The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry

By Paul Kane

The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry  at george magazine
The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry  at george magazine
The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry  at george magazine
The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry  at george magazine

2 thoughts on "The Correct Timeline of the Apostle Paul’s Letters and Ministry"

  1. Terri Johnson says:

    So happy to see this. My Bible Study teacher, Les Feldick, taught me this same thing! He’s passed on to be with the Lord now, but I daily do my Bible study still with Les teaching by videos (I’ve been thru the Bible with him already these past 7 years but I started over again when his tapes did.) Thank you for confirming what I was taught. Makes me so happy.!

  2. James Prewitt says:

    I love this Dave, what Bible is arranged this way, are there?

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