Growing up partly on the NJ shore, seeing ‘blimps’ was a common thing
back then. I have lived in AZ a good many years, and it wasn’t but a few yrs ago to my surprise I heard a familiar “Hummm” rushed out to the back yard and my suspicion was right.. it was a small white blimp! (it looked like a baby beluga.. lol) I heard a company was making them nearby (Tucson AZ)
I don’t know if still in business, but it was awesome to see and close enough to see the passengers enjoying the ride. I took a photo but cant post it here. I do hope they make a come back!
Dirigibles face some unique issues when you try to scale them up: cross section, and therefore air resistance, balloons, pardon the pun, limiting speed and creating increasing controllability issues in weather. There do seem to be several companies working on these issues, so we’ll have to see, but mankind and Americans in particular are not likely to select slow and safe travel over fast and slightly riskier.
Growing up partly on the NJ shore, seeing ‘blimps’ was a common thing
back then. I have lived in AZ a good many years, and it wasn’t but a few yrs ago to my surprise I heard a familiar “Hummm” rushed out to the back yard and my suspicion was right.. it was a small white blimp! (it looked like a baby beluga.. lol) I heard a company was making them nearby (Tucson AZ)
I don’t know if still in business, but it was awesome to see and close enough to see the passengers enjoying the ride. I took a photo but cant post it here. I do hope they make a come back!
Read bout Graf zepplin 1929, crossed Atlantic144 x’ s
Dirigibles face some unique issues when you try to scale them up: cross section, and therefore air resistance, balloons, pardon the pun, limiting speed and creating increasing controllability issues in weather. There do seem to be several companies working on these issues, so we’ll have to see, but mankind and Americans in particular are not likely to select slow and safe travel over fast and slightly riskier.