Election 2024 Countdown


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Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What do you consider to be the biggest dangers associated with `The Great Awakening` movement?
Please leave a comment and let us know why you voted as you did!

Deceptive individuals spreading lies 562
False "prophets" misleading followers 463
None of the Above 155
Grifters exploiting mostly older believers for personal gain 292
Dark to Light actually means from the Darkness of Satan to the Light of Lucifer 448
The Great Awakening turns out to be the Great Initiation into a "Secret Society" like collective 179

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

I see a lot of social media accounts suggesting people need to open a QFS account.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Tom P
Reply to  Debbie
5 months ago

Can’t shake this feeling that it’s all a scam.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Tom P
5 months ago

I’m starting to think the same! Qfs tracking means we are still not free humans.

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Reply to  Candice
5 months ago

anyone trying to do that is a scam….use discernment

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Michelle Neuenswander
5 months ago

I believe in the QFS, but I don’t agree with anyone ever asking for any kind of money whatsoever from people because it’s the easiest way for evil to ruin people trying so hard to believe in goodness. The con men are out in full force and effect. I’m cautious as can be and still almost got taken advantage of. Our elderly will easily fall prey to them.

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David Clinite
5 months ago

No matter what happens we’re still in the last days.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Lynn Duncan
5 months ago

There is so much deception, it’s becoming more difficult to discern the truth. 5GW is real. WW3 is in full swing – the war for your mind.

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Susan Chance
5 months ago

I believe all the answer options are important. It was hard to choose just one. We all must pray diligently and bring others to Yeshua because time is short I feel.

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C. E.
5 months ago

I’m older (67) a grandma, but fully awake. I have grown kids in their early forties who really are not awake and are not personally suffering in their lives. I’m grateful for this don’t misunderstand. But the censoring that has gone on for way longer than we ever knew is the greatest injustice. The lies are everywhere! In Soc. Media, movies, commercials, T.V. Live and recorded. And the news is down right criminal. I thank our Great God that He is interceding on our behalf. He will restore us, but we must take action and open our mouths! God Bless everyone. Especially our rightful President!

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Lynne Kiley
5 months ago

Although there are a few other choices that can and do apply as dangerous I believe the absolute greatest danger is dark to light inversion. God says there will be a great deception. Believers need to be prepared and very aware.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Eric Pingree
5 months ago

Because In totality of this operation it will inevitably leave a power vacuum in the global structure… Logically there still needs to be some sort of authority that will likely be unelected and quite powerful… It will require a group of (elite) individuals to make decisions and to carry out disclosure and re alignment… After all we have been through how can we possibly trust that their behavior will be innocuous… Faith is wonderful and is what we lean on, but We must necessarily move past faith into knowledge to progress.

I can’t see past the current promises, I feel we have arrived at the point where things are so bad we are begging for someone to save us, with possibly something way worse… How can we know for sure… We can’t until the much promised Precipice is reached, and the long awaited Q reveals himself publicly and discloses all that will redeem those who are all in. … The problem is, the human spirit can be stretched and manipulated to increasingly elevated levels of what we will be willing to suffer with hope and faith of something better. How long, oh Lord, how long?

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

Imo “false prophets” pretty much covers the other answers as well

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Laurie Bredesen
5 months ago

I think this movement is fast approaching or has reached past the point of diminishing returns and that “true believers” are about to abandon ship.

Personally, I try to remain calm, not expect anything when the “hype” revs up (ie Super Bowl), but I am becoming apathetic to a degree.

Getting weary waiting for the trigger to be pulled, being told the military won’t make a move until it’s at 100% certainty of success, Supreme Court has already declared the 2020 election invalid,, there will be no election in November, 2024, “we have it all”, etc, etc, etc.

Where is the credibility?

I understand the far reaching scope of rooting out evil in the world and realize that we can never attain 100%.

I understand that the white hats/good guys (God bless them) want the numbers of awaken to increase before the reveal.

I have prepared in the ways recommended, but my trust and my life are in Jesus’ hands.

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