Election 2024 Countdown


George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
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George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Kevin Bruce Stevens
6 months ago

We so appreciate the role you all are filling as we transition to better things. We’re blessed to have you. Thanks for declaring for Jesus.

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Gene Ho
6 months ago

Thank you so much!!!

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Darrin Williams
6 months ago

Gene, You are doing great work in all you do!!! I am so encouraged by George Magazine and its articles! Also I am enjoying your new podcast! I am so thankful that you are in Christ Jesus and you have been saved by His grace! May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to use you as His instrument to the praise of His Glory!!!

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
6 months ago

Why would you Follow me on Tiktok? Why would you talk to me behind the scenes, I ain’t nobody. 🤗
-Mysticmess996 2.0

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Dianne Kneller Weaver
6 months ago

Wow, just watched a bunch of your tik toks , awesome clues. 🙂
Thank Q very much.
Keep up the great work you do, much love from New Zealand.

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Gene Ho
6 months ago

Thank you everyone for your comments here!!!

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
6 months ago

Thank you so much for all the truth you are providing.
You are greatly appreciated.
Its comforting to know that the truth can finally be told and we are in the final battle.

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Liz cenate
6 months ago

Awesome job Gene with facts & truth. Appreciate everything,it’s definitely been a very long 4 years being awake & I never would’ve gone through this awakening w/o the help of ppl like you & Q,President Trump & many great patriots. Thank you ❤️🤍💙🎥🍿💥🙏

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Cindy Briggs
6 months ago

I am very hopeful for how this is all going to turn evil entities into dust that cannot reconstitute, Which will allow justice and love to finally rule, with no time for us to feud or pout.
We have worked hard and used our gifts well, and prayed to God about how this all turns out.
We still have many bridges and roads to fix before things go smooth,
But we know Our Father loves us, and that His Holy Spirit will help pull us through.

George’s Gene Ho TikTok Drops  at george magazine
Kim Jahn
6 months ago

I love your Truth on tick tock and my monthly subscription-I got my #7 edition signed by Phil. I also ordered the limited edition of Behind the Scenes with Trump ❤️😎❤️

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