Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

If there is a Banking System Failure or Bank ``Holiday`` in 2024, what will be used to obtain food, goods, and services?
After Voting, please leave a comment as to why you voted as you did

Gold and Silver (If not taxed heavily by the Government) 3046
Bartering of Services as available 1022
A new Digital Currency that will be traded on par with the current US Dollar 4018
Full Government takeover. Total dependency on Government hand-outs and food banks 1509
Banks are NOT going out of business, don't be ridiculous 3508

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Carol I Lawson
7 months ago

I believe God is for us in overcoming evil with good.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Carol Franz
7 months ago

When systemic bank failures happen, and it already is has started, some providers of food, goods and services won’t know how to respond. The public will initially panic, unless their bank funds are proven to be secure, if they don’t have cash. This is in a worst case scenario. I hope I’m wrong, and the GCR happens first. THAT is really my timeline of choice.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
7 months ago

I own a modest amount of ISO20022 (and silver). More than ready to decentralize.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
7 months ago

May have to go without a few things for awhile. As far as essential goods and services, including rents and mortgages, they will need to take a holiday as well. Gold and silver should be able to be used, if the specific value of the gold or silver item is agreed upon. Best to be in touch with the Holy Spirit at all times for guidance in all matters. Praying good people fare well.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
7 months ago

Gold and silver real money for trade anywhere!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
SV Never Land
7 months ago

I’ve been listening to so many podcasters promoting silver and gold and have done my own research. Constitutional money is how we bankrupt the fed🙏🫡🇺🇸💃🪃 Also the debt calculator has been crazy with God Nodz lately 🌟🕊️💫

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Nancy DeMarco
7 months ago

Gold and silver is God’s money.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
7 months ago

I believe that the Federal Reserve will fall once and for all. There may be a transition time during which our currency will be worthless and we would have to depend on government support, that is, until our new currency comes into existence, and will be gold-backed once again.
I recently purchased a book that I hope will answer some of these questions- I have not yet read it, but plan to begin shortly (after I finish the 3 other books I am already into! lol)
I would suggest everyone read: “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve ” by G. Edward Griffin (1994). It is 608 pages, so be prepared for a huge amount of information on financial history and its future.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
katrina S Gillooly
7 months ago

Gold & Silver is God’s money & humanity needs to get back to God. Fiat currency is rubbish & worthless and the digital currency has been so very evily infiltrated it also needs to go.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
7 months ago

I believe there will be a need for a currency that is backed by precious metals! It would be difficult to use “only metals” for currency in our world with the way the system is set up, for a while anyway!!! I feel there is a huge transfer of wealth soon to occur!

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