Tough Times

By Andre Popa

Tough Times  at george magazine
Tough Times  at george magazine
Tough Times  at george magazine
Tough Times  at george magazine

6 thoughts on "Tough Times"

  1. Tosha says:

    Love, love, love this. Thanks Coach!

  2. Andre Popa says:

    It’s all true!

  3. Jessica Kincannon says:

    Great article Andre!

  4. Andre Popa says:

    Thank you!

  5. Billie Jean says:

    I never did think that I would have been in the position that I am in, and yet I knew when I did not comply to the oil and gas industry when they were pushing the masks, the pcr tests etc, I did not comply. I stood up and emailed letters upon letters, and made phone calls to the government for help, knowing all well, they would not give a shit about you, and the mla’s and the preimiers and nothing, but at least I tried, and informed many about the Covid Plandemic, and how it was going to have an effect, and to the Oil and Gas Companies that I had worked for, informing them that they had no right to enforce that bull.. And yes I knew they were getting paid for pushing the Covid bull. And how this is how I got to where I am financially struggling, I had always said to myself, when you stand in truth it is not always the easy road, take the road less traveled. I sure am finding out that there are very few friends and family that stand with you when going through rough times, until such time that they may have to go through it. So what I did was get a program, through a fellow that was going through the same thing, and we now are at the point where we have the vultures after us, and We still stand in truth, how can you pay bills, when there is no work, even though you submit resumes all the time, and yet you have to think that God has a different plan. Yes we are both seniors, and to know that no ones owns anything, we have the privileage of using, and or living in our homes, I know that I sure have learned alot about the system, and how corrupt it was and still is. So it is up to each and every one to help bring down the corrupt systems, the mortgage companies, the banks and so forth. God never did charge for his/her love, never, and all that are here on earth as one of Gods children, we have everything all paid for, and it is up once again to each and every one to take the stand and stand in Gods light and love. No matter how we think that it is tough, God will never ever leave us, nor give us more than we can handle. Some days it seems to be so much, when you have no family, children that support you and just a kind word from them. That did not happen, and still to this day, I had never ever taught my children to be so selfish, and cruel. So yes this is a little of what is going on in my life. And each and every day, it brings me closer to God, and knowing that very very soon, all of this heartache for all of Gods children will be over. So when they judge you for being in this very spot, for standing in truth someday they may end up in this spot. Either way, stand beside them, love them, help them console them and show them the light no matter what they have done to you.
    So as when Jesus walked the earth, he too stood in truth, and also was very intuitive, and yet ppl bowed to him, and that was not what he was saying, he said to the people, “you can do better things than I” as we all are part of the Creator God. God Bless all that read this, and soon I hope that our prayers are answered, and there may be Freedom, Love, Peace and Compassion and Unity and most of all Faith… God speed all.. Tons of Love n Light

  6. Nina Dean says:

    BEAUTUFUL! ??♥️??

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