We as Christian’s sometimes forget who is really in control of our life and try to do things by ourselves, but if we let go and let God take control our life is so much sweeter! I thank God that he doesn’t forget!
What a wonderful read Pastor Bob. You have my interest in the lord like no other and want to thank you personally. I only pray that I can afford to make that trip that’s on my bucket list! Love your word of God.
Pastor Bob Joyce your words in your article “Working Along Side Our Father”
about the Lord and his gospel teachings have touched me by the power of the Holy Spirit. I never understood the meaning of the word yoke. Now I do!!
I have worked along side the Lord throughout my life and felt happy and ever blessed. Then a difficult time arrived for many years which left me not working with nor serving Him and depression fell upon me. It took time to realize what happened to me. Today I serve the Lord once more and love and more light and joy fill my life.
My husband Ken and I (Linda) came to your church October 2016 and met you and listened to your sermon. Prior to that we watched you online. You bring to me the Lord’s teachings in a pure easy to understand way. Thank you Pastor Bob.
I honestly don’t have the words to say how wonderful it feels to hear you preach the word of God!
Take care and may God continue to uphold you and bless you and family and your wonderful church by the creek. I know God placed you on YouTube for me to find you! What a glorious blessing He gave to me!!
God Is a GOOD Father!
He even sent His Holy Spirit to help teach and guide us!!!
Your article reminded me also of what JFK Sr. said.,
“Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country”….
We are good at asking The Lord to do things for us, but He’s waiting more to hear us ask Him “What do You want me to do today”?
What you wrote is so true., our obediance is the key that opens the door to allows Him to work! It’s how He set things up.. (maybe The Lord set it up this way when He saw how the spoiled the Children of Israel were after all of the great miracles He did, and they didn’t appreciate but complained! (Just my thought)
Somewhat off topic, but it seems that the young people caught in the trans lies, are ‘really’ seeking to be “born again”, but dont know @ this!
Sensing we are on the verge of a Great move of God!
Get Ready!!!
“I can do all things through God”. This story is the best example of our God wanting to teach us with his guidance or yoke. Makes me, even at 64 years old at why some of life’s lessons didn’t work out for me at times.
Thank you for this story Pastor Bob.
Great words of wisdom love listening to what says a he fills my heart and soul with his songs
Hope I get to meet him on my first tour to the states from canada
Pastor Bob you are filled with the holyghost..You bless me ever time i hear you preach ,sing. or read your articles You have anointing that cpme pnly from God.. Bless you and your family
A beautiful article ❤️
So beautifully said. And exactly right. This article is exactly what Society needs to hear today.
Thank you for sharing. 😊
We as Christian’s sometimes forget who is really in control of our life and try to do things by ourselves, but if we let go and let God take control our life is so much sweeter! I thank God that he doesn’t forget!
What a wonderful read Pastor Bob. You have my interest in the lord like no other and want to thank you personally. I only pray that I can afford to make that trip that’s on my bucket list! Love your word of God.
Pastor Bob Joyce your words in your article “Working Along Side Our Father”
about the Lord and his gospel teachings have touched me by the power of the Holy Spirit. I never understood the meaning of the word yoke. Now I do!!
I have worked along side the Lord throughout my life and felt happy and ever blessed. Then a difficult time arrived for many years which left me not working with nor serving Him and depression fell upon me. It took time to realize what happened to me. Today I serve the Lord once more and love and more light and joy fill my life.
My husband Ken and I (Linda) came to your church October 2016 and met you and listened to your sermon. Prior to that we watched you online. You bring to me the Lord’s teachings in a pure easy to understand way. Thank you Pastor Bob.
I honestly don’t have the words to say how wonderful it feels to hear you preach the word of God!
Take care and may God continue to uphold you and bless you and family and your wonderful church by the creek. I know God placed you on YouTube for me to find you! What a glorious blessing He gave to me!!
Loved reading, “Working Alongside our Father.”
Does Pastor Bob Joyce have on-line classes or sermons? Would love to hear/read more.
God Is a GOOD Father!
He even sent His Holy Spirit to help teach and guide us!!!
Your article reminded me also of what JFK Sr. said.,
“Ask not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country”….
We are good at asking The Lord to do things for us, but He’s waiting more to hear us ask Him “What do You want me to do today”?
What you wrote is so true., our obediance is the key that opens the door to allows Him to work! It’s how He set things up.. (maybe The Lord set it up this way when He saw how the spoiled the Children of Israel were after all of the great miracles He did, and they didn’t appreciate but complained! (Just my thought)
Somewhat off topic, but it seems that the young people caught in the trans lies, are ‘really’ seeking to be “born again”, but dont know @ this!
Sensing we are on the verge of a Great move of God!
Get Ready!!!
Bless you Sir! I love listening to you preach! Thank God for you tube.Bless all of us! Amen
“I can do all things through God”. This story is the best example of our God wanting to teach us with his guidance or yoke. Makes me, even at 64 years old at why some of life’s lessons didn’t work out for me at times.
Thank you for this story Pastor Bob.
this so true Pastor Bob
That was an awesome message!
Great words of wisdom love listening to what says a he fills my heart and soul with his songs
Hope I get to meet him on my first tour to the states from canada
Pastor Bob you are filled with the holyghost..You bless me ever time i hear you preach ,sing. or read your articles You have anointing that cpme pnly from God.. Bless you and your family