August 15, 16 and 17
August 15, 16 and 17
No. You will receive an online confirmation email that will need to print and bring to the event. You must also bring your State Identification (Driver’s License) with you. All ticket holders MUST be present with their identification. If you brought two tickets – you will need two identifications. This is part of our new security measures.
Friday August 15
Early Registration at Hotel Hot Springs – 4pm to 6 pm
VIP Speaker’s Dinner (Not all Speakers Present and VIP Ticket Holders ONLY – Buffett Dinner)
Hotel Hot Springs – 6:30 to 8:30
(Business Casual Attire)
Saturday August 16
Registration at Bank OZK Arena – 8 am to 10 am
Event Speakers – 10 am to 4 pm
Available for VIP, EPP and EP Ticket Holders
After Party with Jacob Flores Concert – 7 pm to 11 pm
Available for VIP and EPP Ticket Holders Only
Heavy Hors d’Oeuvres and Cash Bar
Sunday Service with Bob Joyce
Early admission for Ticket holders: 8:30 to 9 am
General Public – Doors open at 9 am
(Open to the Public – however VIP and EPP retain their floor seats. Exact seating is first come first serve in that area.)
(EP ticket holders – please come early to take your seats)
Sunday Service – Music and Sermon – 10 am
Immediately followed by Alter Call
The host hotel is the Hot Springs hotel which is next to the Hot Springs Convention Center. This is where early registration for all attendees will take place. This is also where the VIP Dinner will be held.
The Saturday and Sunday events will be held at the Bank OZK Arena portion of the Hot Springs Convention Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The address 123 Convention Center Blvd.
Please note that the Bank OZK Arena is on the opposite side of the Hot Springs Convention Center from Horner Hall where the event was held last year.
There is free parking behind the convention center. Also, if you are a guest at one of the two hotels adjacent to the convention center – there is parking there (Hotel Hot Springs and Embassy Suites).
There is a “food court” inside of the Hot Springs Convention Center. You can purchase your lunch there and bring it into the arena. No other outside food is permitted inside the arena other than those from the convention center food court.
VIP badge holders are invited to the Speakers Dinner on Friday, August 9 at 6:30 on the 2nd Floor of The Hotel Hot Springs.
Event Pass Plus holders (as well as VIP) are invited to the After Party on Saturday from 7 to 11 pm. We will have a DJ, a dance floor, a band, finger foods and a cash bar.
Sections are “roped off” depending on your ticket level. For example, only VIP ticket holders can sit in that designated section. Besides that – it is first come first serve.
Don’t forget your printout of your ticket and EACH attendee needs their own state identification.