George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Could a Taylor Swift endorsement, on either candidate, sway the election?
Please leave a comment after voting, your opinion matters.

No, a Taylor Swift endorsement cannot drive new voter registration 285
Yes, by energizing an untapped segment of the electorate to vote 339

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

31 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine says:

    Love your magazine

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    While Taylor Swift may be a very popular performer, I do not believe that her audience would be interested in learning of and following her political views. Most adults view Taylor as a “pop” star, and would not take credence in her political philosophy/preferences. If I may use a quote from another famous performer, Alice Cooper, … “If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are.”
    Let’s all hope that the younger generation does their due diligence in selecting the best candidate for various offices this November 5th.
    May God bless America..

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    She’s a huge influence on many young women. My granddaughter is going to be 32, she is mother and is crazy about T Swift.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine wendy says:

    Most people and her fans probably aren’t really following what is actually going on and most people are blind followers and do whatever Hollywood or the media tells them to do. So for that reason I think it will help.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amanda Delgado says:

    Taylor Swift speaks to the under-voting-age crowd. Her endorsement means absolutely zero.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sharon Greene says:

    I think her political views would influence the younger generation.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane Young says:

    Taylor Swift is a manufactured Cabal asset. Most likely born a male and is the daughter of Anton Lavey. You know the guy that started the church of Satan! It a “Baphomet” probably came out of Travestock and is only serving as a MK Ultra CIA handled device just like Big Mike. If people register or vote because that thing says they are not informed voters. Also if 2020 is not fixed what good is another rigged election? You can’t vote your way out of tyranny. Rock on Law of War manual!! Fraud viciates EVERYTHING!

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathryn W Cannon says:

    Taylor Swift is a MK Ultra puppet – Part of the child sacrificing Cabal. Trump is chosen by God.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stavros Margaritis says:


  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terry Butler says:

    While MOST of us Poo Poo SWIFTY and ANY Endorsement in Politics? She targets a Huge audience of Females ranging from ALL ages 3y/o to 30-40. So YES, her influence is huge and those who follower her may or may not be intune with ANY political arena ? her audience still pays attention so its a toss up as to whether any first time voters see this and go, Hey Im gona Vote because Taylor Swift says so……. NOT a FAN, never was…..

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynn Lawler says:

    Taylor Swift and her fans are out of control. Many put her on a pedestal and often spend money on concerts, music, merchandise they don’t have. Wish that energy, passion could be better used focusing on Jesus.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stephanie Hitchcock says:

    brainwashing works by power of suggestion and giving you permissible behavior that is “pre-approved” by your social environment. Most people need an authority figure or expert to identify safe spaces to behave and act. Someone like Taylor Swift endorsing Trump would destroy those guardrails of “safe space” and assumed behavior. It would shake people so hard because they would have to deal with feeling betrayed and alone in their thoughts – many for the first time. She would teach and show by example that breaking the chains of assumed behavior is possible by voicing individual and unpopular opinion.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Betty Hensinger says:

    I think there are many many young voters and mothers of voters who are entralled with Taylor Swift so I to think she has the power to persuade. Look at the numbers of US citizens who flew to London to attend her concerts.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Breean DeGrood says:

    Sad and ridiculous to say but yes, an endorsement from TS would bring young people over. IMO- no celebrity should hold that much power in politics, but unfortunately a lot of Americans are really stupid and follow the “stars” not the candidates nor their policies.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    While I do not follow or agree with any of the so called “stars,” especially those who promote any kind of evil or alternative dark agendas; I do know that millions of people who are entrapped in the “star-gazing” matrix can be influenced by such an individual. Sometimes it takes unconventional approaches to reach a worthy goal. God used all kinds of people to further His cause of good. He used:
    Moses, a murderer
    David an adulterer and murderer
    Rahab a prostitute
    Paul who persecuted believers and murdered them
    It could turn out that through this type of approach the hearts of many lost souls can be saved, minds changed and the darkness lifted from young captured minds.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jerry says:

    I believe that the world is waking to the truth slowly but surely as daily I see changes in how news is reported even though most are actually 2.0’s. While Taylor may or may not be an influence on younger people I believe (and this is only my opinion) most people that follow her have no interest in politics.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine A Moore says:

    In my opinion, Swift is a childish, Globalist, Luciferian. People who attend her concerts report not remembering anything about the event when it is over. I would not walk across the street to see her.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Monnie Hamilton says:

    Unfortunately yes. Swift’s endorsement absolutely would sway the vote. She has young girls, young women and their mother’s under her “spell.” She goes against everything a Jesus Christ follower believes but if she can be used to bring the younger generation our way including their parents, then so be it. And hopefully Taylor herself will see the light.
    Monnie Hamm

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sunny Wise says:

    Now if the question were, will Robert James Ritchie continue to sway the voters, the answer is yes! Taylor may be loved, but she could not sing without mixing boards — Miley was embarrassed, how many award shows were crappy when Taylor sang off key! Kid Rock has a God-given voice like Elvis (Pastor Joyce — just add some gospel) — and must continue to use his pure heart and love for America to influence voters! We the People need to be behind him as he continues to wage the battle God has set before us!

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine N. Jacobsen says:

    Thank you Lane Young, you said exactly what was going through my mind when I saw the poll question. If after 8 years and all the
    information, videos, memes and posts we’re still at the mercy of
    the Jesuits, Khazarian Mafia, Cabal, Moloch, Bephomet, Red Shoes Club, Satanists, Communists, Marxists, MK Ultra parasites and the rest of them to rescue the ” Upcoming Election, this is a very SAD day for all who have been fighting this WAR between the GOOD and EVIL, some for many decades. Yes God did use Moses, David, Paul and many other man and women who were not such upright people, BUT only after they TURNED from their ways and submitted their lives to God✝️ Moses, even as God’s chosen Prophet was punish when he disobeyed God’s direction, so he was not allowed to make it to the promised land. Same with David, Paul and many, many others throughout the Bible!!!

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana says:

    I don’t like it that this is true but some people are so clueless these days. Either side could use this tactic.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Brian says:

    It’s gonna blow their minds when they find out Taylor is just another male dressed as a female. Just like Meghan Fox is raising her boys as girls today in Holly weird. Females don’t have Adam’s apples like Taylor has and hides. I got many pics of it but can’t post on here it seems.

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine HEIDI says:

    Evil Taylor Swift sold her soul unfortunately for fame and fortune. Her satanic puppet show and minions have since gone downhill in my opinion as her fans will soon learn the truth. She was an amazing singer/performer before she sold her soul.
    Absolutely NO ENDORSEMENT!

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jaiya says:

    I answered NO because she cannot change the outcome of the election, but yes she (he) could probably inspire a few young voters….

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Betty Marshall says:

    Unfortunately too many people are swayed by celebrities so yes I think it would.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    I think Swift’s political influence will have very insignificant effect, if any. We’ve seen famous celebrities in the past who lost massive support from people who love their art or sports, simply by throwing their support for political ideologies that are against our values and morals. I think it will take more than just a celebrity to sway people in a certain direction. Scott McCay and Lt. Col. Bosi spoke about this just recently and I totally agree. Only the likes of JFK Jr or Princess Diana will have a significant impact on the public, here in America and around the world as well.

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryanne Matchett says:

    Agree never seen the amounts of Evil and feel it in my soul.We do not need any of this disgusting display he/she continues to cause chaos .Pray .

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan says:

    As much as I hate to say it, there are more than young adults 5-35yr Olds that worship Swift. My Neighbor has 2 small Children & loves Swift. I think she could be influenced by Swift.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise Cardozo says:

    I guess anything is possible but I’d say unlikely there would be an untapped SwiftUI crowd who would register to vote. Her fans are mainly kids younger than 18,. Let me just state that if it was determined that she alone could influence an untapped segment of the population to vote, well then we are so screwed as a country ! Praying for our beautiful country and its children & its future!?

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EDanforth says:

    Separate the Hollywood from the real. We can’t accept behavior while mixing it with very serious life choices.

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa Wright says:

    Makes more sense to me, to eliminate all the campaign money funding and use that money to put back into America. Let the American people send in the money whom they wish to win and whoever raises more money wins and uses that money to do something grand for America.

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