George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What do you think would Make America Great?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

All of the Above 838
None of the above 202
Leadership that promotes National Unity 346
Unity of Citizens and Political Parties Working together 181
Better Education Opportunities without Crushing Debt 55
Great Health Care for All 78
Higher Wages for Workers 126

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

32 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    In order to Make America Great Again, the deep state CABAL needs to be completely obliterated. For hundreds (if not thousands) of years the world has been run by evil power-hungry, money-hungry demons- they need to be fully exposed for the evil deeds they are responsible for and then punished accordingly. America is the shining beam of the world…. as Q had said, if America falls, the world falls. As we expose all the corruption, satanic practices, pedophilia, and ill-gotten financial gains of hundreds of people in our country and the world, the USA, and thus the rest of the world, will be someday (soon) be freed from the clutches of the evil ones. When we are left to run our country with good, moral, patriotic, God-loving people, the rest of the problems we have will be solved.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Johnni Trail says:

    The only way to truly make America great again, although I agree with every suggestion, is if we fall to our knees in true repentance and turn from our wicked ways. God has warned us and the harvest is approaching quickly. We can receive judgement or revival. The law of reciprocity applies to each of us based on the condition of our hearts. May God have mercy on us all

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Thomas E Mueller says:

    Honestly, Trump says “they have it all” I think it is about time to flip this thing sure hope we don’t have to wait until another fake election on 11/5/24.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rosina says:

      In Gods time 🙏🏼

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Beth says:

    All of the poll choices were band aids, not solutions. A Pro family culture with a revival of personal relationships to God, integrity and Christian morals would be the place to start.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane says:

    The TRUTH needs to be made public, we need free and fair elections, which we do not have. Americans need to understand how corrupt and evil our government is. Many do not have a clue because the media is so crooked. THIS ALL NEEDS TO STOP NOW! DRAIN THE SWAMP.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dean Anoia says:

    The United States of America means united we stand, divided we fall.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    While I voted for “all of the above”, I do not believe we can get to that point to accomplish any such objectives until election integrity is restored and what happened in 2020 (and past elections) is fully and unequivocally exposed for all to see and accept. And while we are at it, America and the world needs to see and understand how our world was controlled and what the evil controllers were doing to us and our children. No sugar coating. Unless there is righteous indignation resulting from the truth being fully revealed, we are doomed to repeat the past.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angela Wygmans says:

      100% agree with this! If we have fair and honest elections with representatives chosen by we the people, I believe many issues will be corrected

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pamela Rose says:

    Thanks to Lil John John asking Trump to run for president. it was trump who has given me hope to Shine Bright Love and light of gods Truth I been in this from day 1 standing firm in casting out these evil doers who have ruin our children children’s future no more chains of darkness upon heaven’s Earth.
    It’s the greatest awakening I will experience and proud to stand by our 19th Republic president of the United States of America and 17th Republic JFK jr. vice president of the United States of America
    I’m 67 I will never ever give up in making our once America Great again

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marsha says:

    Honestly I can see a few of these, but not sure how a higher wage would make America great. We need less taxes more than a higher wage would be needed. Right now we get taxed on the money we make, money we spend and money we save. Why am I paying 3 to 4 times in taxes for the same dollar? I do not understand why more people are not upset by this.
    We also need more affordable healthcare where the insurance companies do NOT rule on what a patients health care should be. If a doctor says they need a test to better diagnose you, then you should not have to wait to see if you get approval from the insurance company to have that test!
    This country needs to come together. The division is ridiculous. I am not sure when it happened, the craziness that only one opinion matters and no one can disagree with it or have their own thoughts. This country was formed on different opinions discussed and worked out into peaceful solutions that were better for everyone, NOT just one group of people. I love my country. I am sure there is no place like it that affords such freedoms, but to see what is happening to it and its people is crazy. People used to genuinely care for others, at least where I am from, now they do not care about their fellow man. Everyone is out for themselves. At times it makes me ashamed to be an American. Let’s get it together already.

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nicole says:

    We need an act of God. Plain and simple. We need every traitor, satanist, pedo and child abuser hung publicly. We need the TRUTH to come out about what our military and white hats have been doing covertly. Enough is enough. If the evil ones see their fate maybe they would change their wicked ways.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lizzy says:

    Um okay Gene, aka Bruce. Teehehe and Jr. Can we get to the good stuff please sir Q. Love you guys

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ms. Storm says:

    Individuals must be strong in themselves and strong in the LORD. You left this out completely, sigh. Strong leadership doesn’t make strong individuals. We must start with a strong homestead and family structure. BTW, there was no mention of creativity or removing TV’s. But going back, leadership starts with self-love. Leadership is love. Leadership leads us back to ourselves so that we have the richness to give to others.

    Political Parties are stupid, divisive, corrosive, pointless, corruptable, repugnant, and should be illegal. Please don’t bring them up again.

    Why do we need healthcare if no one is poisoning us?

    There is only one doctor anyway, GOD. Watch Trey Smith’s story about his Mum.

    If we stop making food “PRODUCTS” and produce actual nourishment, we won’t need doctors, or healthcare, only technicians to set bones.

    I’ve never met anyone who has a medication deficiency, have you?

    How about turning on all of our strands of DNA? Being whole and complete serves the nation.

    How about turning off WiFi and getting rid of vaccines?

    How about getting everyone fed and warm?

    You should consider clearing MK Ultra and other programming so you have something mentally available to work with. Then, you might have a strong nation. Thank you for your poll, George and associates.

    Ms. Storm

    Note: We could just obey the 10 commandments, seems pretty easy.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane Young says:

    America will NEVER be great again unless the fraudulent government and all its tentacles are removed. A oath is sworn to the people and the original republic. 2020,2022 and all others elections were fraud and that makes them null and void. All Masonic and secret society,cabal entities need to be removed, tried and hung by the neck until dead. Shut it all down and start over. No corporation AdmiraltyLaw either. Common and Natural law only. No entitlement program will fix anything.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Allison Goodwin says:

    Number One is WE Need to Dissolve the Bankrupt CORPORATION OF THE US OF DC And Bring Back our (Stolen in 1871) Constitutional Republic of the USA – which would then render the Federal Reserve Private Bank and IRS Unconstitutional Illegal Entities. All employees of the Bankrupt Corporation need to Be Fired and pay back illicitly received Bribes, and Be Held Accountable for Treason and Crimes against Americans especially Children. Then We can Make America Great Again! Thank You!!

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane says:

    To Make America Great Again, we need a heart change–we need revival. If we are not God-focused, all the current evil could be eradicated and eventually we would end up back at the same place.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sheryl says:

    We need to bring Jesus back into our lives, our schools, our work places. You cannot kick out God and expect things to go well

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Theresa Patriot says:

    Let’s get down to basics. Take fluoride/fluorine out of tap water (it’s still in boiled water) water we shower in that accelerates alzheimer’s & carcinogens and toxins out of food and stop spraying poisons.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Meg Medicke says:

    We need to know the TRUTH about NESARA. If it was indeed signed into law? It is time to reveal this.

    Get us back onto asset-backed currency now. Not months from now. Not years from now.

    We have been stolen from for centuries. We have watched our loved ones die in poverty after working hard their entire lives. We have seen them die of curable illnesses because they were denied life-saving cures.

    We don’t need yet another stolen election and more empty promises. Please deliver on NESARA. Give the power back to the people it was stolen from.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teresa says:

    Everyone needs to be DNA tested to prove who they are entering any office!!

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David says:

    Hey Gene!Loving your interview tonight with John B Wells!Love you too Brother, Pastor Joyce, and of Course JB Wells and family.Michelle and I will keep you and yours in prayers.
    Jesus is Lord and I am glad to call you Brother!
    Love you,Dave Orts and family

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rachel says:

    I believe that the only viable solution left to Make America Great Again, would be a complete overhaul of the federal and the individual states governments, down to local city councils, school boards, and HOA’s. Corruption runs too deep to just replace a few here and there and hope that will do it. EVERYONE needs to go, on both sides of the political isle. New policies should be implemented requiring any potential candidate for any office, no matter how big or small pass courses on history, government, economics, civics, and ethics. Power that has been given to the federal government needs to go back to the individual states, where it belongs. Many agencies need to be dismantled and shut down. Taxes paid to the federal government need to be abolished, as it was intended to be a temporary solution to a problem, that hasn’t been relevant for decades. It’s a lot, but I believe it’s a good start.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine chickychickyra says:

    There is a lot to fixing our Country. Every nation is interconnected where we like it or not. Evil must be exposed so the entire world understands how this web of lies is spun. May God bless us all with wisdom to do what is right for the entire world.

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joyce says:

    It’s all important: unity of citizens and political parties; higher wages; leadership that cares for, supports, and promotes national unity; great health care for everyone; better educational opportunities without the financial slavery of debt….but a spiritual revival comprised of repentant hearts submitted to God as a foundation for all this would be a necessity.

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine tracey says:

    i believe we are moving from dark to light, but there is a dark side and a light side to the Luciferian system. The question is will we still be controlled by the Luciferians, just in the near future, will be controlled by the light side of the system and is the intention to usher in the antichrist.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Becky Lucas says:

    Remove the constitution usurpers out of our country.Tri unals and bread ng back our true constitution.Teavh our children what our constitution means to our nation from kindergarten up.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Becky Lucas says:

    I believe Q had to happen to wake up people who can not use critical thinking.I was on our overpasses with my flag a few times.I got home and told my husband these people have no idea what’s going on here.The only way to teach them is we have to use the internet to get to them.That fall Trump was elected and 2017 Q was started.I heard about Q but got on about December,as we had a new grandchild born I think got on and learned how to compare the drops and timestamps from Dan Scavino and Trump’s Twitter account.I found other people who were able to connect the dots like I did.I also was praying one afternoon and I heard The world is about to change and it will never be the same again.Well one day President Trump was on TV.Trump walked
    to the end of the stage and said,”The world is about to change”…I told my husband this when I heard it.He looked at me after President Trump said this same thing.I told my husband,I didn’t say it,God did.This can only be led by God.Its the intuitive and in the spirit that makes people see.Its Faith that God will take care of things.We are going into hard to hear times and we need our Lord and we need each other.Have faith in humanity

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine ken depaola says:


  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MEJ says:

    2020, it’s not over YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    I wish to add one more comment regarding proof of the validity of the Q information dissemination program. As one who regularly watches the rallies that President Trump holds, I have noticed one particular song is played in a loop towards the end of his speech. That song is played during President Trump’s “….we are a nation in decline…” speech. The actual name of that soft, quiet, melodic music is WWG1WGA. It is found on the album Silver Cloud 5, released September 23, 2020. Here are the names of the other songs on the album:……..

    1- Q Send Me, 2- Dark Walk, 3- Antifa A**holes, 4- Walk to the Light, 5- Adrenocrome S**t, 6- Punisher,

    7- White Rabbit, 8- White Hat Victory, 9- I Am Q, 10- Wwg1wga…………… I had purchased the album on Amazon (downloaded it). President Trump could have picked any song to be played in the background of his speech, yet he repeatedly plays WWG1WGA. What a wonderful shout-out to the anons! Thank you President Trump! 5×5

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Butch says:

    Trust the Plan!

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