A Veteran’s View of President Trump

By Scott Zimmerman

A Veteran’s View of President Trump  at george magazine
A Veteran’s View of President Trump  at george magazine
A Veteran’s View of President Trump  at george magazine
A Veteran’s View of President Trump  at george magazine

7 thoughts on "A Veteran’s View of President Trump"

  1. Tina Penny says:

    I pray he is reinstated sooner rather than later!

  2. Debra Drennan says:

    Great article highlighting all what Trump did for our veterans. May they never be forgotten again. I, like you, cannot wait until Trump is our President again.

  3. Donald Means says:

    Not sure who to attach this quote to but one of the comments above said the ‘he was too cocky for my taste’. That was my first impression of Mr. Trump and it still is but then there’s this. He has done more for this country since maybe even JFK. Another thing; during my time in the USN and 23 years at Boeing I worked with many different people and some of them were from New York city. I accept that in Mr. Trump because he’s from New York and it comes with the territory.

  4. Scott Zimmerman says:

    That was me, Donald. Thank you for both caring and understanding. More importantly, thank you, sincerely, for serving in the Navy and taking the ultimate oath and willing to back it up with your life. Truly glad you are still here to serve as a living role model for others. Scott Z.

  5. Marcy Jones says:

    Great article. Thank you for your service! ??❤️???

  6. Mary Reygan says:

    I am so grateful to read this article and see a reference to access far more on Donald Trump. Not my kinda guy either until he started running for the Senate or President . (I am Australian). When I heard him reply to HRC at an early debate “You’d be In gaol” I was quietly gobsmacked as was she. However after the digging began, as MSM lied us into the jaws death for some and near death for the rest of us, DJTrump’s
    remark was indeed tame. This woman I have learnt by any standards was far beyond treasonous. Hanging would be insufficient. How will people believe the truth when they hear it? Donald Trump spoke straight to every issue. Always the ordinary people’s lives were paramount for him to improve. I’ve never heard a head of state anywhere in the World speak to the masses so openly about all things Government. No longer a mystery, he was sharing from the podium (of his unpaid job) to every person worldwide in a language we understood.
    What happens in USA affects the whole world. DJTrump has never left. He united the World in a different very powerful way, when he stepped into the shadows. Millions of us began digging, obsessively, some of us. He never left. He will be visible again. We the people have learnt to rise in our own countries, against tyrannical
    Governments. We will care for our veterans, our homeless our sick and to encompass all those in our communities so leaving no one behind.
    This is the mark a true Leader leaves in his wake. Thank God for Donald J Trump.

  7. by Victbbb says:

    NO one is more patriot than this old country bumpkin, And i am so very sorry for all the good men/boy’s & women/girls that have given their lives for the DAMN Jew freemason Rothschilds banksters! The Zionist jew Henry Kiss-my-ass-enger said the American people are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns to fight their jew wars! Mother Rothschild said if her sons did not want war there would be no war!! Major Gen. Smedley Butler said war is a racket, George patton & Pat Tilman paid the ultimate price for knowing to much and what the wars are all about, War is profitable to the blood thirsty Bass-turds that keep wars on going, Oh and BTW the bass-turds fund both sides,, Don’t matter who/if anyone wins just so they make lots of the old green shhhhhstuff,,,

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