George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Donald John Trump is President. Various Executive Orders are being signed. A New Hope direction and Policy for the Nation is moving into place. So...Who is the \"Enemy\" now?
(Please leave a comment after voting...your opinion matters)

The Deep State is still intact and needs the MAGA Podcasters to dismantle it. 255
None - Trump is in control 291
Other (Be sure to let us know in the comments) 161
The Deep State is dead. All enemies are now external 177
It's your mom! 61

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

82 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ileana Altman says:

    Only the king carries the sword.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Don Petracek says:

    I checked ‘Other’ because, although the Deep State is ‘dead’ with the head (13 blood lines, etc.) chopped off, there are many puppets still lurking around in local government and some business and other groups. But, not to worry, ‘We caught them All’ and ‘White Hats in Control’

    Thank You for what you guys are putting out there!
    Don ‘AcoustaMan-Don’ Petracek

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Crystal says:

    Well it seems things are not adding up. Which leads me to believe that there are still rats that need to be dealt with. I believe Trump is in charge but the press conference he had showns him bringing more to the light. Not is the time to start bringing everything to the light. Let’s go!

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Bev says:

    The Deep State is alive and sick but many of the so called MAGA podcasters are Deep State also. We’re not done until Jesus returns.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christina says:

    I say we need MAGA podcasters to dismantle the Deep State, because the MSM still has so many hypnotized. Their lies and the web of corruption still needs to be publicly exposed. Please let Q drop the TRUTH Bombs ASAP! The Patriots are getting weary.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Patti Eckert says:

    Trump’s definitely in charge, or whoever is playing him with a mask on ? DS has been taken to the Camp Blaz-Guam prison ? DS minions are NOW being arrested ? Second time the King of the world has held the sword ? WYKYK NCSWIC ?

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Brian Galante says:

    The Deep State still has some minions running about. The mainstream media is one of the biggest remaining enemies and need to be shut down. If we’re watching a movie about our government, I’d like to see the “arrest part” of the film begin.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rich says:

    Im waiting to see the actors gone and see some action in gitmo.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kimberly Wilder says:

    Satan will ALWAYS be the enemy!! I’m betting more cleanup is still in order through the disgusting swamp! The Hunters became the Hunted! I now pray for very visible public awareness! However, I’m making peace, if it doesn’t happen! As long as I know God and American heroes are in charge, the validation, is becoming less of an obsession!! God Bless you all and this Great Nation!??

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pamela S says:

    Taking out the deep state rats is an ongoing task. The devil and his legions of fallen angels are a never ending force that we have to reckon with every minute of every day.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kevin Everett says:

    Transparency to bring forth unity that will lead to accountability so we can get busy building.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Wendy Douglas-Haefs says:

    It’s a combination of choices. Trump is in control but we are now entering the official take down and dismantling of the deep state. It’s time for those who’ve F*@&ED AROUND TO FIND OUT! ?

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cindy says:

    The MSM is still the enemy. Hoping that will change soon now that Trump is back.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary-ellen says:

    2020, it’s not over YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine says:

    Trump is our enemy if he’s going to push MRNA AI vaccines

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joe says:

    The deep state is still in tact and needs to be arrested and hung for crimes against humanity and treason! They need to be rooted out by whatever means necessary!

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rob Mitchell says:

    I feel we need to guarantee the whole NWO is gone and that our country is sovereign again with us being the republic and showing the bad apples are thrown out!

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeanette Emmons says:

    I will not believe the DS is dead until we SEE & HEAR the whole backstory and proof of their deaths and the rescue/body recoveries of trafficked children & adults. FULL DISCLOSURE IS REQUIRED!!

    Also, full proof that Trump is in no way, tied to the Deep State, nor his appointees.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jaclyn Marie says:

    I’m hoping he is bringing the rest to the forefront with the ai cancer vaccine. It’s not a good look and very discouraging.

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Erika says:

    Other: Media is the enemy of the people

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Roberta says:

    The deep state is dismantled.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gail says:

    There are stiull many many deep staters running around yet….they are still in congress…..and many many brainwashed people still hating on Trump & Trump supporters!!!! we are not out of the woods yet!!! We need to see arrests, etc of the deep state vermin

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dean Anoia says:

    I believe there are local risks like I have in my County where we are 70 % Republicans with Dem leaders that won’t co-operate with clean and fair elections. I had 6 Right To Know requests rejected, with 3 still on the books.

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kari Teal says:

    It’s time to see the light.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carla Bell says:

    I chose ‘other’ because the Deep State is alive and well. It will take time and continued vigilance and prayer to bring the Deep State to it’s knees for eradication!

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Timbra says:

    I selected other because my thoughts on who the enemy would be is anybody trying to undermine President Trumps agenda and the “FAKE NEWS” still has not been dealt with. They are still blasting lies and propaganda all over the tel-e-VISION and their vision is one sided!

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karina Panepinto says:

    What’s left is the zionist Cabal imo … waiting for the Esther event….Ivanka??

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marvin says:

    The deep state is not dead, it is flailing, and we must put our foot on its throat.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ruth says:

    God is using Trump. Trump is in charge and ‘cleaning-up’ the evil minions who remain.
    “Instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.”
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭30‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa Martinez says:

    I selected “other” because there is still more to come to light. Look at what that woke bishop said in that prayer service, and all the AI things announced including using mRNA vaccines! We have to continue to “fight, fight, fight!” The enemy is also us, if we stop paying attention, if we stop having discernment and using wisdom, if we stop questioning, if we stop using critical thinking, basically, if we neglect God’s ways (of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Blessings & love!

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Daniel says:

    Unfortunately it seems the deep state hasn’t been dismantled unless all the deepstate at the inauguration were actors . Still seeing a lot of faces that should be at Gitmo paying for their treason and crimes against humanity!!! They will crawl in holes and come back out to continue to destroy us.

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paul b says:

    Agenda 2030 is very much alive, you just have to look harder. Sad to say I was a big believer until recently, but unless UN agenda is eliminated we are heading that way faster now.

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana says:

    There are still deep staters around.
    No one has stopped the 1,200 planes from spraying “chemtrails”.
    No one has stopped them from creating viruses and other bad things and releasing them on the people at scheduled intervals.
    These are important things too.

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Janet says:

    Its interconnected internationally. First taking rooks off the board, then deeper embedded will rat each other out (no honor among criminals). Control platforms for info to flow freely and declassify. History ed identifying sources; UN, WEF, inhumane committees, mil industrial complex, alphabets and elites showing what part all participated in. Show evidence within documentaries. However, start first with something very simple the normies can understand. Do not let any escape prosecutions just b/c they are retired.

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Audrey says:

    Although a lot of the Deep State has been demolished, there are still MANY Deep Staters still out there. From what I understand, there are still 500K unsealed warrants ready to pick up these Deep Staters. I know President Trump & our Brave Service Members that has done a LOT behind the scenes, but we still have evil out there in every department/Congress & Senate. I am ready for PERP Walks! Let’s GOOOOO!!!

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melissa says:

    Trump may be in control but the internet has people that have fake sites luring people and using names like John F Kennedy Jr to take all their money to buy who knows what, babies, kids, humans? So when the internet is safe and all the thieves are caught, we can move forward with Peace for all! who’s in control of that? Americans need protection! ? Especially the ones that were dumbed down and trusting. So much misinformation out there for regular people, it’s hard to know who to trust and what information to trust! Trump we can believe in though so that a step in the right direction! ❤️

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mark says:

    Anyone pushing mRNA vaccines.

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane Meshke says:

    I believe that nothing is as it appears, because the Military is In the middle of Special Operations! The Dash matters.
    Derek Johnson has the best information on Military Laws and Orders.
    God Bless President Trump!
    Mr. John F. Kennedy Jr, will be on scene soon.

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    It’s not over yet. MSM is still able to throw out malicious thoughts to the public on what Pres. Trump does,with comments like: his inaugural speech was divisive, only addressed to his MAGA supporters and democrats are left out. Kimmel, Colbert and the witches of The View are still on TV. These are the people that’s dividing us. Last weekend, a liberal patron at the retail store where I worked expressed her disgust of Pres. Trump’s win to a co-worker, and said that she is still hoping that someone would succeed in killing him. My liberal roommate is faithfully watching the witches of The View, but never took interest in watching Pres. Trump’s inauguration or listen to any of his speeches. So, it’s not over yet until the media-lying-influencers are removed or reformed to tell the truth.

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine TC says:

    I chose “Other”. Only God can dismantle the evil worldwide, and I trust in Him alone. We have not witnessed mil tribunal trials and/or proof of DS executions. Prisons are refusing to release J6-ers despite DJT’s EO. Corrupt media still exists. Many wolves are masquerading as sheep in all the systems (govt, education, religion, medical, pharma, immigration, labor, justice, etc. ) You name it – they’re still in there.

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laurle Nalbone says:

    The DS is still intact and needs MSM to be taken over to start reporting it so the normies finally get it! BUT… GOD and TRUMP are in charge and in control, let’s go!

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rebecca Nelson says:

    God is in control.
    “Dominion is God’s. The Kingdom is God’s… All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding.”

    The greatest enemy right now are the child traffickers, the compromised media…and all who are under satanic control.

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert Theisen says:

    The 2020 election fraud has to be revealed. The voting system has to be exposed. The illegal activities that have gone on for years and the government has to be exposed. Until everyone is awake, no one is safe from evil.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Colleen Morrison says:

    The only brainwashed democrats left who work with the slimy WEF WHO, UN, and rinos who hate America.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kristina Sandifer says:

    I said other because podcasts will help but won’t dismantle it. Trump and team will dismantle but it won’t be JUST Trump. The war is not over. A huge battle was won but there’s much still to be done (and is being done). It took decades for the DS to take over as much of the world as it has. It’s not going to run and hide or give up. It will fight back and we will need EVERYONE’S help to completely demolish it. We all gave in to their brain washing. We’ve “allowed” the garbage on TV by not refusing to watch it, go to gross movies, take down Disney long ago, etc. We’ve slowly been brain washed and many still are. We have to keep going…all of us…not just President Trump. We also have to do the work in standing up at our schools, churches, medical and other forcing things into our bodies, and educating ourselves OUTSIDE of the fake media.

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan says:

    My thoughts on who are still our enemies is “ THE FAKE MEDIA”!!! We need them gone. Certain podcasters I listen to on a daily basis tell the truth! I’m grateful we have President Trump back in office. Without him we have no hope! Everyone must continue to pray for his safety and soon we will all be happier, healthier, more stable and hopeful of the future for the entire world. God Bless???

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Bill says:

    I chose the deepstate is still intact. Trump is definitely in control, but there are still plenty of bad actors out there, including the mainstream media, that needs to be shut down. Would love to see Jason Scarborough arrested on set by US Marshalls, as well as many others, even the late night morons.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Thereesa A Nason says:

    Even though Trump is now in control, we the people still have all the puppets, local sheriffs, townships, school boards, committee puppets to deal with and clean up. Keep standing up and fighting back everyone. It has to be cleaned up at ALL the Township, County and State levels as well.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carrie says:

    In my heart I believe the war is won and we are watching this play out. Because I believe right now we are our own worst enemy. People need to wake up and see the truth, all of it! It’s time for the band aid to come off so we can heal and unite our nation in JESUS mighty name. Trump is my president JESUS is King. Amen

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shirley Lee says:

    The Deep State went back into hiding and will try to regain from their loss. My prayer is that God knowing all will stop them in only the way He can and not let them gain or advance their agenda ever again. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rhonda says:

    GOD like always!!’

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rhonda says:

    GOD like always!!!

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cheryl Mullen says:

    Ultimately, God is in control. President Trump knows Who put him where he is, Who saved his bacon and Who he answers to! President Trump has the right heart or God wouldn’t have chosen him for the job. I believe it’s a partnership…being hooked up to the Lord…and Trump has the best guide ever with Him. Other true believers pray and God won’t let us down either. He knows our hearts as well. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!!! God bless America!

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Aimee Byron says:

    I chose other. The Deep State is not gone and it will take We The People (podcasters are a huge help, but not the only ones) working together to take it all down and to not let it happen again. Let’s roll, folks!

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Roger says:

    Still a lot of work to be done. This is far from over with the deepstate in my opinion. President Trump is doing what he said he was going to do. Promises made promises kept!

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vicki says:

    I believe the top level deep staters have been gone for a while and now the lower level “minions” are being brought to justice, like the local township governments and school boards, etc. I am seeing evidence of this in my local news. We are still watching a scripted movie with central casting actors, but soon the wins will start to pile up and this should wake up more people. Trump, the military, and the white hats are in control; we are safe from our previous enemies. I think that Trump did not place his hand on the Bible when sworn in on Jan. 20 is because the US is now a constitutional republic. The Jan 20 inauguration was optics for the old US Corporation. I hope I am right. Praise the Lord!

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joyce says:

    I feel like there are some Deep State holdouts (Schumer, Schiff, Mitch McConnell + the 2 RINO females who seem to make everything harder for DJT…..but DJT has definitely gone in with guns-a-blazin’ this time. While some MAGA podcasters/influencers need to continue to dig and draw our attention to things, I don’t believe all of them are legitimate. I’m really sleepy so who knows if I’m making any sense??? lol

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mike Brashers says:

    I believe most of the Deep State is either dead, captured or at least identified. Clean up ongoing. Every last one.

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine April R. Palmer says:

    The Trump Administration is executing on the promises made with mastery. The enemy now is the dumbing down of the media, lawfare, misreading new laws in place, emotional resistance to new executive orders, monopolies, oligopolies, threats against small business, psychological harm to the people caught in the middle of wartime propaganda. Hope for reforms in media. Hope for return of C-Span and PBS without obvious bias.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathy Nixon says:

    I think some people misread the question?? If I’ve learned one thing the Podcasters aren’t the way to go especially since he is now in office!!

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana Laurent says:

    We are off to an amazing start, but the hardest work is ahead as all the sheeple freak out. There is still a lot to do. More resignations and dismantling of the various alphabet agencies and rogue actors. The deep state still has a pulse.

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DJ says:


  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DJ says:


  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stella Porto says:

    I posted other. I live in New Jersey and go back to New York frequently. I believe our military is in control however we do not know if there are any sleeper cells around or if any are now being created. I’ve never seen people trigger so bad just mentioning President Trumps name. It’s insane. Personalities are very aggressive. People are short tempered here. We still have the “systems” that need to see justice and be cleaned out. We have to see these agencies operate everyday especially the school systems. Many people are mentally not ok and they are working in the public sector. Everyone here is so divided. I’m afraid of false flags. Not everyone is arrested who needs to be.

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine CJ says:

    I believe the White Hats are in control, the worldwide military alliance is under President Trump and his trusted generals. There are still state and local government officials, boards, bureaucrats, and law enforcement that are not yet taken down.

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angie says:

    Deep state still needs to be dismantled and removed. Trump is in charge but he needs to completely knock down and clean house. The promise the last time of holding people accountable, like Hillary, didn’t happen and a lot of people were disappointed. I believe that the enemies took that as a sign of weakness and felt more powerful and that is how they were able to ruin us even more the past four years.

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine TitaniumPrincess says:

    Why, oh why, is he promoting AI & mRNA jabs?

    Just hoping it’s a bring to light thing….

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Steve P says:

    The enemy now is Artificial Intelligence. There’s a new type of warfare happening now known as Cognitive Domain. It’s different from traditional Military Psychological Operations Warfare. It needs to be permanently shut down so humanity as a whole can be reunited.

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine frank says:

    I do hope for a better world/not a hero of someone else’s choosing, history has shown us this many times over.

    when good people lead/only then can we go to the stars.

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine A. Sgt ret'd says:

    Other… currently at 17%… of course! Some really good comments from ‘other’ on here. With Catherine Herridge reporting from Gitmo, hoping the transparency is about to unfold and we shall see what happened over the last few decades…!

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine svz says:

    Trump is in control but still needs his cabinet. More boots on the ground.

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine traxxasmike says:

    Lord of Lords. The first and the last.

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stuart Holshouser says:

    deep state is still out here.! the HAARP weapons are still killing US with bad weather! CHEMTRAILS still being constantly being sprayed on US! Mainstream MEDIA is still being allowed to spread FALSE NEWS! The THRUTH about those in witness protection still has not been allowed to come forward! Our food, water, air is still being poisoned! Vaxes are still being pushed and allowed to be given! That is only a few examples of things that are NOT RIGHT yet! so there is NO VALID reason to say “the deep state is dead”, period! Get real! TELL THE TRUTH to the NATION!

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Konnie Laumer says:

    We still have Chemtrails! This is the military dropping heavy metals. It was obvious that those fires were started by directed energy weapons in both LA and Maui. I don’t trust Elon as he pushes AI intigrating with humans “transhumanism”. He isn’t a philanthropist and could be just trying to push his own agenda. He is tied to government contracts and has shown signs of being part of the iluminati for years. Why doesn’t he use his money to help people instead of trying to get off our planet? We may not even have a way because we have been lied to about so much of our history and the nature of our planet. So much of NASA is fake. So who do we trust? I’m am President Trumps number one fan, but he could be making a big mistake trusting Elon.

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Beverly Bussell says:

    I voted that Trump is in control. It seems like, what is going on now is cleanup of the last of the evildoers or maybe, it’s what I would like to believe. I want the American people to win for a change. Looking forward to my grandchildren and everyone else to have a wonderful future. I have put my trust in God my Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, that “They” have delivered us and are healing our land! Thank you, to everyone that has worked so hard to rescue the children. God Bless you all!

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gwendolyn Ward says:

    Seems to me that the MAJORITY of MAGA podcasters know as much as my big toe about The Plan. I know that
    1) God has won (He never loses) and
    2) Trump has BEEN in control the whole time.
    It’s time to rejoice!

  77. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine TT says:

    As to whom are we still to battle …
    The STOOPs = MSM junkies who think they know it all, they’re hijacked by the Covid Hoax.
    The WOKES = anyone who thinks DJT is Hitler, etc., lotsa CLONES & ALIENS that appear human.
    The JABBED (Liquid Nano Particles occlude Pre-Frontal Lobe) = Zombie Invasion which is already
    happening, & will only get worse as many can NOT even drive normally now. Jabbers are offing
    deadly Spike Proteins that R airborne and transmitted via bodily fluids like SWEAT, blood & Sex liquids.
    I’ve been afflicted 4 times by these killer SPz produced within Jabbers. Low frequency entities.
    GOATS = “Front Row” Christians. ‘Holier than Thou’ Religionists that LIKE Hierarchy & are quick
    to judge any & all who won’t agree with their DOGMA. Thoth is their puppet master. They refuse Q.
    Not ascending, refusing to self-actualize = Stoops, WOKES, Jabbed & GOATS. The Enemy Within.
    We the People in this final ascension are AWAKE : The OTHERzz (SWJG) = our enemies in this duality.

  78. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    While President Trump is signing a great deal of necessary executive orders, there are “Obama/George Bush” judges holding up the execution of these orders… They are holding up any changes that President wants to implement. Seems to me that impeachments of judges should be brought up.

    Feb 10, 2025 – US District Judge Joseph Laplante (a George Bush judge) granted a preliminary injunction and indefinitely blocked Trump’s birthright citizenship EO.

    Feb 6, 2025: as per The Gateway Pundit, a federal judge blocked the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) from obtaining access to ‘sensitive‘ Treasury Department payment records for a period of time.Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly wrote in her order that Treasury officials “will not provide access to any payment record or payment system of records maintained within the [Treasury] Bureau of Fiscal Service.”

    Feb 6, 2025: U.S District Judge George A. O’Toole, Jr. of Massachusetts announced today that he was blocking the “fork in the road” buyout program, pausing Thursday’s deadline for federal employees to accept the Trump administration’s generous resignation offer. According to the outlet, the judge wants to see more court proceedings on the program’s legality play out.

  79. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marc Johnson says:

    Since conspiracies are coming true nowadays.
    Isn’t the remaining enemy reptilians?

  80. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen Korins says:

    Trump is in charge but the “Deep State” still exists. I still talk to people who are totally unaware of the “sting” operation and the progress that has been made. Unfortunately, we have been brainwashed for so long, it will take time for some people to see the truth amidst the lies we have been told. This is good versus evil…and evil can be very seductive.

  81. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stella Kreitler says:

    Nobody has been sent to jail YET!! Adam Shifft still there, Chuck Schumer still there. The fake news still spewing their lies! Mitch still there. Kamala spending Valentine’s with her husband. Obama still free. Biden still free. Clinton’s still free. I would like to think that Trump has turned Fauci over to Russia. I do believe Trump is in charge .

  82. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Valerie L Hensley says:

    Let’s see some consequences for treason!
    Cue the perp walks.

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