George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Should Trump win re-election to the Presidency this November, what should be his first priority?
(Please leave a comment after voting. Your opinion matters)

Eradicate the "Deep State" or Corrupt Government 458
Seal the Border 289
Initiate the so called "NESARA/GESARA" 233
Other (Please put your thoughts in the comments) 49
Deport the undocumented - including my "got-a-way" mother-in-law 40
Focus on the Economy and lowering the prices of everyday goods 90
MAGA followers are crazy! Trump isn't going to win! 26

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

86 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Victoria. says:

    Seal the border and deport them all. We need out country back! We have been infiltrated.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Greg Colaw says:

    Seal the Border is a top Priority 2

    And let the Deportations Begin

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michael says:

      You’re saying, Greg to pump the water out of the boat before plugging up the holes that are in the boat?

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen Walker says:

    Clean up all the deep state out of everything…
    Everything else will fall into place..
    Bring in NEW type of Government..

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Heather Bouska says:

    Save the children and bring them home

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ted says:

    Eradicating the Deep State will cure all of Americas issues, it will cure all of the worlds issues and bring not just prosperity but also more importantly it will bring God back into all of humanity as should be. Who is Q and who is Trump’s VP present and future?? I’m hoping and praying it’s the founder of this magazine!?? Talk about “shocking the world” ?? What else will be revealed?

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathy Jewell says:

      My thoughts exactly!!!?

    2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gene Ho says:

      I voted for this too.

      1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine KIM Jahn says:

        Me too!!!

    3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine jagster66 says:

      I am SO HOPING he is our VP as well. And then our President next… Can you imagine how great it would be to finally SEE HIM in all his glory and know we were right all along?

    4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joni says:

      Excellent point!!

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    Seal the BORDER! We cannot sustain the cost of feeding, clothing, housing, educating, and providing medical care for the illegal aliens, crossing our borders without being vetted first. We cannot continue to allow unvetted military age single men into our country, knowing that there is the possibility that some of them may be terrorists with evil plans. The border must be open only to those who legally enter through the ports of entry………..Secondly, President Trump must institute ways to lower the costs of energy- drilling must be increased!

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michael Arbuckle says:

    If we don’t get rid of the corrupt blackmailed, bribed and communists in our “government”, nothing else will matter. They will just corrupt whatever good is done. They have to be held accountable and made an example of for their TREASON! After that, everything else will be “easy”! I pray that God, and His servant Trump, will clean this mess up and expose the criminality for ALL to see….the Apocalypse (unveiling!).

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jon says:

    Initiate nesara/ gesara BUT you have to register in your home country.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joel says:

      Great idea! That would get them out rather quickly perhaps.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    Seal the border, deport, clean out the rest of the corruption! Implement the new way ahead. 🙂 Let’s rebuild and let’s go!!!!!?????? God Bless America! Sending Love!

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert Stillwell says:

    “Initiate the so called Nesara/Gesara”

    1) Seal the border – I haven’t been there, so I will say most likely ALREADY DONE! Your Watching a Movie!

    2) Eradicate the “Deep State” or Corrupt Government. – ALREADY DONE! Joe Biden doesn’t know he’s alive. We are in DISCLOSURE PERIOD! We wouldn’t be here if the “Deep State” was still around.

    3) “Initiate the so called NESARA/GESARA” – When TRUMP said “WE ARE GIVING POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE” He didn’t just mean Fixing the Voting system. He was also referring to Financial Freedom. That’s what NESARA/GESARA brings to the table. “GODS MONEY” GOLD/SILVER! No more being a SLAVE to the SYSTEM!

    4) Other – PRAY!!

    5) Deport the undocumented – See #3 – They will let themselves out. Must be in Home country to benefit from NESARA/GESARA!

    6) Focus on economy and lowering prices of everyday goods. – See #3 This WILL happen when NESARA/GESARA is implemented.

    7) Y’all just being FUNNY!!!

    I’m NO expert but I learn something new every single day. Hope this Helps!

    I’ve been supporting TRUMP from day 1, and Learned about Q December 2017!

    If I’m Over the target or Smack dab in the middle. Could ya let me know, this would greatly help with waking up my family, who think I’m CRAZY!! lol.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Katherine says:

      You see things exactly like I do except I think Trump is President and CIC of the Republic (not the bankrupt Corporation). I believe we and most of the world are in quiet marshal law right now and until The Plan is finished. I hope one day we get to hear all of the beautiful details of this era. I have been freaking out since Nixon (I was a kid then). I see great hope now. The signs of The Plan are becoming more and more evident. I have been with Trump since he started the birther conversation.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine rich says:

    we are still waiting for 2020 to be fixed. Trump back in 2024,not Jan 2025

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teri says:

      I agree

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine tofirius says:

    Border does not have an “a” in it. 🙂

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teri says:


  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charles Irwin says:


  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rob Mitchell says:

    Start by SECURING the 2nd amendment so we can protect ourselves as a militia is intended so that way we can securely : Eradicate the deep state, Seal Border, Initiate NESARA/GESARA, deport undocumented

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Willett Amie says:

    The first 5 choices are almost equal in importance, but you can’t clean ? up the mess Biden’s Administration and Puppet Masters caused all while tackling everyday crises and mending international relationships. But it’ll be done.
    Boy, they sure were trying to destroy Our Country ~ by any means necessary‼️
    But if anyone can do it, it’s God and His “anointed” aka President Donald J. Trump.
    So, sound the Alarm, Blow the Shofar because we’re about to witness with our own eyes, the Reward of the Wicked. We’re about to see the Force of a Righteous Pressure Washer‼️

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JOYCE says:

    4-way Tie: seal the border; eradicate the “deep state” or corrupt government; deport the undocumented; focus on the economy

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jonna says:

    The corrupt voting system has not been fixed, except a few minor pockets here or there- not sure why this election will turn out any differently than 2020. Starting to think our next leader has already been “selected” for us, will not be elected, yet again.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cindy Van Woeart says:

    The top three in the poll trending now should all be done back to back! Eradicate the current regime, seal the border, and implement a new financial system.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Suzan Ball says:

    In my opinion = It’s Crystal Clear “Drain The Swamp” wasn’t just a campaign slogan! It’s a massive multi layered Draconian Hierarchical Monopoly that’s been controlling These United State’s for decades so…Definitely Drain The Swamp is still relevant and needs to continue until every swamp monster and all the cohorts are eradicated and /or held accountable! Then we need to rebuild our country so we can help other countries and our allies rebuild!

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Scott says:

    If Med Beds are real roll them out immediately to heal the people from all the damage these demons did to us. Cancel all debt by activation of Nesara Gesara. Tell us the truth about everything.

    All this AFTER giving our heartfelt love and thanks to all who fought this war of wars to set us free.

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Chad says:

    Put God first and Stop killing babies. We are under judgement from our turning away from God and plethera of sin (murder, greed, etc). Humble yourselves and repent, put God first, and put others first, love; and God will restore our nation and give us righteous leaders.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teri Lynne Lopez says:

    I say we need to deport all illegal aliens and prosecute those criminals, all criminals and cut down the trees son.

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Alpha Omega Child says:

    Eradicating corrupt government/officials will ultimately bring about all the other choices on the poll!!! This is getting to a boiling point of no return – We the People are DONE being “nice”!!!

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Isabella says:

    He’s CIC I follow Derek Johnson

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    I voted for Pres. Trump to focus on eradicating the Deep State, the corrupt government, the root of all evil and chaos. They need to be eliminated, otherwise, they will continue to oppose and counter all MAGA reforms that Pres. Trump will initiate, to make sure he fails. And they all must be held accountable for all their crimes ASAP, the worst of them that cost so much harm and death must also pay with their own lives. NO MERCY for them just as they killed and harm people without mercy. We need justice to be served for us to have closure and begin our healing process.

    With regards to mass invasion problem, I believe the minute Pres. Trump wins, the border will no longer be a problem as illegals would automatically stop coming, because they know that they will be hunted.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Audrey L Freeman says:

    After reviewing the Poll, it appears that the numbers are pretty much showing how I feel about President Trump’s getting into Office. We first need Our Military to eradicate ALL Deep State players across the World, and SHUT DOWN our Borders, so NO-one can just come in without going through the proper processes. Third, we need Nesara/Gesara activated, so the World can “heal” from these past hundreds of years of being enslaved and barely scraping by. To me, those should be President Trump’s focus. We are sincerely grateful to him for ALL that he is doing for Our Country, and across the World! May God Richly Bless him for his sacrifices! We LOVE you, President Trump!!

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carla LaFata says:

    Enough is Enough!!! End the movie, too many suffering, ready for the Truth!!! Also ready to Save the Children!!! WWG1WGA!!!???????

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle Lundegreen says:

    Isn’t he doing all the above except ” crazy Trumper ” from behind the scenes!??

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Wanda says:

    *If Trump wins, that means the Deep State will already have been defeated and removed.
    *Activate Nesara and give immediate relief to all those who are suffering and need help now.
    *Everything else can then fall into place.

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vicki says:

    Two-fold–Reveal the whole truth about the crimes against children including adrenochrome, the perpetrators, the dumbs and the rescues. Too many people are willfully ignorant about this. Secondly, release the suppressed technologies, especially the ones that will improve our health.

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cora says:

    Take a deep breath. Enjoy the moment. Then whatever he thinks is most important, he will decide. God Bless President Trump and his family

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lori says:

    All the above!

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Concerned Person says:

    I am extremely concerned about references on the Ingersoll Lockwood page and by Juan O Savin to China and a coming conflict around 2030. Like many, I was overjoyed in 2017, finally it seemed a if Q was indicating we could have safety and a sensible way of living once and for all. I now worry, we being led along via the ‘carrot and donkey’ principle. If you click on the ‘copyright’ link on the front page of Ingersoll Lockwood it leads to the ‘future proves past’ section which talks about how there is certain technology that seems to be passed around over decades where China will have it next and surely bring us to the brink of peril – but the last president will know what to do. In his last interview with Nino, Juan stated clearly, just as he was about to sign off that he would discuss with Nino (not necessarily the audience) how China will bring us to the bring of another world war but we first have about seven years to get on our feet/strong to prepare for this. Juan has stated this several times over the last two years during interviews with Nino. This massively concerns me because Juan is accurate in predictions. I find this outrageous. Many times I have felt ordinary folk such as myself are being managed using the very same sorts of insulting tools/methods used by the supposed ‘deep state’. It is not good enough to say this sort of thing is ‘disinformation’. There are ways of being supportive and sensible without being misleading. Misleading people is morally wrong – especially when we are being told how we are in such critical times. Will we ever find out any truth or just be led by the nose indefinitely? The human soul cannot operate in a state of constant lies. There has to be some basis of truth – it does not seem as if we are ever going to know the truth about whether or not we will ever be safe from mighty weapons. Is it to be twenty years after the first Q drops and we are still finding out about awful things?

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kris says:

    Seal the border first.
    Without full control of our boundaries, NONE of the other points can be adequately/fully accomplished!


  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Anne says:

    The top 5 are all essential.
    Also, tear apart healthcare, plus tear apart healthcare insurance, and tear apart car insurance.
    Please, stop the corruption in all of these, as well as in all big corporations that we all work for – Too much collusion.
    They take our money out of our paycheck as we make it, then screw the rules to work only for them.
    Please, drowned them all and start over with systems that work FOR us – I’d be happy to help!!!!

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie Weddle says:

    He need to do all the things listed but I think closing the border is very important.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charlene Stewart says:

    Everything on the list is just a “temporary fix”… unless the evil doers are caught red handed and the American people will experience the threat of a “near death” event, the military can intervene and serve the deep state the righteous justice in real time. It is then, the sheeple can fully wake up from their slumber. I feel a bit demoralized at times because many people including my family, friends and coworkers are still clueless or they are wilfully blind. I just pray that the truth won’t break them. All I have is my faith in God and Jesus. ?

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kelli says:

    FIX2020IN2024 first, and eradicate the corrupt government-?NCSWIC-N!

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol Roberts says:

    Sealing the border first for safety, deport all the terrorist, gangs etc. Simultaneously start arresting all the deep state cabal, ship them off to Gitmo. Initiate Nesara/Gesara and get the economy under control a d roaring back.

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shannon says:

    Give all glory for the win to The Lord God Almighty, and seek His divine counsel for next steps.

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Evelyn says:

    There is no one thing that can be done, it is going to take a few. And Trump will have multiple plans ready.

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MickieKnows says:

    Two things Trump needs to do right away, plug up the border and free all the political prisoners – the J6ers, David Delaiden, the two guys who spun their tires on the painted Pride flag, etc.

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Patrice Martinez says:

    Initiating Nesara/Gesara encompasses all of that under one act, correct?

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana says:

    Since he is already eradicating the “deep state” I chose another option.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Trista says:

    I chose other because I believe Trump can walk and chew gum. Do them all at once!

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jesse says:

    Declare war on the southern border. Use Active Component military forces to enforce it- they’ll actually get the job done. Give immigrants the choice to either go through a proper border crossing checkpoint manned by CBP and ICE, or turn around. Enough playing these stupid games. Oh, and stop giving money to countries that hate us.

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Staci says:

    Trump should expose and prosecute all of the satanic pedophiles. Release Epstein List, and honor all the parents children women men who have suffered at the hands of this evil. And then he should expose these false prophets in the patriot movement who lie and blaspheme the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then get to the rest of the list.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kristi says:

    I hope he eradicates the deep state and seals the border simultaneously.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gina says:

    That was hard to answer because I think the border needs sealed, the illegals sent back, get rid of all the bad actors (hoping many of them really are already in Gitmo or buried, and if NSEAR/GSERA is real, we need THAT as well and we need our economy to get back to where people can survive.

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marilyn says:

    Initiate NESARA/GESARA. I believe the deep state is gone, the movie is being played out for the unawake, aka “normies”. NESARA/GESARA will take care of the border and the undocumented as they will need to be in their home country to receive the benefits. It will also take care of the economy. In other words, everything Robert Stillwell said so eloquently!

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine LibertyLexi says:

    Eradicate the Deep State including the corrupt State Governments who are racking up property values to comical numbers in order to get more property taxes.

    Basically All of the above except Trump supporters are crazy and Trump won’t win. Trump is our only chance

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David says:

    Making even the sleepiest folks aware of the darkness that has ruled our world is the only way to have lasting peace with meaning. A kind of experiential disclosure seems necessary. Once we know that magicians trick it doesn’t work anymore. If only someone could write a brilliant script to a [storm] that hits our collective hearts and wallets – then we unite and as a people united heal and grow. It would be then that we know appropriate moves to make .

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joel says:

    All of them on the same day!

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Eric says:

    Trump should take a moment to pray with our nation

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Brenda Cowart says:

    All of these are important and need to be done, but if the deep state isn’t taken care of first- nothing else will hold.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michael says:

    Seal the Border(s) has to be first! By doing that, everything else will fall in line quicker, and be more efficient.

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise Guy says:

    Get rid is deep state and seal borders and deport all illegals God Bless America

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lecia says:

    I think Trump said deporting the illegals beginning day one.

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine TheRev says:

    Eradicate the deep state. Then release Nesara/Gesara. In order for people to receive Gesara, all illegals must head to their country of origin to participate. It will happen fast and clean. The economy will roar back under Gesara. Last, seal the damn border.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Justamom says:

    Our country needs God and Trump needs our prayers. This battle against the “deep state” is a spiritual battle we cannot win without our Creators help.

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kim Edwards Allison says:

    Honestly, I wanted to pick “all of the above”!!! Just bring back Trump. He’ll take care of it all!! Thank you Gene!

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    To me, eliminating the traitors within is as important as securing election integrity—all the other items, while vitally important, will follow if we accomplish these other two things. The enemy within is the reason why our elections are rigged and why we have open borders, horrible inflation, Soros-backed DA’s and SoS’s, rampant crime, false flags, and every other imaginable evil. The DS = Satan, IMO. Can’t wait to watch it all go down.

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Russell says:

    Go after every single person guilty of election interference and treason and hang every one of them. Deport all illegals.

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joni says:

    I actually would like for the first three items done simultaneously. I hated that I could only choose just one.

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Isabella Arruda says:

    All of the above Stop all madness. Defund public education n IEP

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pam Benoit says:

    All of these things really need to happen soon. So I chose other. It is such a a mess and we need Trump now.

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen Ann says:

    Before ANYTHING can be done the 2020 stolen election needs to be rectified!!

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dee LAMPSON says:

    If you eradicate the Swampers FIRST, the rest will follow….

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Victoria Bacarra says:

    There is so much to be done. All poll questions need to be addressed asap. The economy is suffering in large part due to the money funding the border invasion ie., padding their way into the country. I want Nesara asap, but that will only happen after our real President comes back. Everything on that list is a serious laundry list for our favorite President… but having no fear here… He is a rockstar President, he can do almost anything and do it right.

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Isabella Arruda says:

    I follow Derek Johnson all of the above is already in play. We’re going to have our US Constitution Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights that works for the people. Ty all involved to make this possible

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sam Frost says:

    Fix the elections.

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine S. Campbell says:

    He can actually do all of this at once. I’m pretty sure he already has it all lined up and ready to go. IMO, all of it is vitally important and needed ASAP

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathy Ewy says:

    Nesara/Gesara would FORCE all illegals out of the country because they would only receive the monies if they were in their own country. Then FINISH THE WALL and get more border control agents to protect our borders!!!!

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karyn says:

    Trumps already the CIC but on his “public” return, the public announcement of nesara Gesara will cover all aspects of “we the people’s ” concerns, bring in the wealth(goldbacked qfs)remove all illegal taxes, illegals, cabal and corruptions and reverse all that Obama and “Bidan” brought in. If u know, you know.
    Trumps 3rd term incoming.

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lee Clark says:

    He’s got to eradicate the DS first because nothing else can be accomplished until he does.

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sandra says:

    I think most of the people subscribed to this site.. are patriots and Christians that are politically and geopolitically and spiritually awakened majority.. and most of us know that the election was stolen in 2020 and we want that addressed before we move forward we know that our votes were stolen!! And all of the other nefarious things that have happened to President Trump and others and January 6 .. was just another move from the deep state which most of us know that so we’re ready to get to the end of this bad dream and make God‘s reality!!! the true reality!!! of this earth and who he picked, and all the others he has picked to lead this nation aligned with him …not corrupt man !!!! The Government is on Jesus’s shoulders … when God is taken out of government …governments will topple!!!

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