Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What will determine a Free and Fair and Honest Election in Nov. 2024?
(Please leave us a comment after voting. Your opinion matters.)

Complete Military Take Over of all State and Federal Elections 671
No Machines! Change to Paper Ballots Only 541
Only if Trump wins will I consider it Fair and Honest 262
Other (Leave a comment as to what your opinion is) 135
Elections are fair right now. 214
Blockchain Voting like George Soros advocates for 82

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

84 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    There must be several election integrity enhancements to be put in place before we can call the final results of an election ………. 1- The initial voting procedure must include using only paper ballots (no machines at all), where the citizens can cast their ballots using their own pen if desired (ie, no “sharpie markers” to bleed through to the other side of the sheet)…….. 2- Verifiable identification must be provided at the voting location. Each citizen voting must have been pre-registered to vote, have their name and address written in the paper voter books (as was used prior to the introduction of the laptop computers at the poling locations), and the citizen must sign their name within the box containing this information. ……… 3- Polls must be open from 6am until 8 – 9pm. No votes are to be cast before or after those hours, excluding those who had already arrived and are waiting their turn at their poll location to cast their vote. Absentee ballots (including military ballots) must be specifically requested by the citizen, mailed to the address on file for the citizen, and then it must be completed, dated, returned, and received by the county at least one week prior to the election……….. 4- Poll watchers from all different parties (or at least several from the Republican and Democrat parties) must be present to observe the procedures at the polling locations. There will be no stopping of the voting procedure during the course of the night. If a true emergency occurs, local police and fire departments must be notified and they must remain present at the location until closing time…………..5- Election results must be delivered to the people by 11pm that evening. There is no valid reason why counting votes would require more than 2-3 hours of work………… 6- If there is any discrepancy found in the number of votes casted and the number of people arriving at the polling location, a paper audit must be initiated. No final count from that particular county will be given until the paper audit has concluded………..

    7- There should be no one outside of the voting locations intimidating the arriving citizens to cast their vote for a particular candidate. If needed, the National Guard may be called upon to ensure the safety of the citizens arriving to cast their vote…….


  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Thomas E Mueller says:

    First of all, if we go to the November elections WITHOUT FIRST CORRECTING THE STOLEN ELECTION of 2020 I will be very sad. I will not vote in another election until this is done. However, once the stolen 2020 election is corrected then I would want the military to oversee the next election with all protections in place to make it fair and unable to rig the votes in any way.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Monica Hamilton says:

      Same fren. If 2024 election moves forward then that will be it for me. If Jr doesn’t step in this year, I don’t know where we go from there. Peace

    2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

      Be a part of the solution. Go out and vote. “TOO BIG TO RIG” as President Trump stated to us………if we cast enough votes to overload the fraudulent system, there will be no conceivable way for the deep state to win. Follow President Trump’s advice, please, and go vote!!

    3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine Peterson says:

      Agree. The election of 2020 must be corrected first!

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cindy V says:

    Even with paper ballots for all there will still have to be some serious oversight of the entire process to keep integrity of ballots and ensure no tampering!

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Deanna says:

    Voter ID. I have to show my ID in Tennessee, these states that are cheating are allowing mail-in ballots even after the time is due. Terrible!

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Thomas E Mueller says:

    To those people that are voting saying the elections are fair right now, my God people do you not see and understand what took place in the last 2020 election??? You do this country a diservice if you continue to believe the elections were not stolen.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Breean DeGrood says:

      Those people are probably bots.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rich says:

    I dont even believe your poll results are fair , nevermind election

    1. The George Polls are put out to our Social Media Platform followers and by Email. The results are what they are. And this is why so many watch our polls, as they are a good indication of what is actually happening.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charles Irwin says:


  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Unruh says:

    Several things must be put in place. First, only verified citizens should be allowed to vote so valid ID must be used. Second, no machines should be used, paper ballots only. Third, military should oversee as well as representatives from all sides. Fourth and most important, 2020 MUST be corrected first. Many who are disillusioned by the farce that is playing out in public right now will need to be assured that justice is done when cheating and treason have occurred.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dean Anoia says:

    Trump said on at least 2 occasions that we will have a fair election. I assume Space Force will prevent obstruction.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

      Agree—but the country and world needs to be shown pre-election that 2020 was rigged and stolen, and then be shown what’s being done to ensure the integrity of the 11/2024 election and thereafter.

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Enrietta Lee says:

    Hi Patriots: My opinion: First and foremost, what is needed is: The exposure of the TRUTH about the 2020 cheating and rigging of the Elections that took place that year. Exposure to our entire Republic and World to see. Then holding accountable those (which were many) for their crimes! Then once the TRUTH is exposed, we must FOCUS and REMAIN VIGILANT during our November 5th, 2024 Elections. We need a ONE DAY ONLY TO VOTE. WE NEED TO HAVE EVERY SINGLE HUMAN ADULT (18 years and above) SHOW PROOF OF I.D + CITIZENSHIP. Then by all means, go VOTE! And vote for our dearest President Donald J. Trump (who by the way has been our President throughout 2020 and to date + we want 4 more years) How do I know that? Think back to 2020. Did you ever see our dearest President Trump CONCEDE ANYTHING to ANYONE? If you are honest you will say: NO! See? This is GOD’S PLAN. AND IT IS PLAYING OUT BEAUTIFULLY AND THE WAY GOD DOES THINGS, WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE! How do I know? Well, when you know…you know! And I know that I know!!! These are words of wisdom from our dearest V.P. of our Republic; John F. Kennedy Jr.!!!! There! I’ve said it! Love to all of my Brothers and Sisters! WWG1WGA QQ+ 🙂

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Linda says:

    They need to fix the 2020 election because it was stolen so why do we even need a election when the Supreme Court needs to rule that it was fraud 2020

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa says:

    Wow Fair Elections Now …
    Still sleeping I see

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy says:

    Voter ID! No mail in ballots

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Derek says:

    ⚠️ Something is way off. Bizarro world strikes again.


    JESUS …..Take the wheel. 🙏

    ….please take the wheel!

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Danette Hinchey says:

    The 2020, 2022 and decades of previous elections have not been fair or settled yet! They have all been manipulated by numerous organizations and people within those 3 and 4 letter agencies. It was the Deep State Elite in the US Corporation, China, Israel, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Iran and I am sure there are more countries involved I am missing. This election manipulation kept growing and getting worse because untold amount money was stolen from Americans and unsuspecting middle-class people worldwide, perceived absolute power greed and secrecy. They were deciding these future elections in Bilderberg and Davos meetings every year. They planned Covid-19 in October 2019 to steal the 2020 election (decades prior actually). Every four years like clockwork they have some big scare virus event that kept people in fear. The Deep State (Bush’s, Cheney, Clinton’s, media etc.) and Netanyahu/Israel, SA completed the horrific inside job of September 11, 2001, and ushered in the Patriot Act. Which led to massive government theft, spying and other intrusions on American rights, privacy and more manipulations of our elections. The poll questions you asked have multiple answers and Donald Trump did win in 2020 and Executive Order 13848 was written in 2018 to address Election Interference both nationally and from other countries. President Trump has been working very hard for a long time to correct so many wrongs in this country and world, as has JFK and JFKJr. We are incredibly thankful for them. Should the military take over all elections national and local – only if it’s Trump’s military! Because we need to trust the military. And no voting machines anywhere, no media calling elections anywhere, nothing but paper watermarked secure ballots, and mandatory photo Voter ID must be shown everywhere. All ballots counted the same day and results same day. No Secretary of state running for governor in the same state she holds current office! Immediately NOW Show everyone all the things that have been done and who really did win in 2020 and 2022. Then we are safe and secure.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Art Worley says:

    Full disclosure of 2020 or we can’t move forward

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine says:

    You can’t have another election Without the 2020 FRAUD BEING CORRECTED! &&
    Like literally are you kidding me right now 27% of people said that elections are fair right now❗️ That is pure insanity❗️ More people said the elections are fair right now!!! Then the # for – no machines, paper ballots only. These people must be paid antifa Black Lives Matter and criminals coming across the border that are Voting! OtherWise Sleeping SHEEPLE❗️SAD, SAD, SAD this country is in Deep ….

    1. Just realize there are plenty of people out there whose opinion is different than yours. This is the United States of America, where differences of opinion are allowed to run free.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Holly Springer says:

    imho, there shouldn’t even be an election on Election Day. Trump should be reinstalled because of treasonous cheating/coup. The real insurrection happened during the last election, not Jan 6. I believe that 120 days after Trump gets reinstalled as the rightful president, we will vote and restart the country as it was meant to be, a government for the people, by the people.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryellen Duchesne says:

    2020 MUST be FIXED and PUBLICALLY shown it and how it was STOL.EN

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle Neuenswander says:

    Space Force! 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻

    Military is the only way! (The White Hats ONLY! We rebuke evil shadow governments!) LET THERE BE LIGHT! 🤍

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David w says:

    Blockchain is immutable, water marks are great although human error in counting and logging votes will always exist. If we are using a machine to count or verify water marks – let’s go all the way on an immutable ledger. Block chain can free us depending how it’s applied. [George Soros ] can go kick rocks.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David w says:

    Like Juan says “2020 – it’s not overrrrrrrrrrr yet!”

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marilyn says:

    Fraud has been proven at many levels with the 2020 election. It must be overturned. Nothing less is acceptable imho.

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol Roberts says:

    National voting for President should be a national holiday. Same day voting only. Same day results. The only mail in ballots allowed should be for deployed military. Strict severe penalties for voter fraud. Valid ID for voting.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teri says:

    The fact that 24% still believe that the election process is fair amazes me! Hopefully they will overturn the 2020 election and there won’t even be a 2024 election!!

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy Caten (MickieKnows) says:

    Nothing connected to the Internet. No software running anything. Just paper ballots and pens. If more people are needed to count the ballots then hire more people. Anyone handling ballots must swear an oath to not cheat. Troublesome precincts may need a deputy, just in case. No cell phones and the only thing able to be plugged in should be a coffee maker.

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Courtney Scott says:

    No machines, paper ballots only, same day voting and poll supervison of all ballots counted to insure no double counts, no duplicates and no cheating!

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    I chose “other” because we need more than the options suggested. Military might be fine for just 2024, but that’s probably not a realistic solution going forward. So I say: Voter ID, same-day voting, paper ballots, no mail-in ballots except for requested absentee ballots, regular cleanup of voter rolls, no ballot harvesting.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kellye says:

    No mail in ballots as well, except overseas military.

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” – Joseph Stalin

    The US government is corrupt to the core. What good has the Republican majority at the House done for our country? None.

    Our country needs a major overhaul right now, not another rigged election. After a major clean-up, only then can we work out a fair and honest election.

    A fair and honest election should not be based on which candidate has LOTS OF MONEY to spend on his/her campaign. This is giving too much power to money to influence the outcome. This is how a corrupt government got established, run by corrupt politicians whose main goals are self-enrichment and to serve the interests of the elites who financed their way to office.

    A fair and honest election is one that would give a very poor candidate a fair chance of being heard and even winning an election based on his/her platform, qualifications and skills to deliver.

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise Pille says:

    The 2020 election needs to be corrected before we can move forward, otherwise, what’s the point!

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melissa says:

    No machines, paper ballots that are HAND COUNTED BY HUMANS!

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JenniferP says:

    It is ALL FRAUD .. FAKE .. PHONY .. a LIE until 2020 is corrected and Trump, the Military, Q, the World comes Forward it’s ALL FRAUD. Fake Joey asking for Election Contributions FRAUD. Fake Joey asking to Debate DJT Fraud. If Fake Joey Debates DJT just Bigger Fraud. We understand the Swamp was/is DEEP but the perpetuating of the LIE is FRAUD. The Only way is the Military, Correcting 2020, Paper Ballots, and Giving the People 💯% TRUTH!

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Judy G says:

    NESARA will be a safe election probably by the military

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Monica Hamilton says:

    The only way to set this right is for a complete shutdown of this nation- military takeover ASAP. We’re talking voting in every single county of each state. Cleaned out. Banking institutions cleaned out. Trump was never part of that demonic group. He’s the guy along with Junior who can do it. Please there’s so much work to get started on. These public schools, county animal shelters are suffering. We have got to shut down soon so we can re-build. Peace & God Bless Gene!

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Matt says:

    Voter ID!!! with In-person paper ballots only – mail-in / absentee ballots for service personnel only / absentee ballots not counted unless required for close elections.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Butch says:

    Once the 2020 election fraud is fully exposed, those who took part in the fraud need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This will send the warning that it will no longer be tolerated.

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jay says:

    How many years has the government had to correct the elections? They are the problem and don’t want fair elections. The people know this. Just like the open borders the government wants open borders. That could be solved in less then a day but our government wants the criminals and drugs in this country. Our military and government is pathetic. When will they have the EBS and show all the people the truth? Until then all media is a waste of time. Get rid of the elections we the people are capable and can govern ourselves much better then the corrupt elite idiots that want to be supported by the people. Enough non-sense.

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paula C Whiting says:

    Paper ballots, and voter ID. US Citizens only, non-felons. Voting ONLY on election day. Ballots tallied THAT NIGHT!

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine says:

    Military is the only way now

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vivian Nichols says:

    I really believe the 2020 election MUST be corrected first. After that is resolved, I think a combination of two of the choices have to be implemented. First, require only official and verifiable paper ballots be used on election day. Secondly, have military presence, even if in plain clothes, to ensure only legal citizens vote. May God forgive and bless America once again!

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Deborah Beck says:

    It’s curious to me that one of the options wasn’t voter ID. In my opinion that’s a must. You have to present identification to enter a workplace, board a plane, buy a drink etc. Why should anyone be able to vote in our elections without proper identification of US Citizenship?

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teresa Spiker says:

    At the very minimum, it must be paper ballot only, election day only, (with minimum exceptions for military, etc), ID required, Legal citizens only. Military oversight would be a great way to guarantee these rules are observed.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christina says:

    President Trump always says, PAPER BALLOTS.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine SandraC says:

    2024 Will never be “right” if 2020 is not fixed! If we don’t see where a stolen election is rectified…2024 should never happen and should not even be trusted.

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine RTasakos says:

    MAGA – DJT 2024 !! Unite all the actual citizens of this country.

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jackie says:

    Only American citizens with ID should be able to vote, in person. No machine, they proved that they can be hacked. 5 years citizenship or more.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jackie says:

    Or maybe they should use facial recognition to vote. With I D to prove who you say you are. Paper ballots with facial recognition and ID hopefully that would clear all cheating.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane says:

    The MILITARY (commanded by CIC TRUMP) should conduct the elections, with in-person voting, with PAPER BALLOTS, with results that same day!

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Becki says:

    Paper ballots.
    Same day voting.
    Counting to be observed by all parties and filmed.
    Ballots to be kept 10 years.

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Judie says:

    To have fair voting, the Quantum Voting System needs to be implemented ~ Which is similar to the Quantum Financial System (QFS) that is being/has been implemented already.

    1. What is the “Quantum Voting System”??

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donna says:

    Must show their valid State ID to vote!

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa says:

    In my state you have to show ID. When you go to get a license in my state you have to bring a birth certificate, SS card, and proof of residence. That is why it is important. Voting machine’s can be manipulated. We have to use paper ballots.

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Claude Jones says:

    As long as there are Democrats, there will never be a free and fair election. The only hope is the complete destruction of the Democratic Party.

    1. There will never be only one party. And The USA will not have a President be a King!

      1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

        I don’t believe the comment is pushing for one party only, but rather, emphasizing that the ruling party right now that’s destroying our country needs to be completely removed from the system. It’s not just the existing Democratic Party needs to be removed, but the existing Republican Party as well. Our governing system need a major overhaul. People need to understand, that to hold an office in the government means to serve and to look after the well-being of the people and our nation, just like our brave fighters do in Trump’s military, and not for self enrichment like present politicians do. Our nation will be better off with President Trump and his military taking charge for a while until we the people are ready to do part.

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rick Thorn says:

    The 2020 rigged election has to be reconciled. And any b4 that one. I do follow the clues and have been since Q posted on 4 Chan. I can’t imagine how sophisticated the military planning is and exactly who(how many) that the military had to deal with. I’m hopeful that the US Naval ships are finally holding some of the last court cases, via Jan.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sandi says:

    This poll needed to allow for a multi part answer. It’s going to likely be imperative(due to disruptive paid agitators) that the military take control over the voting AND with ONLY PAPER BALLOTS-One day voting-AND A TRANSPARENT VOTE COUNT. No more putting cardboard up on windows while counting NOR closing down the counting after midnite but then ‘miraculously’ the vote count SWITCHES after the ‘counting re-starts’ after 8am the next day. Oh, and I know DJT will win this, So, if the numbers don’t add up to that, we’ll know there was major fraudulent shenanigans.

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine pat fusco says:

    I don’t know what it will take to make elections legit once again but whatever it takes we need to do it because these morons held a coup against Trump and this should never happen anywhere in the world again. Only thing that will save real democracy, not the satanist’s version of it is securing elections all over the world.

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Breean DeGrood says:

    I firmly believe that the truth of the 2020 election must be disclosed publicly first. This will then get support from the masses for the military to step in and train locals how to conduct secure, free, and fair elections. I would also advocate that moving forward, every American citizen should be required to participate in the election/hand counting process; NO machines! (Kind of like when you are summoned for jury duty and you must show up.) This will ensure that all citizens must take responsibility for their own communities and freedoms. Too many lazy, complacent and/or uninterested Americans is how we’ve gotten into this mess. Shrink the precincts and require election participation as a condition of citizenship. Thank you to all of you who are in the fight! God Bless you and God Bless America! 🇺🇸

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise E. Sam says:

    Like Q says, Military is the Only way. Let’s hope that they are on their way.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine SuziNewz says:

    At this juncture, we have witnessed a myriad of cheating methods, and even though ballots may be watermarked (for a future Sting), the D minions never stop their creative endeavors to keep fighting for dominance. A Military presence at voting precincts and counting tabulations would prevent the shenanigans already in play; from blocking voting location accesses to voting misinformation to not allowing Republican poll-watchers to participate, etc. They’ll pull out all this stops this time around, to be certain.
    A Military involvement would be the most effective deterrent imaginable.

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kris Harper says:

    Space Force!

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen Clark Nagy says:

    Fix 2020.

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stephanie says:

    I think there should be all paper ballots, but carbon copy. You keep one, one turns into the state, and one goes to election office. This would ensure if a recount was requested, you would have 3 papers to compare. You can upload images of original copy onto a server where it can be viewed by the public and have a 2 factor Auth. For each ballot so the person with a copy can go online and view the original. Once it is done a number is counted for that ballot on the recount. That would ensure multiple avenues of counting.

    All counting should be live streamed!

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shannon D says:

    There are so many ways to cheat. As a volunteer for RNC in 2020 I received a call from several right wing groups attempting to have me sign pre filled out ballots. I ended up receiving the same from different States. I reported this to State elections board, Sidney Powell, and others..The level of corruption by the G is beyond anything I saw while working for DOJ.

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jaime Isabel says:

    I.D. Paper ballot’s no more machines all on video camera no more bullshit

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jaime Isabel says:

    If they are still using dominion voting machines I will not vote period you should have a valid ID everything should be on video camera you should fill out a paper ballot and it should be counted physically by people not a machine all on video camera stop the bullshit

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dawn Leonard says:

    I think it’s important to require voter ID’s such as driver’s license or State ID and proof of citizenship.
    Paper ballots may help but if they stuff the ballot box they could still cheat.
    Cut off date/time no extensions “for counting ballots.

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen Ann says:

    There can be NO 2024 election until the 2020 stolen election is corrected; otherwise, the corruption continues

    1. But there will be the Election in Nov. 2024. We must face the reality of the situation.

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Deborah says:

    Military Only Way – Good Job!

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine adele giulian says:

    I insist that the 2020 election fraud be fixed NOW! However, I do know that Trump is the Commander in Chief and is doing amazing covert things to fix this messed up world!

    I want to see both parties dissolved and a short election campaign process lasting 4 months at the most. We must all do our due diligence and elect the person NOT a party! NOT the one with the most Money! I will not donate any money to any campaigns and I am smart enough to realize that the amount of campaign funding (MILLIONS) to acquire a job that pays $400K is INSANE!!! I liken this to a person taking a huge collection up (lets say $400K) and spending it to be hired as a police officer that only pays a yearly salary of $50K. WE THE PEOPLE have allowed this insaneness to go on far too long!

    Time to STAND UP PATRIOTS and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!! Get rid of the many crooked politicians and vote for HONEST men and women whom will work for OUR values, morals and freedoms!

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carla LaFata says:

    Everyone is seeing PAIN! I’m a veteran/senior was renting a 1971 block house near the bay for 4 years at $1300 a month never was late on rent for 4 years & my lease ran out end of April & I was told rent was going up to $2400 or I could buy for $450k! So I had to move, to me that’s crimes against humanity! I’m much better off now in a cleaner & newer home but that cost almost $5000. But you do what you have to do! Thanks Be to God my son was here to help!!! I’m sick of hearing & seeing this PAIN!!! Enough is Enough!!! End this shit show so we can Heal our Earth & Children!!! WWG1WGA!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary Herron says:

    George Soros and blockchain voting?????? Anything that evil man is involved with is a scam!

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christina Martinez says:

    Everything is skyrocketing and we all know they owe us our money. We never should have been in debt. God made sure to put everything we needed on earth to have his children free. The elites stole that from us and made us into slaves.

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