How to Pray for America

By Paul Kane

How to Pray for America  at george magazine
How to Pray for America  at george magazine
How to Pray for America  at george magazine

10 thoughts on "How to Pray for America"

  1. JOY L OLSEN says:

    Lord, please send revival to America and the world. Move on the hearts of the people with irresistible grace to seek Your guidance and Your love for themselves and for others.
    I claim Your sovereign influence over Your creation and remind You of Your words in Philippians 2:13,
    “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”
    Like the song says “Have Thine Own way, Lord, have Thine Own way. Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still.”
    I call on You, Lord to transform the hearts of the people to resemble Your own. TIA, amen.

  2. Angela Moore says:

    Amen!!!Let it be done!!

  3. Jill Goodley says:

    Blessings good souls…. Pray for our enemies but my pastor said something that made me stop & think … not to put a face on evil. But on Princes & principalities … the spiritual brings are causing havoc ! People are listening to the creature ? rather than The Creator ?✝️ pray their eyes and ears open & they see The Truth~ The Way In Jesus’ mighty name
    Blessings ??

  4. Debbie Polak says:

    Thank you for this! I pray to God for our World! People must come together in unity and love one another! Love is the greatest Commandment!

  5. Cindy Dugger says:

    Pray for the people who have lost jobs, have lost their homes, can no longer afford to feed their family. I understand we did this for the children, but we have hurt so many families that have lost everything. ?

  6. Melissa says:

    I pray for peace on earth and good will for all. I pray for all evil to be banished and God to forgive our sins and all to see the one and only God loves us, forgives and guides us and through him all good things come. Most of all I pray for all the children of the world to have good heath and peace, feel unconditional love and pass it on through future generations to come. Amen

  7. Susan Kelly says:

    I pray for leaders at all levels of government to have a radical and profound meeting of Jesus that causes a turning (repentance) and priority change from want of power to want to love and serve Him and all the people He loves (everyone). I pray this for judges, state leaders down to village mayors, city councils and school boards in this country, throughout the world.

  8. Anna says:

    Sack cloth and ashes!
    We MUST PRAY FOR REPENTANCE!! We must TURN FROM our wicked ways! We are so indoctrinated with Fallen Watcher pagan g-d worship “believers” Don’t even recognize it! Until even such things as the pagan worship of Christmas, Easter (Ishtar), Valentine’s Day and all the rest all based on worship of pagan g-ds… until we can ALL AGREE and repent of these practices and then WIPE them off the face of this Nation… we will never be accepted into His Holy, perfect Kingdom. That’s not my 2 cents… that’s HIS!

  9. Timothy Fowler says:

    “It is the kindness of God that leads to repentance.” – Paul, Romans 2:4. //

    Thank you George Magazine for helping Americans return to their fist love. JJ started a great thing here.

  10. JEO says:

    I pray for YHVH’s glory to fall that every heart would be overwhelmed by His love and our reverence for Him. That we shall all come together and minister to our brothers and sisters and rebuild all that has been lost to the Glory of God Almighty. That our freedom would be restored, that our connection to the Almighty would be restored, that our families would be restored. I pray that we would value one another above things, that we would seek fervently to restore our relationship to Our Creator and be United States.

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