and Heres a lifelong NDA. Never speak about this again” only to hear that the Navy admitted it was true 12 years later ?…I chose “other” because I want it ALL. We The People have been in pure agony and hell. I was forced to sell my home, moved my family of 6 cross country to escape the vaccine and masks mandates, lost my job, lost almost all family members due to various gov BS, lost so much money it’s sickening….Im beyond ready for the “ahh ha” moment. Even though I’m still struggling—We The People deserve EVERYTHING. Even the most basic lie—We deserve to know the truth. I’ve been told I should write a book about escaping the mandates because it’s quite the story but honestly I wouldn’t even know where to begin. ?

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeanne B says:

    Since 2017, Q has always kept me balanced- Faith over Fear. If the “storm is upon us”, then that means it’ll be quite obvious (to most) that it is no longer dripping out and the tsunami of intel will be coming out(with arrests being made). I believe that the “military” has been in control of most things ( i.e. Devolution, C.O.G etc) so not necessary for “military to be in control”, for me anyway. The EBS on the other hand might be necessary if [DS] decides on more ff’s in the coming weeks and months that would prompt one. But, Q said it would be dealt with swiftly with the least civ. casualties possible. I would LOVE Declas, [C] before [D]- Declas everything, we can handle it (most of us). So, I want the “storm to be upon us” then the Declas of everything (publicly televised tribunals would be nice as well) just sayin’. Bottom line- GOD is in control and whatever HE wants to habben will habben my frens 😉 Peace and Love to ALL. <3 #NCSWIC #WWG1WGA #GODWINS #ENJOYTHESHOW

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeanne B says:

    P.S. I’m saying this in the nicest way possible 🙂 PLEASE stop saying “Qanon” you are just helping the lamestream media push their narrative when you do. There is “Q” and there are “Anons”. There is NO “Qanon”. Reread drop #4881. Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. 😛 Much love to all <3

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    I voted for EBS only because I think it’s the most likely to get everyone’s attention full throttle, (EBS and market crash would personally vindicate me the most), but I really want the whole package. Regardless of how this rolls out, I know Q is real and I could care less what anyone thinks of me.

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rachel Robinson says:

    Right… It would be nice to know I am not crazy! How do we know what is REAL without FULL open disclosure of ALL, I repeat ALL of the corruption?

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine adrian says:

    Tough choices. Picked EBS for same reasons as others. The wake up call.

  77. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine J says:

    I always understood that it was all going to happen at once. The military would come out, EBS, martial law, the arrests, the truth told and release of GESARA. At this point there’s so many people having a hard time making ends meet it seems ridiculous to keep dragging things out and extending the suffering for this “movie”. Everyone I know is having some sort of issues with life, not enough money, sick, a crappy car, living with their parents, can’t afford to continue in college, seniors that can’t afford groceries, etc. I have to believe that those who are voting for the military to take over are able to make ends meet and those who are voting for GESARA really need the $ now. I personally want to go help Western NC but I really can’t afford to. It’s painful and frustrating to know they’re suffering and this “movie” is dragging out. I don’t see the point in it now. End the shit show and let the Golden Age begin.

  78. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JoshMBuzzard says:


    Semper fi

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