Election 2024 Countdown


Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Is your mind made up, currently, as to who you\'re likely voting for, for President in 2024? After Voting please leave a comment as to why.

Donald Trump 1128
Joe Biden 568
Robert Kennedy Jr. 14
Vivek Ramaswamy 9
Gavin Newsom 8
Nikki Haley 5
Still Unsure 4

85 thoughts on "who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?"

  1. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Veronica Gutierrez says:

    President Trump is the only candidate that can save our County until Jesus 2nd coming.

  2. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Michelle says:

    Trump loves our country! All of these attacks simply because he brings out truth has solidified my vote. He is not part of the deep state, hes an outsider, and I trust him.

  3. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Robert L Jr Hatzes says:

    Trump is the only choice to save our democracy and Republic. if he wasn’t the left would not be targeting him with everything in their quiver.

  4. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Lora says:

    Make America a Constitutional Republic again.

  5. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Scott Berg says:


  6. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Leanne says:

    There’s only one candidate as far as I’m concerned.l and he’s Trump. Every other candidate on the Republican side is there (and pushed by big money) to SPLIT THE VOTE.

  7. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Dusti says:

    I’m loyal to the boss.
    Love him too.

  8. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Stella A DeGain says:

    I will vote for Trump even if I have to write in his name. He is the only one brave enough to fight all the lying Democrats, swamp rats, and RINOs!

  9. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jennifer Hernandez says:

    Trump has proven he could fix this.

  10. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Troy Crador says:

    Only Candidate that speaks for the American People

  11. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Troy Crador says:

    Trump is the only Candidate That Has the Heart and Mind of The American People.

  12. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Debbie says:

    Trump is the only person who is not bought & paid for by communist elites

  13. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Susie Leahy says:

    Voting DJT! He loves WE THE PEOPLE and Jesus! ❤️ Melania!

  14. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Tara Cole says:

    I’m loyal to the Commander in Chief, The only man who was willing to fight to save our great country from the elite establishment! ULTRAMAGA🇺🇸
    Trump 45-47 ❤️🤍💙

  15. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Tara says:

    I’m loyal to the Commander in Chief, The only man who was willing to fight to save our great country from the elite establishment! ULTRAMAGA🇺🇸
    Trump 45-47 ❤️🤍💙

  16. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Mer says:

    Who the hell voted Gavin?

  17. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Janet says:

    💯 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 save America

  18. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Lilly B. says:

    All the others are Globalists & warmongers. America 1st Trump 2024 is my vote #Latinos4Trump

  19. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jennifer tobin says:

    Trump is the only one who has proven he has less corruption than every other Republican or member of DC swamp ever!!!!

  20. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine PETER BENANTI says:

    Trump vs democrats is the same as Constitution vs. Marxism. Vote for Trump or you are the problem. Biden is a dumbass.

  21. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Nini says:

    President Donald J Trump is my one and only President past and future. John F Kennedy Jr is my Vice President now and in the future! I can’t wait to see his beautiful face!

  22. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Lisa Butterfield says:

    His proven results in the first term and We the People deserve the four years of a Trump presidency that was stolen from us.

  23. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Mike McConnell says:

    I’m voting for Trump unless the current neocon government ushers in a nuclear holocaust before November ’24. Trump is the only viable candidate that is not pro-war. I like Kennedy too but he doesn’t have a chance in the current Dem party.

  24. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Nonya says:

    more than a year away… waiting to see who wins the primary…
    Unless there is a major change, I have my candidate picked out.

  25. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Michael Lennon says:

    He genuinely cares and loves the American people. He has been punished worse than any person I can think of save Jesus Christ who they hate more. But , I am a Kennedy Democrat in a blue state R.I. , so it’s been fun to cut loose my non-friends who when they heard that, I was shunned by quite a few in a small den town. IDC we stand for something or we fall for anything.

  26. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Lance says:

    President Donald J Trump is the only one who has already proven himself capable of bringing America back from the mess that the globalist elitist establishment have made of it,
    revitalizing our economy, rebuilding our military,
    getting us out of foreign entanglements,
    appointing constitutionalist conservative judges,
    defending our Bill of Rights,
    And all the people I can’t stand, despise him.
    And he cracks me up.
    If I could change one thing about him,
    I wouldn’t.
    Best President in my lifetime.

  27. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Julie says:

    Only Trump!!! 💯

  28. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Deanne says:

    How can ppl vote for anyone except Trump with a clear conscience? TRUMP 2024

  29. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Janie says:

    Trump 45-47🇺🇸

  30. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Kathy says:

    One Commander in Chief -TRUMP! Trump 2024

  31. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jolene Gibbs says:

    Donald Trump is the only one who can turn this crazy world around and he can run a country better than the idiot Biden that is in office. Trump is for the country, for the people and he is a great businessman! He knows what he is doing! I would vote for him. If JFK Jr was alive today, he would be an awesome Vice President or even an President!!!!!

  32. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Sandra D’Agata says:

    It quite simple Evil vs Good
    Biden is a puppet for Evil
    Trump is a good person who loves our country
    They both have egos but that is what it takes to do what they do
    All the others are well meaning easily bought dreamers

  33. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jan Rickman says:

    Biden – 54% in the pole. ???
    That has to be a joke. I don’t believe that many people would vote for him.
    Trump is my man !!

  34. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Space Lady Mom says:

    why are the majority of comments in support of trump, but the poll favors biden? something is wrong here.

  35. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine charlsey r poindexter says:

    He is the best TRUMP 2024

  36. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine MareZ says:

    That is not a believable result – Just like nothing is believable in these times. Something’s gotta give Soon! Internet will probably go down, as predicted on Simpson’s show.

  37. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Teresa Weldon says:

    Only option is Trump. Fix 2020.
    I don’t see any positive comments regarding Deep State Joe, where are the 52% that voted for him in this poll? Asking for a friend.

  38. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Debra says:

    Your poll is off. That comments all say the are only for Trump, but Bidens poll says he is ahead. Trump is the only way forward so we can clean up what the Deep state/ Demorats have done.we need to rid the world of the deep state cochroaches then you won’t have to worry about population control. We have more liquid qold under our feet we don’t have to struggle like they wantvus to.fuel is not limited like they want you to believe.

    1. Our poll now has 11,132 responses…sure some people probably are messing with us. But WHY is there not greater response from the MAGA World??? THIS is a microcosm of 2020…Everyone believed as long as they voted on Election Day Trump would win, while the DEMs were working every possible angle and were ready for it.

  39. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Darryn says:

    Biden is not ahead of Trump this poll is like a Dominion system .a. 1 for Trump means 1.1 for Biden

    1. Our poll now has 11,132 responses…sure some people probably are messing with us. But WHY is there not greater response from the MAGA World??? THIS is a microcosm of 2020…Everyone believed as long as they voted on Election Day Trump would win, while the DEMs were working every possible angle and were ready for it.

  40. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Becky Nelson says:

    President Trump 100%
    He is a warrior for the people, loves his country and God is with him
    For our children and grandchildren’s future Trump all the way!

  41. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Sherrie Proctor says:


  42. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Teresa Weldon says:

    I have to agree with George Magazine’s comments on the replies. I just returned from an exercise class and was speaking with two women in their late 70s/early 80s. When I mentioned how things are getting so bad under the Biden Administration and how corrupt the government has been, they looked at me like a deer in the headlights. More than likely they are MSM watchers. I believe there are more people still asleep than we think. The only answer prayer, disclosure and the return of our rightful President Trump before 2024. Fix 2020!!!!!!!

  43. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Chris mock says:

    Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan and Trump. Both parties hated them but WeThePeople loved them and they were trying to Make America Great! They put fraudsters in Nixon campaign, had cia kill Kennedy, kept Reagan off ballot 3 times shot 1 time and now they’re using an obscure civil war era law to try and keep President Trump off the ballot! All because WeThePeople want somebody to fight for US! So yes! I’m voting for Donald J Trump!

  44. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Terbear says:

    It’s so obvious the election was stolen from Trump in 2020. We need him to expose more of the political tyranny plus put the nation back on the right track.

  45. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Melissa says:

    That quote from Sen. Tim Kaine is disgraceful. Any person, dem or republicans, saying something like that has no business being a US Senator. What a lack of principles and character!

  46. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Melissa says:

    Maybe George Magazine can explain why every single comment is pro-Trump, but the results of the poll have Trump and Biden tied. Not believable at all.

    1. It’s all about the votes. While Biden enthusiasts are voting, Trump supporters are complaining it’s rigged. This is the attitude that loses elections.

  47. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Coral Stevenson says:

    Promises made. Promises kept.
    Trump loves America more than any other president since or even Kennedy. He believes in the Republic. He loves freedom and protects our freedom. He loves the Constitution. He loves the CHILDREN and wants to protect the children. He loves God. HE LOVES GOD. He really loves God.

  48. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Doug says:

    Why do both sides of the aisle hate Trump? No other person in office has had this much hate thrown at them. Trump can not be bought. You willingly put on blinders if you can not see this. God bless America & President Trump.

  49. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Christine Scott says:

    I believe Trump won the last stolen election. Give him his presidency back.

  50. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Eric Steel says:

    This must be a joke. Who are the 45 % voting for Biden here? You guys must have some really great issues.

    1. You must face the reality. People get into trouble acting on the reality they believe to be true and not reality as it is.

  51. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Paul Andersen says:


  52. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Dar says:

    I agree with the previous comments about Biden getting that many votes. Biden is fake, Trump is the Boss and he will win in the next election. You notice there are more people posting why they are voting for Trump, I don’t really see any Biden comments, except the person saying Trump voters are complaining about the election. Well hopefully they wake up soon or they will be in for a rude awakening and may never wake up, even if it’s in their face. Go Trump! He’s a true patriot that loves his country.

  53. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Gene Ho says:

    Hey Listen Everyone… We here at GEORGE are NOT controlled opposition. We are not Mockingbird Media. But neither are we an Echo Chamber sounding board for the right. A lot of the people that work here are openly Trump supporters. At the same time – we don’t let our bias interfere with our job as the New Media. We lean Center Right here – but we have many readers who are Center and Center Left. If people voted here for Biden – then that is their opinion. This poll would be LESS realistic if you saw 99.9 percent of the people voting for Trump and the rest voting for Biden. If your a Trump supporter – tell you friends to get in here and vote!

  54. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Norma Roberts says:

    He keeps his promises. Actions speak much louder than lying words!

  55. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Robin Ross says:

    I’m voting for Trump/JFK Jr in 2023!!!!!!! Whooo hooooo!

  56. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Kathy Gerbino says:

    I Love Donald J. Trump I feel he has already proved himeself he always put America first. He supports all my beliefs. I have a son with a young family who can not even by a home now anywhere in America thanks to Bidenomics. Everything is more expensive. Things don’t just up just a few cents, they double in price day to day I’m afraid to wake up in the morning. So besides all this, my son is Leaving America to Live in Italy. I may never see him or my grand children again. I cry a lot. TY if your readunbg this and God Bless you which is now under threat to say that.
    Sincerely, Kathy G. a grandma in America

  57. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Cornelia says:

    I am not surprised that President Trump got the most votes, what is disturbing is that biden got such a high vote. He should have got zero.

  58. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine VJHartz says:

    Trump or Bust. Who let in all these Brandon voters? Deport them immediately!

  59. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Toni Orange says:

    No one can do it like daddy Trump! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

  60. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Karen says:

    I voted for him in 16 and 20. He is owned by no one . He keeps his promises , and not only was he cheated out of 20 … technically they stole his term in 16 with all of the bullshit . He is a man of the people and the greatest president of my lifetime . America owes him a debt of gratitude that we will never be able to pay in full .

  61. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Brad says:

    Trump actually cares about America and Christian Value. With that said MAGA 2024

  62. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Dean Bowen says:

    We have not lived in true freedom my entire life, Trump is the only candidate who might change that. The others ( with the acception of RFK, jr.) will take us into further and more absolute slavery. The Chinese Communists wound soon own our land and controll our futures.

  63. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Linda says:

    Press dent Trump is honest, fights for the people, hardworking and doesn’t take any bullshit. He sees completely through these idiots who wish to destroy our country. Lets see some heads roll and get on with the business of restoring this country!!!

  64. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Linda says:

    President Trump is the only one who has guts to stand up to the Deep State/Cabal. I stand with him in this fight! Enough is enough with these criminals who are destroying our country. However, this is Biblical and God always win! Trump is God’s choice for this fight!

  65. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Andrea Lynn says:

    No contest. He never conceded. Donald Trump and his alliance are saving not only America but the world from crimes against humanity for the cause of liberation of the people from a very corrupt and malicious history we all have been chained to.
    He is the chosen one.
    He has help and is protected.
    God wins. We win.

  66. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Shea McDonough says:

    Donald Trump, has great taste in Photographers, just like Junior did, when DJT is the CEO again, hell know what to do

  67. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine lejake says:

    for the plan of john !!!

  68. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jill Darlington-Smith says:

    If I tabulated my worker associates’ votes, sadly, it would be more like 75% – 25% with Biden the winner. I live in a college town, the largest employers are Hospitals and Lawyers – it’s home to the over-educated. I’m just surprised that 40% of GEORGE readers would still believe the MSM hype and answer the quiz. Maybe that means they are willing to open their minds to more options, or maybe there are lots of trolls?

    1. Trolls were ruled out when the Biden votes came in over a longer period of time, several days

  69. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Christine Laing says:

    Promises Made Promises Kept!
    ✨️🫶✨️🙏 ❤️🇺🇸❤️
    God Bless & Protect Our C.I.C., and Our Military!

  70. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Sarah says:

    Trump is a joke.

  71. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Trish says:

    Trump is the best prepared to put our country back on the right track.

  72. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Dee Johnson says:

    There is no other logical choice if we want to save our country.

  73. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Jeff Turner says:

    I will definitely vote for Trump. I believe that our nation’s greatest threat is the corruption within our own government. Trump spent the first 4 years on a quest to find the depth of the corruption. Now he’s very well aware. The Democratic Party and a lot of the republicans know that he knows and they are trying everything possible to stop him because they all know that they all will be exposed and will face the consequences if he wins. We need to clean our own country before we can worry about others. Trump is the only one that can’t be bought.

  74. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Kevin Stevens says:

    Trump is still President. The bank robbers aren’t off the hook because they made it around the corner. Only a matter of time. Jesus King of Kings.

  75. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Rachel Ahava says:

    The ONLY choice:
    TRUMP/JFK JR 2024
    God wins.

  76. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Alida Ostler-Brundo says:

    I trust implicitly:
    All will be well with God in control…
    He created and chose the other two!

  77. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Denise Fink says:

    I believe we won’t have a election. Since the voter fraud was not fix and shown to the USA. The military will have to come in. One year in for Trump to show good. Then he is out of the public eye. Our real laws have to be taught to the people. So “We the People” can save our republic. Our government now is causing treason around the world. People need to wake up. If our elections are fixed. I would vote for the creator of George for president. 🥰

  78. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Linda White says:

    Trumps got this

  79. who you’re likely voting for, for President in 2024?  at george magazine Linda White says:


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