Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What do you think would Make America Great?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

All of the Above 838
None of the above 202
Leadership that promotes National Unity 346
Unity of Citizens and Political Parties Working together 181
Better Education Opportunities without Crushing Debt 55
Great Health Care for All 78
Higher Wages for Workers 126

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

In order to Make America Great Again, the deep state CABAL needs to be completely obliterated. For hundreds (if not thousands) of years the world has been run by evil power-hungry, money-hungry demons- they need to be fully exposed for the evil deeds they are responsible for and then punished accordingly. America is the shining beam of the world…. as Q had said, if America falls, the world falls. As we expose all the corruption, satanic practices, pedophilia, and ill-gotten financial gains of hundreds of people in our country and the world, the USA, and thus the rest of the world, will be someday (soon) be freed from the clutches of the evil ones. When we are left to run our country with good, moral, patriotic, God-loving people, the rest of the problems we have will be solved.

Last edited 3 months ago by EllieM
George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Johnni Trail
3 months ago

The only way to truly make America great again, although I agree with every suggestion, is if we fall to our knees in true repentance and turn from our wicked ways. God has warned us and the harvest is approaching quickly. We can receive judgement or revival. The law of reciprocity applies to each of us based on the condition of our hearts. May God have mercy on us all

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Thomas E Mueller
3 months ago

Honestly, Trump says “they have it all” I think it is about time to flip this thing sure hope we don’t have to wait until another fake election on 11/5/24.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Thomas E Mueller
3 months ago

In Gods time 🙏🏼

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

All of the poll choices were band aids, not solutions. A Pro family culture with a revival of personal relationships to God, integrity and Christian morals would be the place to start.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

The TRUTH needs to be made public, we need free and fair elections, which we do not have. Americans need to understand how corrupt and evil our government is. Many do not have a clue because the media is so crooked. THIS ALL NEEDS TO STOP NOW! DRAIN THE SWAMP.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Dean Anoia
3 months ago

The United States of America means united we stand, divided we fall.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Amy Rosensteel
3 months ago

While I voted for “all of the above”, I do not believe we can get to that point to accomplish any such objectives until election integrity is restored and what happened in 2020 (and past elections) is fully and unequivocally exposed for all to see and accept. And while we are at it, America and the world needs to see and understand how our world was controlled and what the evil controllers were doing to us and our children. No sugar coating. Unless there is righteous indignation resulting from the truth being fully revealed, we are doomed to repeat the past.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Angela Wygmans
Reply to  Amy Rosensteel
3 months ago

100% agree with this! If we have fair and honest elections with representatives chosen by we the people, I believe many issues will be corrected

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Pamela Rose
3 months ago

Thanks to Lil John John asking Trump to run for president. it was trump who has given me hope to Shine Bright Love and light of gods Truth I been in this from day 1 standing firm in casting out these evil doers who have ruin our children children’s future no more chains of darkness upon heaven’s Earth.
It’s the greatest awakening I will experience and proud to stand by our 19th Republic president of the United States of America and 17th Republic JFK jr. vice president of the United States of America
I’m 67 I will never ever give up in making our once America Great again

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

Honestly I can see a few of these, but not sure how a higher wage would make America great. We need less taxes more than a higher wage would be needed. Right now we get taxed on the money we make, money we spend and money we save. Why am I paying 3 to 4 times in taxes for the same dollar? I do not understand why more people are not upset by this.
We also need more affordable healthcare where the insurance companies do NOT rule on what a patients health care should be. If a doctor says they need a test to better diagnose you, then you should not have to wait to see if you get approval from the insurance company to have that test!
This country needs to come together. The division is ridiculous. I am not sure when it happened, the craziness that only one opinion matters and no one can disagree with it or have their own thoughts. This country was formed on different opinions discussed and worked out into peaceful solutions that were better for everyone, NOT just one group of people. I love my country. I am sure there is no place like it that affords such freedoms, but to see what is happening to it and its people is crazy. People used to genuinely care for others, at least where I am from, now they do not care about their fellow man. Everyone is out for themselves. At times it makes me ashamed to be an American. Let’s get it together already.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

We need an act of God. Plain and simple. We need every traitor, satanist, pedo and child abuser hung publicly. We need the TRUTH to come out about what our military and white hats have been doing covertly. Enough is enough. If the evil ones see their fate maybe they would change their wicked ways.

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