George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Considering the previous election and the current political climate, do you believe it\'s crucial to exercise your right to vote?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

Yes, of course, Vote! 871
No, they never fixed 2020, and until they do, stay home. No Vote! 308
I'm Uncertain. Will the USPS Deliver my Vote if by mail? Will my Vote count if received? So many questions. 229

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

23 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paula C Whiting says:

    just in case, i’ll still be voting, although i am still pissed that 2020 was never rectified! i will be dropping my vote BY HAND in the drop box at 7:30pm on voting day… I’m in Washington State, and do not trust these scoundrels!

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathy W says:

    I will vote only because I think we shouldn’t give up on what we held dear! But I’m SO wanting to say not until they fix 2020!

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle Neuenswander says:

    I believe Space Force had our backs last election even if our eyes haven’t seen it yet. I also don’t totally believe there will be a 2024 election; however, I will always vote in every election. This year I will have three adult children who are now eligible to vote, and you better believe they’ll be voting for their futures with a vote for President Trump! Praying the White Hats have restored the integrity of our vote! So grateful for their bravery!

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jack Wightman says:

    Exposing 2020 is only the tip of the iceberg, revealing all elections local, state and federal since the chads in Florida and Diebold ownership by George Soros and the purchase of electronic voting machines to install the newly updated software of Smartmatic etc…”Have to catch the treason in the act.” It’s all relevant to how far and wide throughout the world, citizens and countries have been bamboozled and hoodwinked by insidious globalists and worse. Tip of the Iceberg what lies beneath is what sank the truth. Truth always Prevails even it’s unintended consequences.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert Ulmer says:

    I vote to keep this nation the way it was when I grew up.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Elisabeth Freeland says:

    If 2020 isn’t overturned I will not have confidence in weather the elections are honest and fair. Remember, you don’t get to keep the diamonds after you steal them. Make elections fair and honest again. I will be voting this year but I’m in Washington State, home of the Democratic cheating mail in ballots. I will turn my ballot in on voting day.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Veronica Kenavan says:

    I most definitely believe that we the people were robbed of a fair 2020 Presidential Election including Senate and Congressional seats. I videotaped the machines that were connected illegally to the internet in my local voting area and sent them to a friend who works with President ( CIC) Trump. I believe it is a responsibility and privilege to vote. Good men and women gave their all for our freedoms. Now is not the time to be apathetic. We all need to do our part, get involved locally, speak with others and Prey. Pray is Powerful! While the large percent of the population is oblivious, I see God’s hand in the world today. We are living in biblical times and must be beacons of light against all dark evil forces. Therefore, we must do our part and at the very least all should Vote. Put on your breastplate of Faith and Never Give Up !!!

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane Young says:

    I did vote in the primary but only because I can see that the operation is still live. But will not vote in November until 2020 is fixed and it’s proven to be a honest election. No machines!! Enough lies and fraud. Near death inbound! Godspeed Whitehats.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ron Myers says:

    A lot can happen between now and election day. I doubt the process will be cleaned up by then. Maybe some traps will catch a few more cheaters until a more fool proof blockchain election can be instituted. I’ll vote, but don’t like the idea of another fraudulent election.

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Straeck says:

    Jesus christ win ! 100 Prozent!!!
    The Father is the best for all! We go one we go all! God bless ….

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charles Irwin says:

    All elections are always a Masonic scam since George Washington was married to A man named MARTHA SICK MASONIC IDIOTS FROM DAY ONE WAKE UP SHEEPLE ⏰

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenifer says:

    I just finished a full day of being a Poll Observer for the Republican Party in my community. It was a very good learning experience & I’m so glad I did it! Every sovereign American citizen needs to VOTE & I hope they vote for the Republican “We The People” candidates! ??

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    I voted to not vote ONLY based on the assumption that 2020 has not been fixed. That being said, I 100% believe our military is in control. But optically it MUST be shown that 2020 was rigged and stolen before there is any voting in 2024–and that Donald Trump was right—that way the public will demand that voting be secured and it will allow us to vote in a secure way. THEN we can vote. Otherwise, if it really is still rigged, there’s no way you can out-vote the rigging algorithms.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    The Deep State clowns want everyone to stay home- this will enable them to continue to cheat on the elections. Mail in ballots must be eliminated. Absentee ballots would be acceptable, as long as they are requested by the individual needing it and they must provide a reason for their absence on election day (this is the way it had been years ago when I needed one on a certain year). President Trump encourages everyone to “Get out and vote”, as we must OVERWHELM the Deep States’ cheating tactics by coming out in mass droves. Just as the results in the 2016 election were a big surprise to the left, 2024 must produce a much grander surprise. “They” have learned from their erroneous tactics during the 2016 election and are planning to create/cast many more illegal ballots in 2024 (more than they had in 2020). They are desperate and will stop at nothing. We cannot allow ANYTHING to prevent us from casting our votes including another “plandemic” or a bad weather occurrence. …….Perhaps there will be more states joining in on the “paper ballots only” elections before November 2024. Watermarked paper ballots is the best option for election integrity. Get out there and vote out the Anti-America candidates!

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryanne Matchett says:

      This whole town has so many thousands of optical enhancements and not One new building protocols at every turn and not one opposition in site.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    Voting in Colorado is a challenge, in that the SOS and Governor cannot be trusted. We have ballot Trax, that tells us our ballot was counted but a voter cannot verify that it was counted correctly. Also with the unconstitutional attempt to remove President Trump from our ballot, one has to wonder if the votes are counted correctly. One thing many voters here have adopted, is to hand carry their mail-in ballots to the drop off locations on election day and late in the day. This eliminates knowing trends and altering those trends by unlawful mechanisms. We need to go back to paper ballots, voter ID, one day voting with CITIZEN only voting. Election Day for major elections need to be a national holiday as well, so everyone has the opportunity to vote. Blockchain voting is essential as well.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    Trouble with the voting is – here in CA – they do NOT require picture ID, anyone can vote and they “will” sort it out later as it’s a provisional ballot, people are seldom taken off the voting lists esp if someone keeps voting for them, some people have received 2-3 ballots per person in the household, dead people are still voting, they go into the nursing homes and coerce alzheimer patients to vote and then submit their ballots, and the list goes on and on and on.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julie Koval says:

    I believe Quantum computing ! Will stop the steal in 2024 ! We are in the 4th industrial revolution ! SOOOOO VOTE VOTE VOTE 😉

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sheryl Karosich says:

    Vote!! We have to do our part and trust God to do His!

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine maria says:

    of course i have huge distrust in the voting system and ballot counting so am looking into working at my local polling location. this is why turnout needs to be too big to rig !!!

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nancy Borrell says:

    Of course we all know the 2020 was rigged and stolen and I don’t know if there’s anything we can do about 2024, but it is still the only power we have our right to vote so I will continue to vote and pray for Justice.

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryanne Matchett says:

    Here in Luzerne county pa the Knowing is absolutely insane and seriously painful .eyes to see.ears to hear.Walk in Faith and His Glory.

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