What Will Unite the People of the United States?

By Peter Samuels

What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine
What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine
What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine
What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine
What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine
What Will Unite the People of the United States?  at george magazine

6 thoughts on "What Will Unite the People of the United States?"

  1. Kathy says:

    Where is God?? I believe that the vast majority of the people who fought for and created our country were religious in some form or another. Why the “one nation under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance? Why else the “In God We Trust” inscription on our money?
    No matter what name you give him, God needs to be up front and center.

  2. David Jankowski says:

    Magic Mushrooms most particularly an evolved Stamets Stack I’m working on …..combined with functional brain scans (of Dr Amen) for ALL
    most folks are just a bit brain damaged


  3. VisageDeVie says:


  4. Sara says:

    Diversity? Equity? Inclusion?
    Equity is a tactic of communism.
    DEI is being pushed out of work places and educational institutions for a reason.

  5. Donald Feland says:

    The fact is the HUGE supposed lack of diversity is NOT as horrible as what has been projected ! YES, I said projected !!!
    The main focus of entertainment and news has been the bain of our society !!! The media and entertainment industries have pounded into YOUR brains about the horrible amount of civil divide we have !!! Much of what we do have is a result of that !!! Take that away and you will see that there isn’t that much division. The lack of responsibility to hold the ones accountable for this falls on the communities , no matter what their race, creed, or color !!!
    These FACTS are what we should be placing at the forefront of our endeavors. Those are the elements that IF WE ARE BEING VINDICATED by the “White Hats” those elements as well as the runaway educational system should be (and should have been) the targets we should as a society place on the kill list of entities to be gutted and repositioned for the betterment of mankind.
    Of course we need to remove most everyone fro public office, and start over !!! The profain number of bureaucrats needs to be rethought also. And, obviously big Pharma and Corps. New, and funtioning elements of public office will straighten up the two latter, as long as they are working for WE THE PEOPLE !!!
    I’m just a bit curious why the media and entertainment industry hasn’t been more under attack by the “White Hats” ??? It’s well known that many decades of brainwashing has occurred, but I’ve seen little impact of the nasty messages they send out. I wonder how it is that we the people are going to be personally involved if they are keeping us at arms length to do anything about what many of us KNOW what is going on and don’t need the spoon feeding. WE AS AN ARMED SOCIETY would have a better chance of cleaning up the mess if we were allowed to !!! Our military should be brought COMPLETELY home to defend us while we sort it out. And, yes those in the military not on board should be shot for treason against us.
    Our forefathers gave us the 2nd ammendment for this very reason, and were held back from using it when it matters most !!! If you supposed “White Hats” are so inclined to want us to get involved, then get the Hell out of the way and LET us get involved !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Donald Feland says:

    By the way, a good dose of actually reading the Constitution might clear up some of what I previously stated !!!

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