What could unite a divided America?

By Dave Blaze

What could unite a divided America?  at george magazine
What could unite a divided America?  at george magazine

3 thoughts on "What could unite a divided America?"

  1. Joy says:

    JFK jr coming out could reunite America and the world…
    If he could disclose the truth of the military operation we are in, I think everyone would be hanging on every word…

  2. Tommy Kimmitt says:

    The return of Jesus

  3. Ruth Thue says:

    In order to unite a divided America it is essential to establish the truth about our nation being infiltrated by the enemy. Being upfront and honest with the people is the key to achieving the goal of unification. Most all people have an innate desire to feel as if they belong. As for our nation it is important that our people have a strong sense of financial security. Many people are struggling, stressed, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, tired, rushed, lack of time to spend with their loved ones. This infiltration of our nation has led to many angered by the lies and betrayal. This de facto government has committed treason and crimes against humanity against our people. We have all been lied to as our constitutional rights have not truly existed. Allowing people access to the Cestui Que Trust Fund & show them how to take down the system that manipulated them gives them the power to take down their enemy. The feeling of satisfaction and winning will have a profound impact on all the people in our nation. God bless all who seek to do the right thing when nobody is watching. This is how we want our people in our society to become a better, safer, giving, other-centered society that can help one another in time of need. One body healthy body is strong and invisible to change the world in a positive direction.

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