According to Economist`s speculation, a full collapse of the U.S. Dollar would mean the end of the USA as we know it.
Therefore, those rooting for this collapse would be considered `Friend` or `Enemy` of the USA?
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We the people shouldn’t want it to remain as it is and has been. Needs to change for USA to survive.
This was a tough one.
On the surface, of course, anyone encouraging the “death of the U.S. dollar” would be encouraging a “death-blow” to the life of the United States.
The other side is, many of us have come to recognize that our currency system is not working for the People, but is working against US.
Maybe many of us do not fully understand, but all we know is that we are working slaves, and the system is off-balance. Nobody is really “happy” — it’s just temporary relief, and then more suffering, uncertainty. We are living on thin ice, economically.
So, the Monopolizers have hoarded the wealth—they have seemingly made us “agree” unwittingly to our own demise. How do you take them out? How do you slay the giant?
Doesn’t our current system have to FALL?
Hasn’t our current system exploited the whole world?
Define: Value?
What is most Valuable to US?
What will it take for the world to be FREE?
To Give and not Take
Oddly, not because we want the downfall of our great country, but because the old system must be done away with in order for a new Republic system to be installed. For We The People as our good Lord intended. Managed by righteous, Godly women and men.
The complete collapse of the cabal fiat “US dollar” is absolutely necessary in order for the actual USA with a new, precious metals-backed monetary system to thrive. Therefore it should be celebrated, not feared.
The US dollar is a fiat curren y with no value attached to it. It is also printed by the US federal reserve which is a pri ately owned company and NOT a part of the US Treaaury. US Treasury is the only organiztion permit by the original 1776 Constitution to print our currency and that is supposed to have gold/silver as its value basis. That being said..the collapse is a huge win because it will bring on asset backed value to US Treaaury Notes, our lawful currency.
The fiat dollar is just paper printed and has no real value as not backed by precious metals or resources. The Rothschild Federal Reserve just prints more paper money whenever they want it and it’s inflating our’s & the world’s economy. End the Fed Fake Fiat Paper and go to NESARA/GESARA Gold/Silver/Precious Metals Rainbow Currency. End all control by the Feds, IRS, Treaty of 1871 and illegal, unconstitutional USA, Inc. and return us to our original Constitutional Republic, before illegally taken over by treasonous puppets! BRICS has the right idea….equalize ALL NATIONS currency to same value, give each country back all their stolen assets, return National Sovereignty to ALL NATIONS worldwide. End The Evil Cabal Control Forever!
You have to tear it down to start anew! With the ridiculous amount of years it took for the corrupt thieves to implement the slavery system they desired, it’s going to be a little difficult for a bit, no doubt, but it will be the only way to our nation’s lifeline in the long run. Complacency and ignorance have gotten us here and it’s WAY overdue to be engaged and knowledgeable!!
I voted friend…..death to the slave debt system has to happen to bring an economy we can thrive in we need to go back to money backed by gold and silver and get rid of the federal reserve and the irs and other 3 letter agencies ?⚔️???? I believe President Trump is the last President of the bankrupt US corporation and he will be the first President of a new American Republic
We need a new currency backed by gold and silver! There is no value in the fiat dollar anymore. We are taxed to death, and we are working slaves to their system. The only people who benefit from the current system, are the families who control the banking industry. We need to get away from the Central Bank.
My opinion is as follows with my “friend” vote. To clarify. There cannot be an abrupt collapse of the US dollar but a planned one. Not the value of the dollar but where it comes from and what its value is derived from. For too long the system we have in place currently has been abused and corrupted by those in power. The tool used for commerce by the people should not be manipulated and devalued by those in power. There needs to be a “dollar” that does not lose value. The slave debt system needs to be replaced and a new system created by and for the people not the select few. There is no freedom if a financial system that is upside down with debt. It does not work anywhere. The hole keeps getting deeper with greed and necessities. The printing press has devalued the dollar we use. Over time we work more hours and to have less and less until it implodes. There is no life with debt just eventual death. I think we are there.
Our current financial system is corrupt! We are enslaved with our own money!! The fiat dollar is nothing but digits backed by NOTHING!!! We MUST go back to gold & silver backed currency, Gods money!!!! Then and only then will the TRUE SCALES of its value be able to be measured! ERASING inflation and the never ending creating of paper(money) out of thin air being able to keep us in bondage! The current fiat has enriched the Cabal beyond anything imaginable and been the driving force that’s keep them in power all these years!! Their EVIL system MUST FALL so We The People can rise from the ashes and thrive again as our foundering fathers intend! God Bless us all…let God’s jubilee put us back on His right path!!!!
The new world will have the new USN and be filled with people who care about each other! The end is near and we should all be dancing with the baddies dancing at the end of a rope! God has a special place for those who abuse children and I don’t think they are going to like that special place! WWG1WGA
The debt that is currently being shown of $34+ Trillion and rising only indicates there is no other way but for the current system needs to fail. Our children would never be able to pay this debt off, especially since the tax monies weren’t being used to pay it off.
We need to collapse the old system to usher in the Gold backed new system. It would be a good thing.
I happen to believe that until we can get rid of the Federal Reserve and all that it entails, we will continue to be slaves to the cabal of people who view us as peons to build their wealth not our own personal wealth. Not for anything associated with the Federal Reserve including the digital currency being discussed. We need to return to a nation using the resources found within our countrys’ boundaries. I’m all for asset backed currency, gold, silver, oil, other precious metals, etc. Time to find out what it’s like to be a free nation not a slave nation.
You have to fully clean out evil.
The only way to remove the evil in the United States is to remove their Grip on society. Removing their funds “THEIR” Monopoly on the US dollar that they print whenever they want to❗️ whenever they need more US dollars they just go print it seriously why would you want that to continue? if you want that to continue then you’re on their side➖point-blank❗️ IT needs to stop COMPLETELY THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS TO REMOVE IT LIKE A CANCER, REMOVE IT!
We need for it to collapse now of the reserve dollar so we can get to the gold back system.
It will certainly be tough times during this period but the light will be bright at the end.
We need to collapse the “big” government and We The People must take OUR country back and have it run by US!
The United States Corporation is so corrupt and evil that US Dollar has to go down in order for the American people to have a gold backed currency so we can have a better life.
A collapse of the U.S. Dollar is already happening and needs to continue in order to take down the corrupt banking industry that is controlled by the even more corrupt and illegal Federal Reserve! WWG1WGA!
US Corporation is dying silver gold better than dollar
United States of America coming
Need to burn the whole thing down and start over.
Gold shall destroy the FED.
The Fed Fiat dollar needs to go away so that the US Treasury can get back in control of the
monetary system with an asset backed treasury note as when we had the silver certificates in the
The US Federal Reserve Note belongs to the Cabal run USA Corporation. We want that disolved yesterday. The Federal Reserve is bankrupt and gone and corrupt!
Bring on the real Republic where we go back to common law and have a precious metals backed US Treasury Note!!!
All of the ?FRIENDS ??
I say “friend” because collapse of the dollar is what’s needed to eradicate the Fed/Cabal’s control over We The People and usher in a precious metals-backed currency. Bring it on!! No pain, no gain.
The dollar is worthless anyway because there is nothing backing it up. The Federal Reserve was neither federal nor a reserve. We need the crash so NESARA can begin.
Asset backed currency IS THE ONLY WAY!!!! AMERICA FIRST!!!???? DEATH to the FAKE Fiat Federal Reserve “NO MORE” Note. Return to a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!!!!??????????????
Trump moved the Fed into the control of the Treasury Department and thus took away the Rothschild piggy bank. So we now control our debt. If you review his E/O’s with regard to confiscation of assets for certain activities, the Davos Crew who have crossed the line would lose everything. They’re participation would be eliminated. So, why then would I want to ruin our purchasing power and turn every dollar I’ve laboured for, saved and shell bequest to my progeny be worth 50 cents? No. Its unnecessary to collapse ‘Our’ system. The goal is to pull them from our system and give them the punishment they ‘earned’.
I personally think the collapse of the dollar will be the last Wake up call for those still not aware of what’s been happening! It will bring us to the precipice that we need to save America. If the Dollar collapsed, the elite wealthy who have controlled the world with their money will be broke! Humanity will awaken to realize what’s truly important in life and we will rebuild our world on faith in the Lord and helping one another as we should be! I look forward to a life without debt slavery and bondage.
A collapse of the U S dollar would signify the end of the central banks and all the corruption , kickbacks, extortion, money laundering, black mail, political kickbacks and “Politicians”. It would open the doors for an asset backed financial system and allow statesmen and patriots to replace said”Politicians” in government. A collapse would also warrant a full audit of the Central Banks as they failed in their mandate put forth by said government. And all would be made public.
A Win, Win for the world.
Our current fiat dollar is just a Federal Reserve note backed by nothing. That is why inflation is out of control.
We need to get out of that system. The Federal Reserve was moved into the US Treasury in MArch of 2020. The Federal Reserve is bankrupt. Time to ditch it and go to the US Treasury note which will be backed by gold.
Congress is the only way money can be created per the constitution.
The current dollar has been orchestrated by the false light of the Luciferians and the darkness of the Satanists!!!
A new gold backed currency potentially could be under the authority of the Most High God and not some esoteric, cabal, CREATURE god or gods!!! This would bring blessings to our Republic!!! Furthermore, It would be an opportunity for some members of the Cabal to turn to the Creator and accept His Son and pledge allegiance to Him and forsake their evil ways! God’s Grace knows no limits and His Son died for all the sins of the world including those who worship and serve the creature Lucifer and/or his minions (knowingly or not knowingly!!! A great spiritual revival could come about in this country for many different reasons if the dollar collapses!!!
Rooting for the collapse of US fiat dollar is an “enemy” of the US corporation, but it is a “friend” of the nation. I voted enemy because the pole doesn’t explicitly distinguish against the two, so I assume USA means corporation (all caps).
The country is country is lead by corruption and evil! Those that came before us that tried to expose, were either assassinated, suicided or just plain murdered! The “Dollar” is the root of all our Evil! Bring us to our knees, so we may learn and not ever want to be tempted again!
A once patriotic American!
BLOOD MONEY MUST END. Wake up America we have lost so much at the hands of those who worship the devil. Enough…enough…enough. Come out of this evil system…we can do this together. We are not each other’s enemies…God please move our country back under Your Authority. WWG1WGA
The fiat dollar represents complete and total slavery. The death of the USA “as we know it”is the only hope for the return of our republic.
The fake fiat money system, which is the control system for the cabal, and is the mechanism by which they have robbed us all blind for a century, must be destroyed so that we can institute sound money!
It has to happen in order for Nasara to finally be put into law. We need the gold backed currency. I’m looking forward to finally being freed of debt slavery!
It should be AUBVIOUS that destroying the system as has been set up for US All by our declared mortal enemies, means we are FRIEND to our society and all it’s participants, in DESTROYING the filthy scum as have been our overlords since before ANY OF US were born.
The US As we know it, has always been a “hidden in plain sight” nightmare disguised as a paradise.
Good riddance…bring in the “New and Improved under New Management”
New World Organization
It has to happen so Nasara can be announced. It is already happening. We will finally be free of debt slavery!
It is already happening. In order for Nasara to be announced. We will be free of the cabal fake money. No more debt slavery!
We are the Republic of the United States of America but the fraudulent dollar is from the United States Inc. Like many said above, we’ve been in a slave system since it’s inception. Even the print on the dollar has symbols of the cabal. I want ALL of the truth to come out to everyone. It needs to all be exposed for people to understand what’s truly been going on. I hope it’s true, that John John is still alive and finishing with Trump, what his father tried to do, to bring down this corrupt, satanic system. God bless all the Patriots who continue to fight, and especially Trump and all behind him. I pray Nesera/Gesera and med beds happen sooner that later. JJ would be the perfect person to come out and expose it all, to ALL the people of the world. The world would stop and listen.
I’d like to take this opportunity to be in the face of anyone who could possibly say that the collapse of the Fake $ could be anything but a good thing. This goes DOUBLE if you’re a conservative (so-called). I first found out about the Fed in 1987. Since then, I’ve educated myself and attempted to educate others to the truth of our Evil “rulers”. Percentage wise, very few listened. But, with Trump and the Q movement (since late 2017) I say educate yourselves or get the hell out of our way!!
The whole system must be overhauled world wide for good ppl to not only survive (which we wldn’t without major change) but to live! The fake money has created a pretend meritocracy which has become a technocracy & global fascist rule. I’ve refused to participate all my life so far, & look forward to the day when I can get involved in life without being abused & ignored. I’m sure I’m one of millions of talented heart-based ppl who have no way to exist in the current system. I wanna find my friends & share the creativity & joy. Can’t be done in the pedobankingcabal world!
We the People have been screwed over for far too long! End Central Banks! Let the chips fall where they may! Get back to Gold Standard!
I’m not entirely sure which USA the question is referring to: United States for the Americas OR United States Of America Incorporated. ? Since we need the later to be removed it would make us friends of the former USA, and enemy of the bankrupt USA INC.
But according to contract terms I heard that our former contract/constitution was also timed out.
So I’m for freedom from tyranny and slavery to systems that lined the pockets of the few by tricking the many into eating horrible crap food- forcing us to run to ill-taught doctors who send us to pharmacies to complete the cycle of slavery only to bandaid us til we reset the crazy cycle for another spin.
We won’t see permanent change so long as the human sin condition is in play. Most are too toxic to see it or have the brain chew on it to work out the connections. Also, deception is strong against the people, we need the Holy Spirit to lead us to the answers as a community and love being the motivation of existence not fear.
Must root out corruption and evil in our economic and political systems – see above comments to that end!
Gold will end the Fed!
US currency needs to be backed by Gold. This fiat money isn’t backed by anything. Changes for the better are coming!
when you are you are small and inconsequential but look back and realize the lengths that a corporation went to to silence your voice. to prey on your wounds and convince you that it’s in everyone’s best interest to relinquish leadership bestowed by the Creator, you realeyes the depth that corruption and greed have infected this nation. when you see how so many of God’s children and, painfully, you have been blind – used as a tool of propaganda through social media to amplify a deceitful and corrupt agenda – it becomes clear the only hope is for an economic cataclysm of biblical proportions to open eyes and free the prisoners. a need for a moses to lead the meek and long suffering out of the clutches of this babylon. to save this nation and the world. the us dollar and global system of debt enslavement must end. come Lord Jesus, come
This was a tough question that required some research on America’s financial history, so I turned to the expert on this matter, G. Edward Griffin (author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, the “Creature” being the Federal Reserve). According to Mr. Griffin, the Federal Reserve should be abolished for the following reasons:
1- It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives. 2- It is a cartel operating against the public interest. 3- It is the supreme instrument of usury. 4- It generates our most unfair tax. 5- It encourages war. 6- It destabilizes the economy. 6- It is an instrument of totalitarianism. The American financial system has had prior financial systems, before the creation and passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, which had failed when there was a “bank run” in poor economic times (when the bank was going bankrupt). According to Mr. Griffin, “The Federal Reserve was created supposedly to stabilize our economy! While the Federal Reserve was in power, they presided over the crashes of 1921 and
1929, the Great Depression of 1929-1939, recessions in ’53, ’57, ’69. ’75, and ’81, a stock market “Black Monday” in ’87, and a 1000% inflation, which destroyed 90% of the dollar’s purchasing power.”
So……..YEEEEESSSSSSS the Federal Reserve needs to be replaced with a gold backed monetary system.
It’s Time Wing’s of Change 2Q24
to Learn ACT 1871 Organic Constitution To over Power corporation America
We have 2 Presidents you decide
Friends or Enemies
I pray for the total collapse of the Fed. Everything that is touched by the cabal needs to go away completely, and be replaced with an incorruptible system. From what I have heard and trust is that there is a new quantum financial system set up and waiting. Our entire system of “government” can be revamped as well. I also like the idea of shattering the CIA (and FBI) into a thousand pieces and scattering them to the wind. I could go on.