Election 2024 Countdown


Poll Result

The George Question

Trump is being charged with using \"unlawful means\" in an attempt to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election and hold on to power.

Not Guilty 252
Biden Admin Push-back for Growing Heat from Republican Congress 53
Guilty as charged 19
No clue 7
George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
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George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

The election was totally sketch

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

Complete witch-hunt once again. Devon Archer testifies about Hunter and Joe’s overseas business dealings and, the next day….Trump is indicted!

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
Scott Michaels
10 months ago

This is a great poll question. I wish I could have selected TWO of the four! “Not guilty” AND “Democrat deflection”.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

There should have been no indictment and no trial. The people who have committed crimes against sitting President Trump have yet to be indicted. This is clearly a hit on a political opponent who is winning in the Polls, an attack to keep Trump from being re-elected in 2024.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

Trump is not guilty of what they are accusing. We are watching a lot play out right now.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
J. Miller
10 months ago

Trump won in a landslide in 2020, the globalist pedophiles in the WEF rigged the election, and Biden is a criminal scumbag who should be tried for treason for taking bribes from Ukraine companies, Chinese companies, etc. Don’t drain the swamp, burn it to the ground.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

The evidence is clear….Trump won 2020 in a massive landslide and our election was massively rigged. Tons of actual research was done to show this. It appears some people need an “official” source before they believe anything. It seems we have a lack of critical thinking skills and many don’t know how to research. I pray that changes now. Time for us all to unite and stop the criminals from taking complete control of our country.

Nothing can stop what is coming…..nothing. The Great Awakening is here!

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

Narrative seeds being planted. I will continue to fight for Precedent Trump and this country as long as it takes though.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
10 months ago

No question that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen and that J6 was a Fedsurrection to cover for those crimes and lock in the steal. Ppl need to remember the Transition Integrity Project had this game planned over a year in advance.

George Question Polls Results  at george magazine
Rev DQ
10 months ago

2020 was not another 4-year election. Optics are important. The stage is being set. Trump will prevail and so will America. The Great Awakening. It’s going to be BIBLICAL!

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