It has been over 7 years...Do you Still Believe that Q and The Plan are real and happening? (Please leave a comment after voting, your opinion matters. Many watching this poll)
Yes without any doubt1568
It's been tough but hanging in there520
I just don't know anymore279
No, total garbage. Wasted my time with it.175
No. I don't believe that it was a psyop, but it failed65
It took hundreds of years to corrupt us, and so much has been cleaned up and exposed in just a few years. People need to give it time. We weren’t created to be slaves. Now we can discover our true potential. Thank you to the courageous men and women who are fighting for humanity and to our brothers and sisters up above.
I have to constantly remind myself that much of what I read is part of the movie and part of the plan. I’ve never given up or faltered in believing in the plan but I suffer from depression some days are hard. My husband has said I’m all in and I am. I remind myself it has to be this way and I fundamentally get it. I just get impatient from time to time.
In November 2024 is when I Started really hearing about Q, once I joined X.
People Believe in the Q movement, I’m undecided as things people post Don’t happen… EBS
I Know that it’s a Military Operation and Many things Are Going on Behind the Scene
God ALWAYS Wins 💖🙏💞🙏🇺🇸🙏💫
I thought we were out of the confusion phase but we keep being told that people we believe are good are not. That is confusing! We don’t know what to believe. It’s emotionally and mentally exhausting, especially when you don’t have support of The Plan in your household so you don’t discuss it to keep the peace. We’re suffering out here.
This has been a long, difficult journey, but the Q operation has opened my eyes to something that I knew was going on since childhood. I didn’t know what exactly was going on, but I knew something wasn’t right. I could feel it. We are not here to suffer until death. We are here to lift one another out of the darkness and to destroy it. The more research I do, the more my eyes are opened, the better I am able to prepare for this battle we are facing, and it has helped me to prepare others. I am eternally grateful for this operation, regardless of how difficult it is. WWG1WGA
It’s hard when everyone around me doesn’t believe it, but I will keep believing ! I know what my eyes have seen and the other people are the crazies! WWG1WGA!!!!!!
I Whole-Heartedly believe in the Q plan…
Because I believe children are being saved from the most Horrid of evils…
Through photos & videos shared through social media sites. I don’t see it chaging in my personal surroundings but the
world stage has flipped…
And I believe there is a force getting things done so we can advance to our next level…
Whether it be Q or the galactics or just us & our Conciousness that is developing…
I share things to help make my circle aware so maybe they will want to go Deeper inside themselves…
To Love is the Key not to seperate or hate…
That’s what my heart has led me through my whole life…I have been slowly seeing evil’s agenda since I was little…
But these passed 8 years or so things just come in front of me where I have to question everything…
My family has been through such a horrible ordeal involving helping through love but it getting twisted through evil lies and it involve a very corrupt police & judicial system in our own area…
It all has to come down and folks need to be protected on both sides of the law through TRUTH & ⚖ not just what one sude pushing their agenda.
I know I had to go through this the hardest time of my life, so I could go Deeper Inside myself to find my own Strength, my own Hero, my own Awareness…
I couldn’t rely on the Q team, the galactics, my family or friends to pull me out of this one. I had to go Within to search for that Strength and Will to go on knowing that I Got This and that I am My Own Savior…
The Q team has it’s mission and I believe in it but I am here to help at the Home front to keep my Family, Friends,
Co-workers and simply the folks on the street that I pass by to show them Support & Love and do my Best to keep them Positve about just Life in general and just be there to help where & when I can…
I have grown and know it’s up to me not Q or the Team or anyone else to spread the LOVE to each and every being in this Realm that needs & Deserves it…
It’s Up To Me…!!!
I Thank Everyone Who is on the Side of
To Serve & Protect…!!!
I Love You…!!!
Paula Pathfinder
I believe Great Creator is working for humanity and using Trump and many others to wake us up to stop the insanity/evil and bring those that “choose” to live in his divine love into right relation with all that is was and ever will be. Faith & trust in our Great Creator is the way to saving humanity ….🙏…
Humanity needs to choose wisely!
Taking down an evil world system takes time. I believe in the Q plan. How can people complain when there are men and women partnering with God in ushering in the Kingdom of God and putting their lives on the line to bring about justice and righteousness to the US and world? Many especially children and babies have suffered. I will continue to pray for those in harms way and working to help God’s brilliant plan unfold no matter how long it takes.
I would love to believe that it’s real, that it’s happening, but continuing a normal life after losing your family and friends, being isolated in your feelings and beliefs is hard to cope with. Who really knows. Will we get redemption or that “ I told you so moment?”
Taking down an evil world system takes time. How can people complain when there are men and women partnering with God in ushering in the Kingdom of God and putting their lives on the line to bring about justice and righteousness to the US and world? Many especially children and babies have suffered. I will continue to awaken those who sleep and pray for those in harms way working to help God’s brilliant plan unfold no matter how long it takes.
I will never waver I have so much faith in God & country and I have met the most beautiful people who like me have become anons quietly in the background of all the noise of the world. We have met in Arkansas and other states and we are spread all over the US, Canada & even other countries but there is one uniting force. Q For taking America back to when it was safe for our children to play outside , when you could save for a few years for a down payment on a house and actually afford it and groceries. When you and your neighbor were best friends and could always borrow sugar. When living in America was the best country on Earth!
There is too much at stake to fail! There is no other option!
I want to trust it…..I do believe the idea of Q and that everything has an equal and opposing force. I trust and believe in the 7 Universal Principles. as well as the power that the occult has, especially and specifically in the context of its actual meaning-“hidden.” HOWEVER at some point what is hidden must be revealed and Q feels like it’s on the precipice of now becoming a version of what it was claiming to oppose-a hidden network using “word magic,” “verbal gymnastics” and media manipulation to use the power of mass consciousness to achieve an outcome and the operational and financial benefits will be hidden from those same manipulated masses. Again.
Humanity is smart, resilient, and will survive. Expose the truth, the whole truth and do it now. The movement is losing its strongest people and believers in disgust and we know how to use our subconscious and conscious minds so it cannot be manipulated further. Let us help. Make the arrests, remove the deep state, return us to the power that is ours. We will no longer be imprisoned by the ouroborus-of which it feels Q is becoming.
I learned of it on X but wasn’t active there until Musk’s acquisition. There are too many coincidences to disregard the plan. My faith in Jesus Christ has never been stronger & I love seeing others do the same.
Too many coincidences but I am tired of decoding. The 10 days of darkness and date fear porn has to stop. It’s not healthy for anyone. I pray for honesty and transparency to prevail so we can live in truth. Searching for clues to find truth steals joy and peace. So bring on the F’n storms. Gods got me and he knows I am tired.
I still believe in the Q plan, but we are on a fixed income and it is getting harder to pay things off when your money is spent on rent and utilities. Been using credit cards and the payments are getting higher and higher with no relief yet. It’s getting rough out there in the ugly world and not seeing arrests is upsetting. I pray to Father God daily and know when he is ready thy will be done. Did not think we would still be waiting this long, but God says to be patient and so we will. In the mean time, please Father protect President Trump and his Family and true cabinet, most of all the Children!
Definitely happening. Been a heel of a journey. Lost a few friends along the way and been called all sorts of crazy. Still believe 💯.
Justice must be done for the poor children that have suffered so much. Justice must also be televised.
When 911 happened, I Self-Activated. I happened to be at the Right Place at the Right Time, in working at a particular restaurant in Nashville which attracted an affluent, powerful clientele. The focus was providing exceptional service, so that they would be receptive to an email exchange, in the hope of providing access to authentic alternative news, such as There was about a 6 month window after 911 when people’s minds were open to alternative information, and I believe that we set the timeline on a different trajectory because of this dissemination of information.
It was all done with no awareness of Q, or any sort of Patriot organization.
So to recognize this influence guiding events,
I am profoundly grateful to and for all those who love America, these United States.
I am grateful for those who have understood how very precious this achievement by the Founding Fathers truly was, and is.
I am grateful to be here.
So deeply grateful.
To All of you Patriots.
All creeds, all colors.
All of Life Matters!!!
God Bless Us, One and All!
God Bless America!!!
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
Yes, I’ve been following Q since the beginning. In 2015 the Lord kept saying to me “Q” and “A”, and then told me that He would use Donald Trump to “bulldoze the corruption” in The Deep state. My husband and I I watched the Q board then other sources and amazed at how accurately its come to pass. Love the patriots and anons who have done so much to protect and defend all of us. Your courage under fire will forever be honored.
If you followed Q you were told how long it was gonna be. All that’s happened in the past 9 years is exactly on point with what Q gave you! The only unfortunate thing is we were made aware years early which makes it seem way longer then compared to people who didn’t follow! You were told to get your popcorn! Stop being anxious, you were told it was gonna get tough! If you look there’s 17s being shown to you everywhere, little acknowledgements to the anons. Relax, enjoy your family, worry about you and yours and when you see those 17s smile and know, they are little messages to us, saying we are still here and in control! GOD BLESS
Thank you God. What a Plan. I’m emotional typing this. It’s been about 7 years. I have no other explanation why I found this information, other than it is Divine. I’m so hopeful for the future, but my heart aches so much for all the victims, anyone on the Q team who lost their life, and the innocent family members left behind of the convicted criminals. Especially the children and parents. We must honor their memory by being honorable people.
I was made aware of Trump taking the US into a really good place and the use of the hackers in an op to help in that effort back in the 1990s. I trained in computers for that purpose. I already went through the rollercoaster of emotions and doubts etc long before most people knew what was coming.
So far everything has gone as I saw was coming. I can understand those who are not having an easy time of trusting through all of this. Had I not been told in a way that I knew it was true, I would probably be right there with everyone else struggling with it.
The physical agony from the directed energy weapons pretending to be cell towers has been the only reason we are struggling. We have had three family friends die as a direct result of the towers like the one near us in their area, one more is starting to decline after a new tower near her. We lost pets, and have suffered terribly. Our neighbor died and most homes in our rural area have at least one case of recurring cancer as a result of the tower (no, most of these people did not get CV shots)
Now many others who used to tell us that none of that bothered them are starting to be hit hard in other areas too. It is cumulative and once threshold of what the body can handle is reached, it is pretty serious.
It is hard to hang on while going through torture constantly, but we press through trusting God to bring these hell towers down and stop this assault on the US people.
Yes, I believe the Q Plan is continuing. I cannot unsee the things I have seen in my research, and what I have been guided to see. As a military operation they are not going to divulge all of the details to the general public. That’s common sense. It is difficult when those you love don’t see it, and that it is taking longer than we would like, but the corruption goes deep with many layers so it’s going to take time to bring it down. I believe we need to love others, even when we wish they could see what we see, but they haven’t YET. I’m thankful to all of those involved in this plan, those who have died carrying it out, and I will continue to pray for them and their families. Thank you to everyone at GEORGE. Blessings, love and shalom!!!
I want to believe we are unraveling this web, but I think we need more to be convinced. Let the people rise up and take it down.. Too many are ignorant to the corruption and those you try to enlighten do not see enough proof that it is being dismantled.
I know God is in control and it’s His timing. I’m thankful for all the Patriots helping us reclaim our country/world! I pray we are at the end of this nightmare and I’m ready to see justice. I look forward to our abundant future!
I have no doubt it is going on. Q wouldn’t be A if everything was divulged out in the open. And people don’t have patience or peace to trust the process. Wise people have discernment and the ability to read between the lines. But you must pray for that and do your due diligence to be informed from many honest sources.
It’s all there for you to see, you just have to have desire to look for it. 😉🙂
I have been waiting for all to unfold so I can move back to the U.S. I am near retirement age and have a job that provides for my needs but not my wants. Just hanging in there…
There won’t be any headway unless the demons in charge are arrested for treason and face a military tribunal for their crimes. And we have to stop listening to unelected “authorities”.
I surely believe God’s hand is in this, and all glory to our Heavenly Father.
We’ve been creatures of “instant” for so long, our society has forgotten to be patient…Good things come in time.
Hang in there frens, we’re almost there. ..God Bless!
Q is beginning to MANIFEST INTO REALITY in the physical world.
Q has been building in the background for decades.
Finally in 2025 we see the first real glimmers of Q’s posts gaining momentum.
Does Q have the strength and ability to come all the way through?
Yes he does. Exciting to watch but still seems very slow at this point 3/25/25.
However what Q reveals is so cataclysmic, one doesn’t really want to live through it going FAST. It is going to pick up speed.
God is real and faithful. The Q plan is the proof of that. It substantiates the epic biblical narrative. Corrections and fixes like this take much time, but God’s plan for his people is also perfected in those with faith. People need to appreciate the value and the amazingness of what is happening. It is a perfect reflection of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
Once you realize by using biometrics and close analysis at what’s really going on you notice that it’s all staged. The only explanation for this is if the plan was going forward….
The cast of the movie we are watching.
The Kari Lake is Lauren Besette.
Gavin Newsom is JFK Jr.
Governor Ron DeSantis is Michael LeMoyne Kennedy.
Governor Katie Hobbs is Saoirse Roisin Kennedy Hill.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is Carolyne Besette Kennedy.
Kayleigh McEnany is Caroline Besette Kennedy daughter with JFK Jr.
JD Vance is really Zach Galifinakis in disguise
AOC Alexandria Ocassio Cortez is really Heba Aberdin… who was a white hat informant placement close to clintons.
Donna Kelce is really Gina Haspel.
Seth Rich was fake made up by nsa to explain podesta file dump. His actor is Travis Kelce of the NFL
Julian Assange is fake and based on John Trump.
Seth Riches parents are Gina Haspel and Ed Kelce.
Taylor Swift is the grand daughter of the man who founded the church of satan. This was a white hat operation, and she is played by the actor who played Napoleon dynamite Jon heder.
Diamond from Diamond And Silk was really the actor Kenan Thompson from SNL.
Oprah Winfrey. in and videos person its Katt Williams.
Jimmy Kimmel has been replaced by Channing Tatum
The king of pop, Michael Jackson is the actor that is playing Nancy Pelosi.
The artist formerly known as Prince is the actor that is playing Mad Maxxine Waters.
AVICII (Tim Bergling) is the actor who faked his death to take on the role of matt gaetz the politician.
The church of satan is controlled opposition ran by whitehats.
Jack Smith is fake AI generated (he used to be real?) when Jack goes in public he is played by Kappy wearing a mask, Kappy who faked his death supposedly jumping from a bridge. running from the cabal trying to suicide him for ousting their pedo network.
Too many confirmations by high level people to doubt the plan is active. I did not expect it to take this long but patience is necessary. It’s been a great lesson in perseverance.
Yes real and revealing more layers of the corrupt rotten onion day by day. If you pay attention you can see its real. Having an understanding of Gematria helps you to see the comms which are everywhere. 17=Q
The astronauts capsule was traveling at 17,000 miles per hour, splashed down at 5:57PM 5+5+7=17 Q
Thank God for his Q Army and saving humanity and our precious children.
Q is the most brilliant plan executed in the history of the world. Listen to those who are still in the fight and speaking truth. We are so very close to mission accomplished! WWG1WGA – Standing with Q+
Q has been around since the assassination on President Lincoln, but went active after the JFK assassination (attemt?). This military operation was designed, developed and implemented according to the law (military & civilian) to identify as well as lock into the treasonous conglomerate of evil controller/manipulator class of elitist traitors. Their arrogance is now their downfall, but collateral damage unfortunately has been sustained by their wicked hands. We are now dealing with a restlass people, on both sides of the designed isle. Every Anon and supporting Patriot has given some, with a growing few have given all, for this war against demonic tyranny.
We have been poisened in mass, left to shrivel up and die in pain as well as hopelessness. It is only by faith that we have lasted this long and will acquire the final victory.
Faith in Gods selection, to us mortal people within the Q team, The ANON family and Patriot people who have beyond mortal will, to take back control of Gods children and the earthly realm, His in all His greatness has created for us.
The “Q” plan is real and working, but we must rush what has been designated by God to happen. He will select who he wants to fulfill His plan for us. Who are we to judge what His will is? Semper Fi! We Got This!
After All, The alternative sucks! Sucks big time!
I followed Q early on. It was a very worthy endeavor in that right now so much makes sense to me. Thanks to Q and all the people who responded to all the questions, we are able to have a full picture of what has been happening, and what will happen. WWG1WGA
During a press conference when a military helicopter collided with a jet plane in DC before the Superbowl, Defense Secretary Hegseth strategically informed us who are awake, that we are still under the COG (continuity of government). War is still ongoing behind the scenes. It’ll be over when they say it’s over. We just need to be patient and continue to pray for our country, for casualties to be minimized… It’s heart breaking, but that’s the reality of war.
The biggest sting operation ever!! It has to be done properly, and at the right time. God’s timing is much different than our timing. We must dig our heels in deep and be patient. My vice is reading the Bible daily and volunteering at a dog sanctuary. #bestmedicineever
I know the Q plan is in full effect but I have questions! I know several people who died after taking vaxes, I stood up against Boston Children’s Hospital mandated flu vaxes and got fired and not one lawyer would take my case, including CHD and Aron Siris group! Im financially destitute, no gainful employment in 5 years. I lost my dream house, my marriage, I have nothing left! You didn’t destroy the globalists, you destroyed me and many others. I am a Patriot to this country but and lost just as much as our founders.
We are of course being strung along. I understand why that has been necessary, but some people are beginning to tire. Public arrests of major players are needed now to keep us engaged.
It has certainly been a long haul, but things keep happening on different deltas just as Q said they would. I started reading Q about a week after the first posts and it’s been an amazing ride. So many of Q’s posts have come true – I don’t understand how anyone would think Q was a farce if they really took the time to read the posts and work a little to make sense of them.
I want to believe that all of this is good….but Trump humped the wall in Jerusalem, a demonic ritual. He supports the Noahide laws, which will be the downfall of every Christian.
Why is Massie the ONLY rep in DC with 0 AIPAC rabbi breathing down his neck. Hrs the only one standing up to the khazarian agenda! And Trump wants him primaried????
Wake up! We are still being played!!!
I believe the plan is real and is unfolding as we speak. It may not be going as fast as some might want, but amazing things take time!
It took hundreds of years to corrupt us, and so much has been cleaned up and exposed in just a few years. People need to give it time. We weren’t created to be slaves. Now we can discover our true potential. Thank you to the courageous men and women who are fighting for humanity and to our brothers and sisters up above.
I have to constantly remind myself that much of what I read is part of the movie and part of the plan. I’ve never given up or faltered in believing in the plan but I suffer from depression some days are hard. My husband has said I’m all in and I am. I remind myself it has to be this way and I fundamentally get it. I just get impatient from time to time.
I believe the operation is still ongoing, but we’re ready for it to end🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
In November 2024 is when I Started really hearing about Q, once I joined X.
People Believe in the Q movement, I’m undecided as things people post Don’t happen… EBS
I Know that it’s a Military Operation and Many things Are Going on Behind the Scene
God ALWAYS Wins 💖🙏💞🙏🇺🇸🙏💫
I thought we were out of the confusion phase but we keep being told that people we believe are good are not. That is confusing! We don’t know what to believe. It’s emotionally and mentally exhausting, especially when you don’t have support of The Plan in your household so you don’t discuss it to keep the peace. We’re suffering out here.
Need to keep moving towards the goal. Can’t wait to see the live tribunals
This has been a long, difficult journey, but the Q operation has opened my eyes to something that I knew was going on since childhood. I didn’t know what exactly was going on, but I knew something wasn’t right. I could feel it. We are not here to suffer until death. We are here to lift one another out of the darkness and to destroy it. The more research I do, the more my eyes are opened, the better I am able to prepare for this battle we are facing, and it has helped me to prepare others. I am eternally grateful for this operation, regardless of how difficult it is. WWG1WGA
No one escapes. NO ONE. God will see to it.
It’s hard when everyone around me doesn’t believe it, but I will keep believing ! I know what my eyes have seen and the other people are the crazies! WWG1WGA!!!!!!
Yes the plan is still in play. This is the last year though.
Thank you.
yes, God, has His plan an timing, man is impatient
i believe in Q even after being laughed at an ridiculed
my heart says yes
I Whole-Heartedly believe in the Q plan…
Because I believe children are being saved from the most Horrid of evils…
Through photos & videos shared through social media sites. I don’t see it chaging in my personal surroundings but the
world stage has flipped…
And I believe there is a force getting things done so we can advance to our next level…
Whether it be Q or the galactics or just us & our Conciousness that is developing…
I share things to help make my circle aware so maybe they will want to go Deeper inside themselves…
To Love is the Key not to seperate or hate…
That’s what my heart has led me through my whole life…I have been slowly seeing evil’s agenda since I was little…
But these passed 8 years or so things just come in front of me where I have to question everything…
My family has been through such a horrible ordeal involving helping through love but it getting twisted through evil lies and it involve a very corrupt police & judicial system in our own area…
It all has to come down and folks need to be protected on both sides of the law through TRUTH & ⚖ not just what one sude pushing their agenda.
I know I had to go through this the hardest time of my life, so I could go Deeper Inside myself to find my own Strength, my own Hero, my own Awareness…
I couldn’t rely on the Q team, the galactics, my family or friends to pull me out of this one. I had to go Within to search for that Strength and Will to go on knowing that I Got This and that I am My Own Savior…
The Q team has it’s mission and I believe in it but I am here to help at the Home front to keep my Family, Friends,
Co-workers and simply the folks on the street that I pass by to show them Support & Love and do my Best to keep them Positve about just Life in general and just be there to help where & when I can…
I have grown and know it’s up to me not Q or the Team or anyone else to spread the LOVE to each and every being in this Realm that needs & Deserves it…
It’s Up To Me…!!!
I Thank Everyone Who is on the Side of
To Serve & Protect…!!!
I Love You…!!!
Paula Pathfinder
I believe Great Creator is working for humanity and using Trump and many others to wake us up to stop the insanity/evil and bring those that “choose” to live in his divine love into right relation with all that is was and ever will be. Faith & trust in our Great Creator is the way to saving humanity ….🙏…
Humanity needs to choose wisely!
Taking down an evil world system takes time. I believe in the Q plan. How can people complain when there are men and women partnering with God in ushering in the Kingdom of God and putting their lives on the line to bring about justice and righteousness to the US and world? Many especially children and babies have suffered. I will continue to pray for those in harms way and working to help God’s brilliant plan unfold no matter how long it takes.
I would love to believe that it’s real, that it’s happening, but continuing a normal life after losing your family and friends, being isolated in your feelings and beliefs is hard to cope with. Who really knows. Will we get redemption or that “ I told you so moment?”
Taking down an evil world system takes time. How can people complain when there are men and women partnering with God in ushering in the Kingdom of God and putting their lives on the line to bring about justice and righteousness to the US and world? Many especially children and babies have suffered. I will continue to awaken those who sleep and pray for those in harms way working to help God’s brilliant plan unfold no matter how long it takes.
I will never waver I have so much faith in God & country and I have met the most beautiful people who like me have become anons quietly in the background of all the noise of the world. We have met in Arkansas and other states and we are spread all over the US, Canada & even other countries but there is one uniting force. Q For taking America back to when it was safe for our children to play outside , when you could save for a few years for a down payment on a house and actually afford it and groceries. When you and your neighbor were best friends and could always borrow sugar. When living in America was the best country on Earth!
There is too much at stake to fail! There is no other option!
I want to trust it…..I do believe the idea of Q and that everything has an equal and opposing force. I trust and believe in the 7 Universal Principles. as well as the power that the occult has, especially and specifically in the context of its actual meaning-“hidden.” HOWEVER at some point what is hidden must be revealed and Q feels like it’s on the precipice of now becoming a version of what it was claiming to oppose-a hidden network using “word magic,” “verbal gymnastics” and media manipulation to use the power of mass consciousness to achieve an outcome and the operational and financial benefits will be hidden from those same manipulated masses. Again.
Humanity is smart, resilient, and will survive. Expose the truth, the whole truth and do it now. The movement is losing its strongest people and believers in disgust and we know how to use our subconscious and conscious minds so it cannot be manipulated further. Let us help. Make the arrests, remove the deep state, return us to the power that is ours. We will no longer be imprisoned by the ouroborus-of which it feels Q is becoming.
I learned of it on X but wasn’t active there until Musk’s acquisition. There are too many coincidences to disregard the plan. My faith in Jesus Christ has never been stronger & I love seeing others do the same.
Too many coincidences but I am tired of decoding. The 10 days of darkness and date fear porn has to stop. It’s not healthy for anyone. I pray for honesty and transparency to prevail so we can live in truth. Searching for clues to find truth steals joy and peace. So bring on the F’n storms. Gods got me and he knows I am tired.
YES and GOD IS AMAZING!! Love you all!!!
I still believe in the Q plan, but we are on a fixed income and it is getting harder to pay things off when your money is spent on rent and utilities. Been using credit cards and the payments are getting higher and higher with no relief yet. It’s getting rough out there in the ugly world and not seeing arrests is upsetting. I pray to Father God daily and know when he is ready thy will be done. Did not think we would still be waiting this long, but God says to be patient and so we will. In the mean time, please Father protect President Trump and his Family and true cabinet, most of all the Children!
Definitely happening. Been a heel of a journey. Lost a few friends along the way and been called all sorts of crazy. Still believe 💯.
Justice must be done for the poor children that have suffered so much. Justice must also be televised.
God Bless President Trump and the selfless patriots.
When 911 happened, I Self-Activated. I happened to be at the Right Place at the Right Time, in working at a particular restaurant in Nashville which attracted an affluent, powerful clientele. The focus was providing exceptional service, so that they would be receptive to an email exchange, in the hope of providing access to authentic alternative news, such as There was about a 6 month window after 911 when people’s minds were open to alternative information, and I believe that we set the timeline on a different trajectory because of this dissemination of information.
It was all done with no awareness of Q, or any sort of Patriot organization.
So to recognize this influence guiding events,
I am profoundly grateful to and for all those who love America, these United States.
I am grateful for those who have understood how very precious this achievement by the Founding Fathers truly was, and is.
I am grateful to be here.
So deeply grateful.
To All of you Patriots.
All creeds, all colors.
All of Life Matters!!!
God Bless Us, One and All!
God Bless America!!!
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
Yes, I’ve been following Q since the beginning. In 2015 the Lord kept saying to me “Q” and “A”, and then told me that He would use Donald Trump to “bulldoze the corruption” in The Deep state. My husband and I I watched the Q board then other sources and amazed at how accurately its come to pass. Love the patriots and anons who have done so much to protect and defend all of us. Your courage under fire will forever be honored.
If you followed Q you were told how long it was gonna be. All that’s happened in the past 9 years is exactly on point with what Q gave you! The only unfortunate thing is we were made aware years early which makes it seem way longer then compared to people who didn’t follow! You were told to get your popcorn! Stop being anxious, you were told it was gonna get tough! If you look there’s 17s being shown to you everywhere, little acknowledgements to the anons. Relax, enjoy your family, worry about you and yours and when you see those 17s smile and know, they are little messages to us, saying we are still here and in control! GOD BLESS
Thank you God. What a Plan. I’m emotional typing this. It’s been about 7 years. I have no other explanation why I found this information, other than it is Divine. I’m so hopeful for the future, but my heart aches so much for all the victims, anyone on the Q team who lost their life, and the innocent family members left behind of the convicted criminals. Especially the children and parents. We must honor their memory by being honorable people.
I was made aware of Trump taking the US into a really good place and the use of the hackers in an op to help in that effort back in the 1990s. I trained in computers for that purpose. I already went through the rollercoaster of emotions and doubts etc long before most people knew what was coming.
So far everything has gone as I saw was coming. I can understand those who are not having an easy time of trusting through all of this. Had I not been told in a way that I knew it was true, I would probably be right there with everyone else struggling with it.
The physical agony from the directed energy weapons pretending to be cell towers has been the only reason we are struggling. We have had three family friends die as a direct result of the towers like the one near us in their area, one more is starting to decline after a new tower near her. We lost pets, and have suffered terribly. Our neighbor died and most homes in our rural area have at least one case of recurring cancer as a result of the tower (no, most of these people did not get CV shots)
Now many others who used to tell us that none of that bothered them are starting to be hit hard in other areas too. It is cumulative and once threshold of what the body can handle is reached, it is pretty serious.
It is hard to hang on while going through torture constantly, but we press through trusting God to bring these hell towers down and stop this assault on the US people.
Yes, I believe the Q Plan is continuing. I cannot unsee the things I have seen in my research, and what I have been guided to see. As a military operation they are not going to divulge all of the details to the general public. That’s common sense. It is difficult when those you love don’t see it, and that it is taking longer than we would like, but the corruption goes deep with many layers so it’s going to take time to bring it down. I believe we need to love others, even when we wish they could see what we see, but they haven’t YET. I’m thankful to all of those involved in this plan, those who have died carrying it out, and I will continue to pray for them and their families. Thank you to everyone at GEORGE. Blessings, love and shalom!!!
I want to believe we are unraveling this web, but I think we need more to be convinced. Let the people rise up and take it down.. Too many are ignorant to the corruption and those you try to enlighten do not see enough proof that it is being dismantled.
The USSF was not created for Shits and Grins😎🐸Thats what Junior Said Anyway😎🐸👊🙏✌️❤️🤍💙🌎🇺🇸
I know God is in control and it’s His timing. I’m thankful for all the Patriots helping us reclaim our country/world! I pray we are at the end of this nightmare and I’m ready to see justice. I look forward to our abundant future!
At my age, yes still hanging in there!
I have no doubt it is going on. Q wouldn’t be A if everything was divulged out in the open. And people don’t have patience or peace to trust the process. Wise people have discernment and the ability to read between the lines. But you must pray for that and do your due diligence to be informed from many honest sources.
It’s all there for you to see, you just have to have desire to look for it. 😉🙂
I have been waiting for all to unfold so I can move back to the U.S. I am near retirement age and have a job that provides for my needs but not my wants. Just hanging in there…
Auto correct on my comment previously. I said Q wouldn’t be “Q”, not A.
There won’t be any headway unless the demons in charge are arrested for treason and face a military tribunal for their crimes. And we have to stop listening to unelected “authorities”.
I surely believe God’s hand is in this, and all glory to our Heavenly Father.
We’ve been creatures of “instant” for so long, our society has forgotten to be patient…Good things come in time.
Hang in there frens, we’re almost there. ..God Bless!
Q is beginning to MANIFEST INTO REALITY in the physical world.
Q has been building in the background for decades.
Finally in 2025 we see the first real glimmers of Q’s posts gaining momentum.
Does Q have the strength and ability to come all the way through?
Yes he does. Exciting to watch but still seems very slow at this point 3/25/25.
However what Q reveals is so cataclysmic, one doesn’t really want to live through it going FAST. It is going to pick up speed.
God is real and faithful. The Q plan is the proof of that. It substantiates the epic biblical narrative. Corrections and fixes like this take much time, but God’s plan for his people is also perfected in those with faith. People need to appreciate the value and the amazingness of what is happening. It is a perfect reflection of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
Once you realize by using biometrics and close analysis at what’s really going on you notice that it’s all staged. The only explanation for this is if the plan was going forward….
The cast of the movie we are watching.
The Kari Lake is Lauren Besette.
Gavin Newsom is JFK Jr.
Governor Ron DeSantis is Michael LeMoyne Kennedy.
Governor Katie Hobbs is Saoirse Roisin Kennedy Hill.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is Carolyne Besette Kennedy.
Kayleigh McEnany is Caroline Besette Kennedy daughter with JFK Jr.
JD Vance is really Zach Galifinakis in disguise
AOC Alexandria Ocassio Cortez is really Heba Aberdin… who was a white hat informant placement close to clintons.
Donna Kelce is really Gina Haspel.
Seth Rich was fake made up by nsa to explain podesta file dump. His actor is Travis Kelce of the NFL
Julian Assange is fake and based on John Trump.
Seth Riches parents are Gina Haspel and Ed Kelce.
Taylor Swift is the grand daughter of the man who founded the church of satan. This was a white hat operation, and she is played by the actor who played Napoleon dynamite Jon heder.
Diamond from Diamond And Silk was really the actor Kenan Thompson from SNL.
Oprah Winfrey. in and videos person its Katt Williams.
Jimmy Kimmel has been replaced by Channing Tatum
The king of pop, Michael Jackson is the actor that is playing Nancy Pelosi.
The artist formerly known as Prince is the actor that is playing Mad Maxxine Waters.
AVICII (Tim Bergling) is the actor who faked his death to take on the role of matt gaetz the politician.
The church of satan is controlled opposition ran by whitehats.
Jack Smith is fake AI generated (he used to be real?) when Jack goes in public he is played by Kappy wearing a mask, Kappy who faked his death supposedly jumping from a bridge. running from the cabal trying to suicide him for ousting their pedo network.
IN YOUR FACE!!! Hold the Line, PATRIOTS!!! God’s got This Plan! It’s gonna Be Biblical!!! GOD SPEED!!! WWG1WGA!!! Peace, Love, & Light!!! 🙏🏼🇺🇸🥳💕😎🐸
Too many confirmations by high level people to doubt the plan is active. I did not expect it to take this long but patience is necessary. It’s been a great lesson in perseverance.
Yes real and revealing more layers of the corrupt rotten onion day by day. If you pay attention you can see its real. Having an understanding of Gematria helps you to see the comms which are everywhere. 17=Q
The astronauts capsule was traveling at 17,000 miles per hour, splashed down at 5:57PM 5+5+7=17 Q
Thank God for his Q Army and saving humanity and our precious children.
Q is the most brilliant plan executed in the history of the world.
Q is the most brilliant plan executed in the history of the world. Listen to those who are still in the fight and speaking truth. We are so very close to mission accomplished! WWG1WGA – Standing with Q+
Ready for handcuffs and purp walks! Bring on the ending!
Q has been around since the assassination on President Lincoln, but went active after the JFK assassination (attemt?). This military operation was designed, developed and implemented according to the law (military & civilian) to identify as well as lock into the treasonous conglomerate of evil controller/manipulator class of elitist traitors. Their arrogance is now their downfall, but collateral damage unfortunately has been sustained by their wicked hands. We are now dealing with a restlass people, on both sides of the designed isle. Every Anon and supporting Patriot has given some, with a growing few have given all, for this war against demonic tyranny.
We have been poisened in mass, left to shrivel up and die in pain as well as hopelessness. It is only by faith that we have lasted this long and will acquire the final victory.
Faith in Gods selection, to us mortal people within the Q team, The ANON family and Patriot people who have beyond mortal will, to take back control of Gods children and the earthly realm, His in all His greatness has created for us.
The “Q” plan is real and working, but we must rush what has been designated by God to happen. He will select who he wants to fulfill His plan for us. Who are we to judge what His will is? Semper Fi! We Got This!
After All, The alternative sucks! Sucks big time!
I followed Q early on. It was a very worthy endeavor in that right now so much makes sense to me. Thanks to Q and all the people who responded to all the questions, we are able to have a full picture of what has been happening, and what will happen. WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA!!! I do TRUST THE PLAN!!! More over, I trust GOD ALMIGHTY’S plan!!! Thank you and PRAISE GOD!!!
During a press conference when a military helicopter collided with a jet plane in DC before the Superbowl, Defense Secretary Hegseth strategically informed us who are awake, that we are still under the COG (continuity of government). War is still ongoing behind the scenes. It’ll be over when they say it’s over. We just need to be patient and continue to pray for our country, for casualties to be minimized… It’s heart breaking, but that’s the reality of war.
The biggest sting operation ever!! It has to be done properly, and at the right time. God’s timing is much different than our timing. We must dig our heels in deep and be patient. My vice is reading the Bible daily and volunteering at a dog sanctuary. #bestmedicineever
I know the Q plan is in full effect but I have questions! I know several people who died after taking vaxes, I stood up against Boston Children’s Hospital mandated flu vaxes and got fired and not one lawyer would take my case, including CHD and Aron Siris group! Im financially destitute, no gainful employment in 5 years. I lost my dream house, my marriage, I have nothing left! You didn’t destroy the globalists, you destroyed me and many others. I am a Patriot to this country but and lost just as much as our founders.
We are of course being strung along. I understand why that has been necessary, but some people are beginning to tire. Public arrests of major players are needed now to keep us engaged.
It has certainly been a long haul, but things keep happening on different deltas just as Q said they would. I started reading Q about a week after the first posts and it’s been an amazing ride. So many of Q’s posts have come true – I don’t understand how anyone would think Q was a farce if they really took the time to read the posts and work a little to make sense of them.
When I seen Vincent standing to President Trumps right when he go shot in Butler I knew what was real and not
Just keep in mind Vincent is an actor.
100% was never a real plan. Just kids having fun that somehow got taken serious by people.
I want to believe that all of this is good….but Trump humped the wall in Jerusalem, a demonic ritual. He supports the Noahide laws, which will be the downfall of every Christian.
Why is Massie the ONLY rep in DC with 0 AIPAC rabbi breathing down his neck. Hrs the only one standing up to the khazarian agenda! And Trump wants him primaried????
Wake up! We are still being played!!!