Will Trump Escape the Charges? | About GEORGE with Gene Ho Ep. 163

With President Trump’s court hearing today, will Trump escape the charges? Gene Ho debates with Dave Blaze and Rachel Writeside Blonde.

3 thoughts on "Will Trump Escape the Charges? | About GEORGE with Gene Ho Ep. 163"

  1. CoastRider92651 says:

    George is still our Survival Guide to the Future.

  2. JrTruther86 says:

    George knows best. Trust The Plan. Pandora’s box has been open. The stage is set. All Systems are a go. Military is the only way. NCSWC!!

  3. JrTruther86 says:

    Republicans in congress that do nothing against the other side are most likely compromised or being black mailed. Also, a big portion of the Republican Party has been infiltrated by the left to set up a controlled opposition that has fooled many of us true conservatives. Trump has unmasked the ENTIRE deep-state RINOS for all of us to clearly see. The Uni-party has been revealed!

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