Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

If Mask Mandates Return Due to the Threat of Another Virus Outbreak will You...

Not Comply with the Wear-the-Mask Mandate and risk the Virus 194
It's all a hoax and there will not be a new Virus 192
Comply with the Wear-The-Mask Mandate and "Stay safe" 11
Don't know 5

20 thoughts on "If Masks Return Will You Comply"

  1. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Monica Slovatizki says:

    Trump & JFK jr. 2024

  2. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine mary says:

    I’m old enough to remember when we treated viruses with rest and chicken soup instead of communism

  3. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Barbara Cook says:

    It’s all total BS to rig another election! DO. OT COMPLY!

  4. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine John says:

    I didn’t fall for it the first time. Why would I fall for it now?

  5. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Michele Elliott says:

    NO MASKS!!
    NO VAX!!!

  6. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Denise Neighbor says:

    The left will do ANYTHING to maintain their power. (That includes fake crises)

  7. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine stan carter says:

    So are they locking down the border?
    NO, and that’s all you need to know.

  8. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Teddy Wentz says:

    Amazing how stupid people continue to show themselves to be. Climb on that cattle car and hope the “officials” are truthful. How well did that work out for those slaughtered during the holocaust? What happened to critical thinking. Dumbing down of this country.

  9. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Lisa says:

    Hard to believe people Still don’t recognize this for what it is! There’s one way to make it STOP! Do Not Comply. Not just one a few, but Everyone Just Say “NO, We Will Not Comply” and take their power instead of handing them control!

  10. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Richard Koscielniak says:

    All those in Christ become new creations. Old things pass away and all things become new. 2 Cor 5:17


  11. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine melissa Gudim says:

    This magazine is a hard copy , right??? Not an online thing???

  12. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Darbi Jackson says:

    The cabal must really think we’re stupid!!! Yes a lot of people will fall for round 2, however I believe our GOD is bigger and will put that righteous anger in ALL his people!! Praise God! We win bc of HIm?

  13. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Roslyn says:

    No, I will not comply. No need to grand stand about it. The decision carries personal risks, of which I am exceedingly familiar. Still, we can not bow down to tyranny. They bring the battle to our very homes. They are stupid.

  14. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Mary says:

    They won’t stop unless we all obliterate their obfuscation.

  15. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Nancy C Yturralde says:

    No, I will never comply neither vax nor mask. Masks according to one of Fauchi’s statements don’t work LOL

  16. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Nancy C Yturralde says:

    No, I will not comply, neither mask nor vax.

  17. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Lora Pettiford says:

    I didn’t take the test, or the vaccine and I never had Covid. I’m not sure if Covid was real but I do know every update in my county on the website I always asked how many flu cases. Not once did I get a response.

  18. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Kathryn Woeppel says:

    I like someone else’s comment. When one is sick you rested and ate chicken soup. Common sense.
    I will not wear a mask. I fought it before and this time I believe the world is quite awake and will not be befoodled.

  19. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Michael Lennon says:

    I’m disinclined to aquiece to their request……N O !

  20. If Masks Return Will You Comply  at george magazine Edward Hedinger Hedinger says:

    People are done with being mindless sheep and won’t comply with another attempt to control them. God, continue to awaken and embolden Americans to be God’s bold people who resist the opressors!!!!!

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