Election 2024 Countdown


Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview

By Gene Ho and Shelley Allen

Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine
Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview  at george magazine

25 thoughts on "Pastor Bob Joyce – George Exclusive Interview"

  1. Donald Stone says:

    I love this song it is by far the most touching song it will humble you and show you what it’s really all about , Give me Jesus, you can have this whole world but give me Jesus, what a powerful message .

  2. Kathy says:

    💜💜💜Thank you Gene for sharing this beautiful interview with Pastor Bob Joyce!!
    I love hearing gospel music as it’s so uplifting! I’m so Happy that many people are coming to your church to hear God’s message through Pastor Bob Joyce, and I’m looking forward to hearing about the progress and renovations of ya’ll’s new church home. I’m also excited about All the people that are getting Baptized and wanting a relationship with God. I know it’s not going to be broadcasted, but would love to read all about it. Thank you Again!
    Love, Kathy

  3. Crystal Snyder says:

    My husband and I were traveling through Arkansas this past winter and we wanted to visit for Sunday morning service but a change of plans the day before took us too far out of the way. God bless pastor Bob and his wife. This church seems like it is on fire for the Lord and that’s what we need more of! Praise God! When we are that way again we definitely will be visiting. Thank you for your ministry pastor!

  4. Tammy says:

    Love this thank you Pastor Bob for obeying the Lord

  5. Laura LeBlanc says:

    I am coming to the event in august and my Neice who is a paraplegic in a wheelchair will be baptized. I am so looking forward to attending the event but I would really like to attend a service at his church. Will there be a service just before or after the event that we could attend.

  6. Laura LeBlanc says:

    I ordered magazine 20 and 21. I hope I receive it before the event. Would it be possible to get Pastor Bob Joyce’s signature and Gene Ho’s during the event?🙏

  7. Lara Ocasio says:

    I love Pastor Bob’s message every week. I too, initially listened to hear Pastor Bob sing but now I look forward to his weekly sermon which I listen to every Monday morning on my lengthy commute to work. When I arrive at work, I feel inspired and ready to tackle the week ahead. I look forward to attending the Hot Springs event. Thank you for all you do!

  8. Wendy Glass says:

    Hallelujah!! Love Pastor Bobs sermons! His music and all the old time gospel brings back memories of church with my grandma! I started watching on line a year ago and at first I stopped on you tube video because of “who” they were saying he was. After watching a sermon I was like, forget who they say he was his sermon was so powerful and the music was a melody to my soul!! We visited a little over a month ago as we live only a cpl hours down I 30 from his little church in a small town called New Boston. My mom, myself and sons girlfriend had a weekend get away in Hot Springs and I told them WE HAVE TO GO VISIT!! We loved it!! Can’t wait to come back and visit. Hopefully in the next few weeks. Great article Gene Ho and thank you Pastor Bob for being a voice and a vessel for our Lord!! ❤️

  9. Ketina Swatsworth says:

    Amen 🙌 Give me Jesus. There is no repentance in the grave. How you die, is how you will be judged. I love HOF. The pastor, the people , (I’ve met in the official group.) God bless all of you and may all you do bring more lost souls to Jesus. That is my prayer.

  10. Jamie Taylor says:

    An anointed man of God! “If l be lifted up, I will draw all unto me”…Jesus

  11. Valorie Hardesty says:

    Beautiful. From Ohio. Attended a couple months ago and Pastor Bob and his family changed my life. I enjoy watching services on TV but I’ll be honest, I’d love to move down there. You just want to be around them. Thank you Pastor Bob and HHOF for your live and kindness. Thank you Gene and your family for your grace. God be with you all, as always.

  12. Valorie says:

    ***love….and kindness.

  13. Webb Hatten says:

    Thanks for the interview.
    I’ve been following Pastor since the video with Matt first hit YouTube. About a decade.
    We are finally coming to see in person, a service and be baptized. We’re looking forward to seeing you in August.

  14. Robin says:

    Beautiful story Pastor Bob….thank you for sharing. Thank you Gene, and God Bless you both….

  15. Doris Cole says:

    How beautiful!!! This is what gods plan is all about. He knows those who will do his will. We are preparing for a massive revival. This is the greatest time to be alive as we are nearer to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!!Many many people will be saved and enter into the body of Christ. God bless you Pastor Bob. You have a special anointing!!! Thank you Gene. We are all in this together. We must. Pray pray pray!!!!There is a song. “I love the old songs”. Called. Wait a little longer please Jesus. A-few more days to get our loved ones in. These days are getting shorter and shorter. We must work !!!! God bless this ministry. I will keep you in my prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️

  16. darnell hasty says:

    just want to say i thank JESUS for pastor bob joyce i love waiting to hear him preach every sunday it make me just want to jump up and shout the lord is so good thanks to all who help gets pastor bob joyce voice out

  17. CoastRider92651 says:

    Give me that old time religion it’s good enough for me!

  18. Linda Rollins says:

    Thank you so much for the interview. We love to hear anything you have to say! I love your church no matter where ever it is.

  19. Sarah says:


  20. Caroline Harrington says:

    This interview byGeneHo and Pastor Bob Joyce brought me to happy tears of the Holy Spirit within me. God works in mysterious ways as long as you wait for God’s timing and guidance. I will share this with everyone that I know on and off FB. I was there on June 9, 2024 and was blown away with the hometown feeling of Christ that I’ve never had before. The message of Christ is paramount for the soul to be connected to Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit. Until we see our youngest child finish college there is a good chance we will be moving there within the next 5 years or so. Praise God HALLELUJAH!!!!!!

  21. Patty Childs says:

    I loved this interview. Wish I had seen it live. I watch HOF every week on my ipad. I love to hear him preach about Jesus. I love the old time songs he sings. I can feel the love,joy, spirit, and passion in every song he sings. And the word of Jesus he preaches. I thank the Lord I am able to watch from Ohio. I’d give anything to be there in Aug. Because I love Pastor Bob, Gene Ho, and Scott Mckay. Wow what a dream that would be for me. But I hope Pastor Bob puts his Sunday Service singing and preaching on the internet so I can at least join in there. That would be a blessing too. I thank you both for all you do. Two wonderful men of God sending the message out everywhere. I fill our time here is shorter than we know and we will all be together in heaven some day with Jesus.

  22. Linda says:

    S0 Pastor Bob isn’t Elvis. Well he sing Just as good ,Goes to the mind and soul.

  23. Jackie Woodruff says:

    Thank you Gene Ho and George magazine for this wonderful interview with Pastor Bob. I love his message and try to thank God each and every day for the blessings he gives. I believe Pastor Bob is spreading the word of the Gospel all around the world. One day I hope to make it in person. If it is meant to be it will happen. Thanks again to all and prayers for peace love and kindness.

  24. Dawn says:

    That was wonderful! Thank you!

  25. Linda Odenbaugh says:

    Thank you for this interview with Pastor Joyce. What a blessing!! We came to the event in Hot Springs in August. It was an absolute blessing and anointing of the Lord. We are so thankful for this event and all the speakers. It was a beautiful time of fellowship and rejoicing with like-minded Christians who love the Lord. We will always cherish our time in Hot Springs and the encouragement, fellowship and our baptism. A beautiful moment in time that will always be a joyful reminder of who we serve and the awesome fellowship and new friends. I hope you will plan for
    more events in the future. God bless!!

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