Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Should Trump win re-election to the Presidency this November, what should be his first priority?
(Please leave a comment after voting. Your opinion matters)

Eradicate the "Deep State" or Corrupt Government 458
Seal the Border 289
Initiate the so called "NESARA/GESARA" 233
Other (Please put your thoughts in the comments) 49
Deport the undocumented - including my "got-a-way" mother-in-law 40
Focus on the Economy and lowering the prices of everyday goods 90
MAGA followers are crazy! Trump isn't going to win! 26

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
13 days ago

Seal the border and deport them all. We need out country back! We have been infiltrated.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Greg Colaw
13 days ago

Seal the Border is a top Priority 2

And let the Deportations Begin

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Greg Colaw
12 days ago

You’re saying, Greg to pump the water out of the boat before plugging up the holes that are in the boat?

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Karen Walker
13 days ago

Clean up all the deep state out of everything…
Everything else will fall into place..
Bring in NEW type of Government..

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Heather Bouska
13 days ago

Save the children and bring them home

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
13 days ago

Eradicating the Deep State will cure all of Americas issues, it will cure all of the worlds issues and bring not just prosperity but also more importantly it will bring God back into all of humanity as should be. Who is Q and who is Trump’s VP present and future?? I’m hoping and praying it’s the founder of this magazine!?? Talk about “shocking the world” ?? What else will be revealed?

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Kathy Jewell
Reply to  Ted
13 days ago

My thoughts exactly!!!💯

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Gene Ho
Reply to  Ted
13 days ago

I voted for this too.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
KIM Jahn
Reply to  Gene Ho
12 days ago

Me too!!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Ted
13 days ago

I am SO HOPING he is our VP as well. And then our President next… Can you imagine how great it would be to finally SEE HIM in all his glory and know we were right all along?

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Ted
10 days ago

Excellent point!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
13 days ago

Seal the BORDER! We cannot sustain the cost of feeding, clothing, housing, educating, and providing medical care for the illegal aliens, crossing our borders without being vetted first. We cannot continue to allow unvetted military age single men into our country, knowing that there is the possibility that some of them may be terrorists with evil plans. The border must be open only to those who legally enter through the ports of entry………..Secondly, President Trump must institute ways to lower the costs of energy- drilling must be increased!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Michael Arbuckle
13 days ago

If we don’t get rid of the corrupt blackmailed, bribed and communists in our “government”, nothing else will matter. They will just corrupt whatever good is done. They have to be held accountable and made an example of for their TREASON! After that, everything else will be “easy”! I pray that God, and His servant Trump, will clean this mess up and expose the criminality for ALL to see….the Apocalypse (unveiling!).

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
13 days ago

Initiate nesara/ gesara BUT you have to register in your home country.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Jon
12 days ago

Great idea! That would get them out rather quickly perhaps.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Jenn Penta
13 days ago

Seal the border, deport, clean out the rest of the corruption! Implement the new way ahead. 🙂 Let’s rebuild and let’s go!!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 God Bless America! Sending Love!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Robert Stillwell
13 days ago

“Initiate the so called Nesara/Gesara”

1) Seal the border – I haven’t been there, so I will say most likely ALREADY DONE! Your Watching a Movie!

2) Eradicate the “Deep State” or Corrupt Government. – ALREADY DONE! Joe Biden doesn’t know he’s alive. We are in DISCLOSURE PERIOD! We wouldn’t be here if the “Deep State” was still around.

3) “Initiate the so called NESARA/GESARA” – When TRUMP said “WE ARE GIVING POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE” He didn’t just mean Fixing the Voting system. He was also referring to Financial Freedom. That’s what NESARA/GESARA brings to the table. “GODS MONEY” GOLD/SILVER! No more being a SLAVE to the SYSTEM!

4) Other – PRAY!!

5) Deport the undocumented – See #3 – They will let themselves out. Must be in Home country to benefit from NESARA/GESARA!

6) Focus on economy and lowering prices of everyday goods. – See #3 This WILL happen when NESARA/GESARA is implemented.

7) Y’all just being FUNNY!!!

I’m NO expert but I learn something new every single day. Hope this Helps!

I’ve been supporting TRUMP from day 1, and Learned about Q December 2017!

If I’m Over the target or Smack dab in the middle. Could ya let me know, this would greatly help with waking up my family, who think I’m CRAZY!! lol.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Robert Stillwell
11 days ago

You see things exactly like I do except I think Trump is President and CIC of the Republic (not the bankrupt Corporation). I believe we and most of the world are in quiet marshal law right now and until The Plan is finished. I hope one day we get to hear all of the beautiful details of this era. I have been freaking out since Nixon (I was a kid then). I see great hope now. The signs of The Plan are becoming more and more evident. I have been with Trump since he started the birther conversation.

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