Chicken Farms, Fires and Famine | About GEORGE With Gene Ho Ep. 70

Is it a Consp-EGG-gracy Theory? Why are Egg Farms Going Up in Flames?! Gene Ho discusses on tonight’s episode of About GEORGE!

One thought on "Chicken Farms, Fires and Famine | About GEORGE With Gene Ho Ep. 70"

  1. Wendy says:

    Started raising chickens in 2020. Simple and easy to maintain healthy food source. Daily there’s a beautiful bounty of multi colour and size eggs. The birds have surprisingly sweet personalities and have warmed their way into our hearts. (all have names) It’s a trip. The plan is to add a few new ones to the flock every few years. Like you, we share the eggs with friends and family. Before this I had never been around a live chicken.
    If I can do it anyone can.
    Great show.

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