Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Are Chemtrails Real?
**If you answer yes, please explain the following in the comments:
When you see them, (i.e.. Morning, Afternoon, Evening), What City and State. How often you seen them.(i.e.. everyday, once a week, etc.)**

Yes. Those are not exhaust from regular planes. 1396
No. You crazy conspiracy theorists need to stay off the Internet. 61

Please share The George Poll!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

119 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tamara Abel says:

    I live in Charleston SC and we see them everyday all day. They changed recently to be higher in the sky behind the regular clouds
    They do not dissipate like exhaust from regular planes. They spread out and last until they cover the entire sky.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melodye Pennington says:

    They can be seen at any given time. I’m from Springfield, Ohio. I’m sure you’ve heard of it and yes, the are eating the animals

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Niels Hermkens says:

    They are visible almost everyday here in The Netherlands. Day and night. During summer on sunny mornings/ afternoons, they start pulling those lines and within hours the whole sky is grey.
    I might have seen 5 days this year without it.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jessica says:

    I see them all times of day, sometimes even first thing in the morning, as if they were spraying in the night too. I see them and then in the next day or so it will rain. I haven’t seen them in quite a while and we are in a drought. Lafayette, Indiana.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy Thompson says:

    I’m here in Spring, Texas and see them often, at all times during the day. I have many pictures of them. I’ve written Governor Abbott’s office, TCEQ, our Adjutant General and Ken Paxton regarding this disturbing practice. We The People did not give consent! You can go to
    and actually see the contracts.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ginger Duke says:

    I see Chemtrails being created when I am on morning duty at the school where I teach. For at least two years, I have watched planes flying VERY high leaving the trails which then spread over a blue Monday morning sky. This happens one to two Monday mornings a month. By lunch, the sky is overcast or hazy, and we usually have showers within two days.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christy Lugo says:

    I live in Bakersfield, California.
    I see crazy crazy chemtrails. I’ve taken pictures and videos.
    They usually are before noon, but I have noticed them being done earlier lately, like, by 7am.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie Jones says:


    I have not seen them lately- maybe the last month. I have been watching them the last 4 yrs. They were heavy for the last 4 yrs, have slowed way down. When they were spraying, we would see up to 20 lines at a time. Then after 1 or 2 days it would rain 😔

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana Ijames says:

    Yes! All day and night. Sullivan, Missouri

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kristen Walton says:

    Austin, TX
    I don’t see them too often in central Texas, but I see them more when I travel to other states.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Linda Lawson says:

    We have never had theses until Biden/Harris came into office.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy says:

    We see them all the time in NH. It’s so frustrating. Something needs to be done. Enough is enough.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laurie Pilotti says:

    We see them mostly morning and afternoon here in West Chester Pennsylvania. On average about 5 times during the week.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Erika says:

    Summerville SC
    I see them all the time, almost daily, they stay for a very long time

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tina says:

    Near Los Angeles, ca. much less than several years ago but still once a week or so. Mostly in the early morning. Next day it could rain or be cloudy. Thinking they use the clouds as a cloaking mechanism for missions?

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine William Michael Campbell says:

    Washington County, Maine. Weekly, early A.M.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terri says:

    I see them early morning, afternoon, all day long. I also hear small planes going before the light of day and you see the trails as soon as it gets light. When you see a lot of them we usually have storms the next day and the clouds are very unusual looking.
    Charlotte NC

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Teri Shelby says:

    I live in Wanette,Oklahoma, and we see them mostly early morning, like this morning and they spread out during the morning. I use to live in Texas and it was just as bad. By 1pm it is ” cloudy” there

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tami Q says:

    Like clockwork. Normally on Thursdays (Ya know, right before a weekend) Around 1:30 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Then it switches because people have figured it out and they hit us a night. We have lived in our house for almost 25 years and we never had the b.s. going on in 2000 that we do now. It was always crystal clear blue skies. Now it is murky whitewashed b.s. I can always tell when we are hit before I go outside, based on the eyes of my pets and mine when I wake up and they are almost glued shut. So tired of this b.s.

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mes says:

    Have not seen them as often as in the past. Would try to dry hay on hot cloudless day and sky would get covered with checkerboard of persistent chem trails.

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JC Zuber says:

    We live in Central Arkansas. Some planes don’t leave trails or if they do, they are faint and fade quickly while others leave thick, long-lasting trails. We see them daily especially in the afternoon.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ruth Peers says:

    I live in the uk I see them most days usually they create cover where the sun is positioned in the sky very rare to see a clear sky especially at sunset. I,ve travelled to Turkey and the USA and the sky has the same lines , patterns and haze in the sky. The only time the spraying decreased was in 2020 during covid lockdowns. We actually had a hot summer that year.

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susie says:

    Southwest FL. Sarasota to be specific.
    All day. Most every day.
    Wake up. Go to bed. No diff.
    They’re up there. Have been for years. 😳🫤

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynn A Hendrixson says:

    They spray us like Bugs!! Live in No.Utah and they spray us 3-4 weekly. Just got back from Jackson Hole, the Tetons and they really get them bad up in Jackson and Star Valley. Every day we were there they hit it hard every morning.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joan Halteman says:

    Martinsburg, WV. see them all day long, but primarily in the early mornings. We are near the ANG so there are always planes, but you know the difference.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine B.J. Ayers says:

    Work takes us back and forth between West Virginia and Tennessee – I’ve seen the chemtrails in Tennessee, but photographed and videod the planes spraying the chemtrails in Barboursville, West Virginia, multiple times- mostly see them spraying in the morning, and have documented that what they’re spraying doesn’t disappear in a few seconds as a contrail would; instead, the spray fans out until it completely covers the formerly clear, crystal blue sky in clouds- literally turning a beautiful, sunny day into a dark, cloudy day!

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane says:

    I believe until recently they among other types of technology were weaponised against us. It’s my understanding it is now a anti missle defense system in conjuction with HAARP. We do see the effects of it though. Our forests are sick, legions on fruit, infertile soil. I pray the White hats have it under control. BUT the recent weather warfare being conducted using DEW, fires, and hurricanes have me wondering. The NWO is waging war on humanity.

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barb says:

    Ames, NE. We see them at least 2 to 3 times a week. They do it at night or the early morning hours usually. Our snow the past 2-3 years, if you make a snowball and try to melt it with a lighter or stick matches it will not melt, it just turns black and stinks. The spraying always brings about a weather change for a couple days. Everyone should test their rain water. Only guessing it would come back with aluminum and barrium in it.

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tobey says:

    I see them pretty much everyday here in Eugene, oregon. They go all day. There might be 5 – 20 of them in the sky.
    Since we are on the west coast I know they are sending them due east, as the trails run north to south.
    Once when the angle ran across the sky from NE to SW, We figured they had redirected it to Texas. Sure enough, the big horrible ice storm in Texas was 3 days later.
    On Sept 20th thru Sept 25th, they Chem trailed the sky’s with 100’s and hundreds of chemicals, stacked next to each other across the sky. There was no blue sky to be seen…for 5 days solid.
    I told my husband thete is something really bad going to happen, weather-wise. It was angled and aimed for the southeast. When I saw the hurricane in the gulf I knew it was that.

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cindy says:

    NorthWest Colorado. They occur in clusters. 2-3 days at a time. Some days the skies are so striped that it becomes hazy. Huge difference between a contrail and a chem trail! Recently noticed they’re traveling much, much higher than usual 😐

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Annie Jamin says:

    I live in Chamblee, GA and I like to walk around Murphey Candler Lake about 3 miles from me I. Brookhaven, GA and I have seen the planes actually flying and spraying the crisscrossed lines in the sky usually in the morning. This is close to Atlanta and I have seen them driving down and around Atlanta (usually in the daytime).

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gwen says:

    They have been playing with the weather since the 50s. Disney instructional video for our military created so long ago in black and white. Geoengineering . Org by Dane Wigington for a deep dive and tons of research! Poison skies! Sickness for all.
    Steer hurricanes, sky rivers, floods and droughts. Deep state hurricanes??

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Faye D Gaskins says:

    I see them on Johns Island SC.. I have photos that would blow your mind..

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie Griffith says:

    Almost daily! All times of day! We are in Central Texas!

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ken S. says:

    I see them everywhere I travel at all times of the day. I live in the US.

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shannon says:

    They are in the western North Carolina mountains multiple times a day multiple days a week (I honestly lose track) and rain does seem to follow. I live near the airport and regular planes don’t leave trails like that. Since Hurricane Helene hit in my town of Asheville-I haven’t seen one yet…..I’m sure they will start back up after all the private helicopters and military supply choppers aren’t in the sky.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    I live in Central PA (Altoona) and I see them at different times of the day, but not every day. Sometimes there are many in the sky at once and sometimes just a few. I know they come from the planes because you see the emission and it just lingers for hours, as opposed to a plane flying overhead with little emission that dissipates right away. Usually it rains within 24 hours of seeing a lot of chemtrails, but not always. I haven’t studied it enough to really pinpoint the times or frequency. I hope the hell they are no longer poisoning us—can’t we just leave things to God?

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Linda Pettit says:

    One day last year while out of my back deck in Washington state there was a huge chemtrail above my house, and my sister, and I both could see stuff falling between the house and where we were standing, and it was collecting on the top of the grill, just little particles of stuff.

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Luz Key says:

    See them mostly in the morning. Oahu, Hawaii

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robin Serafini says:

    I see them sometimes daily but have noticed more activity on Fridays . I’m in Northeast Pennsylvania . The clouds are definitely not normal looking clouds

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pamela Rose says:

    I’m in Boston ma
    Strang how those planes up high have a bright light in front always between 3 and 4pm
    They are different shape and maybe cleaning our air and lands from previous contaminated spraying im praying hoping that’s happening now along with cleaning the swamp out
    WWG1 WGA in God We Trust 🙏🇺🇸❣️

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kim LandryAyres says:

    I’m in North Central Wisconsin and started noticing more than 10 years ago and paying closer attention to these “chemtrails” and taking photos and video for at least the last 5+ years… also paying attention to some coincidental “side effects” that seem to come cyclically when there is heavy trails for several days…both weather coincidences and also some physical symptoms (like itchy eyes, sinus issues, fatigue). It was probably 10 yrs ago when my husban had come across a video on the internet with some higher up military person reporting that the weather would be “weaponized” by 2017…I think it has been and I believe they are using it against “We the People” along with “weather wars globally”.

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kim Landry-Ayres says:

    I’m in North Central Wisconsin and started noticing more than 10 years ago and paying closer attention to these “chemtrails” and taking photos and video for at least the last 5+ years… also paying attention to some coincidental “side effects” that seem to come cyclically when there is heavy trails for several days…both weather coincidences and also some physical symptoms (like itchy eyes, sinus issues, fatigue). It was probably 10 yrs ago when my husban had come across a video on the internet with some higher up military person reporting that the weather would be “weaponized” by 2017…I think it has been and I believe they are using it against “We the People” along with “weather wars globally”.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JL says:

    Almost every day here in the UK, London. From morning till late at night. Most of them appear to be solar radiation management, often being more prominent towards the direction of the sun.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    Thankfully they’re not a daily occurrence here in NH, but they’ve been increasing in frequency over the last few years.
    However, I do find it extremely concerning that JUST ONE Chemtrail, which I recently happened to catch as it was being deployed, can convert a blue cloudless sky to a completely low ‘overcast’ sky within approx 4 – 5 hours.

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Merz Allwood says:

    I live in Queensland Australia and we see them here too. Have for years.

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donald stone says:

    We see them a good bit although not as much we use to see them every single day but maybe 3 times a week now , strange

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Savanah Foster says:

    I have seen them morning and night. It is usually a few days before we get weather coming in here in Iowa.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Putt says:

    I live in Perry County and travel in Cumberland, Franklin & Perry counties .
    I see them in the morning & evening. I would see them a couple times a week. I will say I am not seeing them like I was.

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle says:

    I live in Hermitage Pennsylvania and I see chemtrails everyday morning, afternoon and evening

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kimberly says:

    I live in Maryland near Annapolis and pretty much any day it is a crystal blue sky can be guaranteed to start seeing the trails everywhere. That is until this last week or so, it has been absolutely beautiful here, haven’t seen them lately. Kind of makes you wonder…

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terry says:

    Sacramento California
    Rarely do we have a clear blue sky without tic tac toe in the sky. The sun has gotten more intense here. I can feel it on my skin while wearing long sleeved cotton shirts. By mid morning we have several chem trails crossing the sky. So are they good or harmful for us? I’ll be nice and leave it right there… but get ‘er done!!!

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary McLeod says:

    I am in the midlands of South Carolina. I see them daily.

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    We see them during the day in NW Arkansas.- morning and afternoon

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barb says:

    I live in the mountains north of Atlanta. When driving toward the city you can see normal plane exhaust which dissipates, and right next to it chemtrails, which do not and are most often in crisscross patterns. All on the same day, same weather…etc. My husband was a doubter until he saw that. I point out also on vacation in the Caribbean this last winter, not 1 in almost 3 weeks, and in Greece this summer, which has our same latitude, not 1.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Janell says:

    I have seen them in several states and cities/rural areas for decades. Currently I am on the central coast of California and see them less often than I used to a couple of years ago–maybe once a week or less often now. But in the past, there was clearly spraying off the coast overnight/early morning and the trails would all be smearing out to make a smoggy gunk by the time the air mass rolled in from the Pacific. I miss my deep, dark blue skies when the air is dry!

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mindy says:

    In the corner of southeastern New Mexico/West Texas, we see them being sprayed in multiple paths across the sky for hours or back to back days in a row. You can see the “trails” that are actual “condensation” behind planes that disappear….versus the “chemtrails” that stay in the sky, expand and gradually dim the sun here in the desert or the next day we have no sunshine, only cloud cover. Not normal.

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine B. Whitmore_Parks says:

    They are visible daily here in the Pacific Northwest daily whenever we have visibility.

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rachel says:

    Yuma AZ usually in the morning it varies as to how often sometimes once or twice a week it varies sometimes it’s longer than that.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    Chemtrail, geoengineering aerosol, cloud seeding, stratospheric aerosol injection – these are the names given for this kind of technology that tampers with our atmosphere. This technology can be used both ways: for good by people with good intentions, and for bad by people with evil intentions. I started seeing this activity in April of 2022 here in Orange County, California by people with evil intentions, and it made all the birds disappear for months. They were spraying the sky day and night. I can see the planes during the day, and I could hear the sound of planes for about 30 minutes before the sound would slowly fade away in the middle of the night. From time to time, we would hear reports of flooding in LA county in the news, but not a single drop of rain in Orange County during those times. Then, good people took over in September of 2022, and the birds started appearing again. We also started getting rain in Orange County. Since then, I would see planes spraying the sky once in a while. But, as long as I see the birds playfully flying around and not threatened by it, neither am I, because I know it’s the good guys with good intentions doing it.

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Anneen says:

    If they weren’t real then Tennessee and other states would be able to ban them!

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nina Fusilli says:

    Vapor coming from planes dissipates in seconds. Chemtrails spread out and cover the sky in a dense fog.

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Steve P. says:

    I live in Suffolk County on Long Island, NY. Chem Trails still appear in the skies. Definitely not as frequently as they used to(4-6 days per week, now only 1-2 days per week), but when they were sprayed, they started before sunrise and continued all day long. You would never see plane(s) by the naked eye spraying, which leads me to believe, the trails were all being done by drone(s). Almost every Chem trail spray preceded a local weather event by 1-3 days.

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marvin says:

    I’m in the middle of Iowa most of the time, in the pay two years I’ve been to San Diego, Austin, Dallas, Hot Springs, San Antonio, Iowa, Los Angeles and it’s everywhere. Different times of the day.

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeanette Sexton says:

    I live in Ohio, this has been going on for years, especially in the morning!

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sally Olson says:

    I see them almost daily in northeast South Dakota. Often there are two or three planes doing the striping. It happens at different times of day. I am always releaved when i don’t see them!!

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Douglas Davis says:

    Central Indiana, They appear almost every day this summer. Stars usually in the morning. Lines criss cross the skies on an otherwise clear day. Clouds appear when the weather news said a bright sunny day!

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Roslyn says:

    I see them.mostly in mid day. I used to see them all the time, now less frequently. As a matter of fact, for a minute there I thought they were gone. If they were, they are back.
    I live in the “wine country”, Sonoma County, CA. For no good reason our majestic oaks are dying and of course the weather is unreasonably hot or cold or not at all typical for the season. The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. We need to reclaim what belongs to Him… the times and seasons, the animals and all of creation.

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine R Darlene Boots says:

    From Lewiston, Idaho they are all times of the day. It’s a rare day when I don’t see them. Although there are some days they’re spread out so much that there isn’t any blue sky showing for several days at a time.

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mike and Laura Robeson says:

    We live in Southern Oregon outside the rural town of Roseburg. We typically see chemtrails all times of the day (on clear days) and usually see them everyday multiple times. Some planes flying over do not leave trails, but I’d say at least 30% do.

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen says:

    I live in Phoenix. For the past 5/6 years, they seem to stop for most of the Summer when the “cloud cover” would help. Otherwise, they cover the sky at least 3 days a week. 🙁

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jennifer Lynn says:

    yes, I see them almost daily. I am from Vancouver, BC, Canada

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Albert Tumolillo says:

    I’m sorry to be so blunt…but at this point in the game my answer is -Because I’m not an IMBECILE! it’s been going on for decades and there is ample proof (including videos) for anyone who isn’t lazy to do a little research and know the facts!

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Adam says:

    Definitely chem trail’s and it should be banned straight away the corruption runs deep and the people are waking up

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Adam says:

    And by the way it’s funny during the CONVID plandemic in the UK when all the planes where grounded there was not a cloud in the sky funny that 😉

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Katherine Brandt says:

    See the chemtrails everyday. Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. The Aurora Borealis has been significantly different lately and since Alberta is a very Conservative (Republican) province and we actually stand a chance at beating the Liberals (Democrats) in a majority seating in House of Commons (Parliment/Senate)
    I am actually worried that what is happening in NC, USA (my heart goes out to all residents there) some form of it will happen here…

  77. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tara Woomer says:

    See them all the time . Mornings, afternoons and even at night. We live on a farm and there always over the fields. It blocks the sun all day . We’re in Warriors Mark Pennsylvania.

  78. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sherry Lee says:

    Every single day there are chemtrails. They spray at night. We started seeing chem trails and knew they were bad way back in the 90’s when while living in northern California. We knew the difference between contrails and chemtrails. Then we moved to Idaho and spiderweb type fibers started falling and drifting onto our cars, fences, rose bushes, window screens. We could actually watch them drift down from the chemtrails and land on things. We realized the evil actions of those in control and hate them for it.

  79. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jackie Woodruff says:

    My husband and I both vets and know the difference. We live in Illinois. Hellinois as we prefer to call it. We have seen them at all times of the day. You know in a matter of a few days the rains will come.

  80. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Darla Wilson says:

    I work in Carlisle, Pa. I am outside all day and I watch planes spray lines in the sky. I have witnessed multiple planes turn the spray on and off, then I watch those lines spread out to form “clouds”. Chemtrails are very real.

  81. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dennis says:

    I live in seattle area. Do not see them that often but when the sky is filled with them

  82. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mel says:

    Live in the Coachella Valley, Palm Springs, California. They have been going on for 10 years+ anytime day or night. In the early years I used to get a weird smell in my nose. The last few months have been free of them. Hopefully they are over and done with. Will probably appear tomorrow after this😂

  83. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise says:

    When I was a kid in the 70’s, there where never “trails” like we have now. Now by the afternoon, our skies are hazy from expanding chemtrails. I count it as a good day if we have clear blue skies! I’m here in Illinois.

  84. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy Brabham says:

    I work on Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, S.C. and of course they are real!!! I watch the jets fly all day long with not even a contrail most of the time. These planes or drones that are doing the chemtrails are flying right over the airspace of an F-16 fighter base. So yeah it’s tied to the government or they wouldn’t be allowed over that airspace. They are horrible too, I get my best pictures and videos right off the base and I have tons of them. Wish I could post them on here for everyone to see, because it’s really bad.

  85. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lucky says:

    I’m in the mountains of southwest va. They have stopped! But they used to be seen in the early to mid afternoons. We didn’t get them heavily like other places but we did have the grid patterns often enough. ❤️

  86. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen says:

    Mornings & Afternoons in New Jersey

  87. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy Junker says:

    Yes I have seen them here in Warren’s Wisconsin. Usually in the morning but they last a good part of the day. Afterwards there is a thin layer of dust on my car. They have been doing this for years.

  88. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Concerned Person says:

    Will we ever get the full truth? I don’t believe we will. I’ve stood here in Yorkshire looking up at the sky and seen the ‘bop’ where the white lines appear to be twanged with EMF or similar to spread. I am surprised people generally don’t remark on the distinct parallel ‘wave’ lines that assemble in uniform patterns after the ‘bop’. When living in a high rise in London in 2018, a plane spread a ‘dirty’ grey streak in front of the sun and sunset started – not exaggerating and saw similar things including the ‘dirty’ grey streak before dusk in Yorkshire. Anyone into photography (just realised what I said – sorry, I don’t mean like a genius photographer with loads of published work but just anyone who has a passing interest; although I used to work in a studio for years) must surely feel the ‘sun’ and the ‘moon’ are way too near the earth – just doesn’t make sense. May we soon live in a world of love and good character with the innocent animals, birds and beautiful creatures of the sea.

  89. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Liz Nolle says:

    Bernardsville, NJ 07924
    Some days Chemtrails seen at dawn, other days starting at mid-morning, some days continuing throughout the day.

  90. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lori Knittle says:

    Here in Pennsylvania close to Philly I see them all the time it’s crazy how much they are putting chemicals into the air to affect weather and other things

  91. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joanna Hosch says:

    I live in Harrisburg, Illinois and I used to see the maybe 2xs a week, mainly in the morning. Now I see them all over Southern Illinois everyday morning and early afternoon. Looks like tic 5ac toe boards.

  92. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nancy Clayton says:

    I’ve been screaming about chem trails for years! I’m always baffled how many people are oblivious to what’s directly over their heads dropping poisonous concoctions with God only knows!! No one even talks about the residue that falls to the ground that contaminates everything! I live in a very small town out in the middle of no where yet my sky is always sprayed daily!!! Some days it’s so bad that I don’t even go outside!!! Huge X’s show up directly over my small farm! The last picture I took was just a couple of days ago outside my bathroom window! This picture proves just how bad it is!!! At least they’re finally now admitting to it, even though they keep spraying!!! ❤🙏❤🇺🇸❤ Unfortunately I couldn’t attach the photo in here! 🙄

  93. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ann Blevins says:

    I live in Northeast Ga and have noticed chemtrails since 2014. Granted there weren’t as many back then, but now when they are spaying there are considerably more. They spray in all the UN nations and Dane Wigginton and RFK recently had an interview about them. They are used for weather modification and other nefarious actions. I believe the Tennessee legislature was the first state to ban them in their state and other states are beginning to take action. It’s been proven there is aluminum, barium, and strontium in the spray concoction not to mention other terrible things. I once saw a video of a plane landing where the pilot forgot to turn the sprayer off. The other 5% need to wakeup!

  94. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shirley says:

    Hi there from Columbus, Ohio area. I have seen suspicious looking skies / clouds anytime of the day numerous times throughout the past 2 years.

  95. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Brenda M. Kraft says:

    I live in Devils Lake, ND and we see them all the time. They start early mornings and are normally active through mid afternoon, nearly everyday. Between the chemtrail planes and the data collector planes, the skies above us very seldom get a rest! The depth of the evil in this world, especially our country is off the charts!
    Save The Children! WWG1WGA!

  96. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Kell says:

    Northeast Maine. I would say we don’t get them quite like other areas but we definitely get them. One day while trolling on our lake there were numerous chem trails. Watched as they all expanded over time & within a hour or more we had a light cloud cover. That’s the day that convinced me they were definitely up to something.

  97. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gene Ho says:

    Appreciate all the comments here. I used to see them ALL the time in Myrtle Beach, SC. Now that I’m in Arkansas, I see them about twice a month or so. But when they do happen – it’s like in the shape of an X or in a very strange pattern.

  98. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melissa Gates says:

    I live in lower Alabama and we see them weekly, even into Mississippi. They are white plans that fly in the mornings. The line they spray spreads out with and covers the sky with a off white color. Pure evil!!! WWG1WGA

  99. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary says:

    Random times and days in the past but not for a couple of weeks. I prayed that the chem trails would be bound on earth and bound in Heaven and that God’s beautiful clean air prevail all over Colorado and the US. I have seen the chem trails.

  100. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tracey Cooke says:

    I see them every single day for years and years I watch the clouds completely change from clouds to lines mostly everyday… They used to put x’s over certain towns… I was sitting in front of stores with my phone in the air hoping other people would look up and no one looked up… They never stop in South Jersey… I’ve been exposing the new world order for very long time over 12 years and I’ve watched many military people expose it… And posted pictures of the planes inside and outside

  101. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kim says:

    I am in Greensburg PA and see them all times of the day and several days a week. When the sky looks like a tick tack toe board, it’s pretty hard to deny! I’m sick and tired of being poisoned!!

  102. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Denise E. Sam says:

    Verde Valley, AZ
    Seen on a fairly regular basis when there is no cloud cover.
    BA AL
    Barium & Aluminum, spells their favorite word. Let them choke on it.

  103. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kristy Nikkola says:

    I live in Richmond, Indiana, and I see chemicals every bright sunny afternoon that I go outdoors. Seems the more clear and blue the sky is, the more planes crisscross the sky.
    I spend hours of a nice day fishing and by early evening when upon gazing up at the sky, I see those dirty rat bastards have left a dusty clouded labyrinth of ‘God knows what’ across the earlier blue sky. Pisses me off every time. So much for a totally peaceful day of fishing! WHY IS THIS STILL ALLOWED TO CONTINUE????

  104. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Scott C. says:

    Jamestown, New York, see sky art almost every day some days lighter and not so obvious as other days with multiple crossing patterns such as double crosses.

  105. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michael says:

    I have wintered the last three years in Havasu city Arizona….wow the Chem trails are Rampant. Btw….years ago a meteorologist in Flagstaff sent me the letter showing what the chem trails are. I never heard from him again.

  106. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charles Lamanteer says:

    Yes Chemtrails were Real…Intel says they a good now…..Waking up the Normies

    1. whoever is telling you that the “White Hats” are in control of the “Chemtrails” is LYING TO YOU!

  107. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jewel says:

    Starts late morning – early afternoon and lasts the rest of the day everyday. Spreads throughout the sky. In Chester, Lancaster, Kershaw counties in South Carolina. Today the sky is clear blue for the first time in a long time! No clouds at all!! Praying this is over!! 🙏

  108. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laura Shiveler says:

    I’m in TN and they were almost continuously spraying from around 10:00 am to early evening daily. They finally banned chemtrailing here but I remain on the lookout for them for accountability’s sake. It’s such a welcomed relief to have at least one form of poisoning banned. Now let’s hit big pharma, grocery stores and food manufacturers!!

  109. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christine A. Laing says:

    Manchester Maine
    Seen daily. Never just one plane. Can run several times throughout the day.
    Morning, afternoon, and around sunset.
    The hour will vary from day to day. On Sunday, Oct. 6th very active in skies approximately 1- 1 1/2 hours before sunset. Skies go from clear blue, to complete overcast, shortly thereafter.

  110. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathryn Rutz says:

    Area: Plainfield, WI
    Times: Morning, afternoon, and night.
    How often: Five to six days a week for the last two years. Before that,
    was one to three times a week.

  111. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carla Abney says:

    Dayton Ohio …almost every morning

  112. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Christina Hendricks says:

    Ludington, MI- Hi all!! I have been seeing chemtrailsfor a very long time. Didn’t think much about them until I learned what they really are and are doing. I see them all.DAY.LONG!!!!!!! We’ve had weird weather for the past 4 years. I have my suspicions, bit am waiting for when it’s exposed to know if I was correct. I must say, during Fall, we’ve had the best weather with them spraying. It’s keeping rain away and more sunshine!

  113. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sharon F. says:

    We see them all the time here in Mill Creek, Washington. We had a beautiful weekend then the trails started yesterday mid morning. You can literally watch the clouds form from the trails. I could see 5 from my living room window. At least 15 thru the day over Snohomish. Now it’s raining today. Very disturbing. Would like to know that.this will stop soon. God Bless …We love Trump!

  114. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angela says:

    Las Vegas-Much less frequent since mid Jul. However, this week it made up for lost time. Lines ran congruent and multiple X’s in the sky. My brain sings a revised rendition of Violent Femmes, “there is an X in the sky”. MF’rs!

  115. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Piper Hefner says:

    I saw them a lot when I lived in North MS cause I didn’t have Internet for two years so I was outside a lot. I would always go inside and I started to notice people that worked outside mainly ended up having a headache or got sick. Heavy metals in the sky in our food. Imagine how long we would all live without evil humans trying to kill us faster.

  116. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jill Bornhorst says:

    Piqua, Ohio and they spray constantly! Most of the time early mornings, right over where the sun pops up! If they didn’t get us in the morning, they start in early afternoon. I have pics of the x’s above my house. I do not consent!

  117. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine rich says:

    if they are fake, why are some states banning chemtrails?

  118. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ronnie Thorp says:

    I live in Washington State it’s all the time non stop for weeks/days. Then it will stop for a few days and back on it. We the people want real facts and truth.

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