Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Why do you think there is so much focus on the events of January 6 2021, compared to other petty or non-violent crimes, that have resulted in family separation, and similar or longer sentences?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

Political implications and polarization 300
Severity of the threat to the Republic 183
Media coverage and public attention 129
Response from law enforcement and government officials 59

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

The media and politicians have twisted the reality of the events of January 6, 2021, so severely that what they portray has little to nothing to do with what actually took place on that day in Washington, D.C. As a result, the media and politicians are entirely to blame for fomenting division among Americans.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

The entire January 6th violence and was well planned and staged by our own government officials. Former DOD Chief of Staff, Kash Patel, hit this point “right on it’s head” when he stated on page 186 of his book Government Gangsters…………..”From the very beginning, it was clear the Democrats intended to use January 6th as a political weapon to demonize their opponents ans solidify their power. Justice and truth were pushed to the side, and the political narrative became nothing more important than anything else.” …………. One would think the government would try to separate out the wrongdoers from the people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and prosecute the genuine lawbreakers. The actual wrongdoers were paid FBI agents and Antifi members (who were actually bused in to create the violence)……… President Trump had done everything within his legal authority before January 6th to avoid any problems that may occur, with over a million people expected to attend the election protest. He had authorized the DOD to deploy anywhere from then thousand to twenty thousand National Guard troops anywhere that was needed in the nation to keep the peace. Of course this deployment would ruin the plans of Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Muriel Bowser, and the corrupt FBI (who had at least 240 agents mixed into the crowd, dressed as Trump supporters) to demonize the Trump supporters and label them as violent agitators, so these guards were not requested to be present until the problems started. Once Mayor Bowser made the request for the their help, Kash Patel immediately mobilized the National Guard and had them in place in a record time………… The disgusting arrests of hundreds of our loyal, patriotic, innocent Trump supporters served as a warning from the Depp State to President Trump’s supporters to “watch our step……………it could be YOU the next time.” Trump supporters are brave, God-loving, and patriotic Americans who are willing to withstand whatever is thrown at them. God save America, our patriots who lost their lives that day (ie Ashley Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland, etc….) and our true President, Donald J Trump.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

My guess is that the whole January 6th event was a set up to expose the corruption in our government and to show the American people this fact. The actors involved were easily identified, like Ashli Babbit, a known crisis actor. The acting was quite awful and there was no emergent protocol followed after she was supposedly “shot.” There was no protocol followed either for securing the scene of a crime, such as a murder. People walking in the “blood,” no securing that area at all. It was either a set up by Pelosi and friends to indict Trump on something, or it was a white hat event to show America the corruption. As this has unfolded with the January 6th committee and all of it’s illegal processes, I lean towards it being a white hat operation.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Ashley Riggins
3 months ago

January 6th was an overthrow of Government. To ensure there would be no uprising from the American Citizens, the undercover FBI agents were attempting to coerce the crowd into going into the Capital by telling the crowd to “push others over the wall so that they can reach the Capital” into a megaphone while standing on top of the scaffolding 15 minutes prior to POTUS ending his speech that day while Capital Police were shooting tear gas into the crowd. This allowed them to interrupt the Congressional Session thus removing the ability for Mike Pence to send the votes back to the States with questionable votes. The brutal incarceration of the January 6th prisoners, the J6 (Hoax) Commity that altered video footage and withheld pertinent evidence that would lead to a dismissal on all J6 defendants, along with fictitious charges brought against POTUS and the removal of his Twitter account along with several thousand of us fellow Patriots sent a strong message that if you peacefully assemble anywhere, we will make your life and the lives of your families a nightmare. The Fake news only perpetuated this message and skewed the events that day to further divide and instill fear in people. The Ole “Divide and Conquer” method. Tick Tock goes the clock! WWG1WGA

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

This is the political sham of the last 3 centuries. The dems have made such corrupt decisions and actions, they now need to keep up this ridiculous narrative and are in fear of be caught for lying and cheating. Gee,what else is new? Nancy and Chuckie are main characters along with most of the democrats and many many of the rinos in Congress. I believe our country is lost and is irreparably damaged and will never recover.

No wonder the US isn’t mentioned in the Bible as far as end-times goes. We all need to pray.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Steve D
3 months ago

I used to believe much more on Q and the plan. Too many promise dates with no action….Loosing hope, the deep state can not be beaten.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
2 months ago

I was there with my daughter. I saw the true numbers of Patriots there. They said thousands were there but there were hundreds of thousands. I estimate over a million all together. I also had brief run in with one of those shills who were hired to start trouble. He moved a barrier while President Trump was still speaking and almost knocked my daughter over. She has had 5 back surgeries and i told him if he hurt her i was gong to take him down hard. He looked at her and her cane and me and my 7 foot stick with Trump flags on it and turned quickly and ran with the other fbi cia trash with him toward the capital. We were going to go to the capital with the rest of our fellow patriots but she said her back had begun to hurt after he ran into her and asked if we could leave after President Trump stopped talking. She said, “Momma, I know you really wanted to finally see the Capital but could we please leave now because my back hurts really really bad now?” So we began walking to the car. Before we even got out of the parking garage the sirens were coming close to the Capital. Interesting how the timing was. I saw people taking off their tactical gear and adding TRUMP hats and such as they were coming through the crowd at the time the guy hit my daughter in the back. Perhaps one day i will finally get to go to the real new White House.

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