Election 2024 Countdown


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George Magazine Poll Question
For those on the Right/MAGA who follow Q - if Trump DOES NOT win the election coming up November 5, 2024, your view on Q will be...
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George Magazine Poll Question
For those on the Right/MAGA who follow Q - if Trump DOES NOT win the election coming up November 5, 2024, your view on Q will be...
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  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - To love God with all our being and to love our neighbors as ourselves. These two commandments, Jesus declares, form the foundation of all the laws and teachings of theprophets.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Secret Love
    By Margie

    George Magazine - There is someone new where I work Who hast yet noticed me, But he is certainly on my mind, Which I'm keeping secretly

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Joy Doesn’t Have to Wait
    By Pastor Bob Joyce

    George Magazine - Real joy comes when we think about the Lord and how wonderful it is to know Him. That should put a smile and joy in our hearts, no matter where we find ourselves.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - May be one day our prayers will finally come tue, When life's door will be allowed to open, And all the babies will freely go through.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Tempered Like Steel
    By Pastor Bob Joyce

    George Magazine - This makes it more flexible and able to absorb pressure, so it stays intact while in use. In other words, when a blade is tempered properly, you can hit something very hard, and the blade won't break. The better the tempering, the sturdier the blade.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    When the Nest Grows Quiet
    By Michele Marin

    George Magazine - As the door closes behind your last child fleeing the nest, silence fills the house. For years, your home echoed with laughter, chatter, and the bustling energy of growing lives.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Loneliness in America
    By Zack Moore

    George Magazine - Loneliness is not something I was accustomed to, living for the past few years in Austin, Texas. I've been too busy. ATX has a huge martial arts community, and I enjoy being a part of it, somewhat of a central point of contact and known for conspiracy theories within that community.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Anemia, a condition characterized by aniinsufficient number of healthy red bloodicells, is becoming an increasingly prevalent health'concern among adults in the United States.

George Magazine, Issue 23:

Inside Look at George Magazine’s First Annual Live Event | Love Thy Neighbor: A Closer Look at Matthew 22 | Who is Curtis Yarvin? Another Political “Rasputin”?? | Why the Privatization of Social Security is Such a Bad Idea | Attorney Greg Payne: Fearless Freedom Fighter – Exclusive Interview | And much much more!

George Magazine Issue 23 – Collector’s Edition

George Magazine Issue 23 – Standard Edition

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - A distinguished attorney licensed in both Arkansas and Missouri, George Magazine lawyer, Gregory F. Payne, PLLC, has over 25 years of experience in criminal law, family law, and other civil litigation.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - I started working with Gene Ho as an assistant for a couple of events and then for the George LIVE event, the Big One! What an honor it has been to be a part of helping bring this event live to Hot Springs, Arkansas.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Curtis Yarvin, also known by his pen name Mencius Moldbug, is a controversial figure in the realm of contemporary political theory and online discourse. It is said he is the latest Svengali or Rasputin to the MAGA leadership.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine
    Amanda Grace: Herself, America, and the Ark of Grace
    By Dave Blaze, Gene Ho, and Shelley Allen

    George Magazine - We are grateful for the time Amanda spent with us, and we eagerly look forward to seeing her in Arkansas at our George Live event in August (Aug. 10 and 11 in Hot Springs National Park, AR).

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Christian Nationalism, a rising on the right socio-political ideology that advocates for Christian dominance in American civic life, has gained significant traction in recent years.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - GESARA stands for the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. It is an extension of NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act), a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States that originated in the 1990s.

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Loneliness is a human response to being alone. God created humans for a longing and a need for relationships. Humans were made in the image of the triune God (Who eternally exists in relationship).

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Gaeton Fonzi is not new. Whether the name is new to you or not, you are about to learn about an extraordinary man and his work. Fonzi, who died on Aug. 30, 2012, age 76, from Parkinson's, spent three years as a government-hired investigator for the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Agencies

  • George Magazine  at george magazine

    George Magazine - Van life and workamping look like fun and filled with adventure when you binge-watch viogs on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. Whether they truly are as romantic and exciting as they look onscreen or not, these alternative lifestyles

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