Election 2024 Countdown


The Psychology and Manipulation of Political Propaganda: How It Encourages Good People to Do Nothing

By Jon David

The Psychology and Manipulation of Political Propaganda: How It Encourages Good People to Do Nothing  at george magazine
The Psychology and Manipulation of Political Propaganda: How It Encourages Good People to Do Nothing  at george magazine
The Psychology and Manipulation of Political Propaganda: How It Encourages Good People to Do Nothing  at george magazine

4 thoughts on "The Psychology and Manipulation of Political Propaganda: How It Encourages Good People to Do Nothing"

  1. Patricia Jennings says:

    As I read this article, I was struck by a question that made me most uncomfortable, “How easily do I and/or have I fallen prey to propaganda now that I know how to recognize it?”

    If this questioning/realization was the purpose of this article, well done, folks! This is one of the reasons I read George cover to cover every month.

  2. Beth says:

    I am sure that I have fallen for propaganda, though I can’t put my finger on a really memorable instance. I figure I have been pretty …insulated from? … immune for the most part to? propaganda because both of my parents (especially my Dad)were readers and independent thinkers. They were NOT going to be spoon fed an opinion. They also both had incredible tempers and if they ever got flipped on, boy boy! You were torn between running away to preserve your life and possibly dodging and weaving so you could listen to them because MAN! They were/are intelligent and had common sense on top of it. My Daddy told me that I should NEVER take anyone’s word for a thing. Go find out myself. And I have. Also, I am stubborn, have both of their tempers but on a short switch, and I have a problem with authority. (At least Biden admin kind of authority). It’s probably because I am afraid of falling for the crap, that I don’t fall for it as often as I could. I never want to be remembered as one who blindly believed idiots and crooks.

  3. R Ledbetter says:

    In my opinion, this article should be the cornerstone of understanding and appreciating GEORGE magazine. I remember in the days of mostly newspapers, and magazines both of which I loved to read, that I noticed an interest in current events and daily news by my daughter. I took it upon myself to teach her how to “read between the lines” each and every article she found interesting. I told her to examine who wrote the article, find another article similar and dissect the sentances in both and see if there is a theme going on in regards to opion or style. I told her if she did this with each news article that she came across, that she would begsan to see the propaganda spoonfed in each article. She has made me proud over the years not swallowing “hook, line and sinker” , everything written.

  4. Jenn Penta says:

    Great article. I really love how George Magazine really connects the dots in an unbiased way. It gets the readers critical thinking wheels turning!

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