God Equips Those He Calls

By Pastor Bob Joyce

God Equips Those He Calls  at george magazine
God Equips Those He Calls  at george magazine
God Equips Those He Calls  at george magazine
God Equips Those He Calls  at george magazine

25 thoughts on "God Equips Those He Calls"

  1. Gene Ho says:

    Another FABULOUS Article!!!

  2. Sarah Watson says:

    Amen X I am here for the purpose Jesus has meant for me x. The same with all of us whoever we are X.
    Thank you Pastor Bob for your encouraging words and for being the man the person and purpose who Father God, Jesus Christ meant you to be X continue being that in the Wonderful Name of Our Saviour Our Lord Jesus ?

  3. Trigones Catherine says:

    Pastor Bob

  4. Samantha ( Sam ) Schonken says:

    I Am called to follow CHRIST.
    Long Live KING JOHN 111
    Joseph Gregory Hallett
    Likes to be called Greg
    Born for such a time as this
    God Bless You Eternally Pastor Bob Joyce and Gene Ho.

  5. Christina Crissman says:

    I absolutely agree, I also enjoy Pastors teaching and preaching. I have rarely found someone so sold out and knowledgeable of our Savior. His relationship with Christ is a fresh inspiration, in these days of false preachers and false prophets. Stay focused on Jesus.
    Thank you Pastor Bob and Brother Gene, love your magazine. Will buy it just to get his sermons. Amen

  6. Vickie says:

    Great article Pastor Bob!

  7. Rose McCune says:

    Another amazing message by Pastor Bob Joyce.

    I know he has been anointed by GOD to save souls! I am blessed each time I listen to his sermons and read his messages! Thank you, LORD, for giving us Pastor Bob. ?❤️‼️

  8. Sue Bohnen says:

    Thank you, Pastor Bob, beautiful sermon. Yes, we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. He is teaching all of us t place our faith and trust in Him alone. Sometimes that is a hard lesson to learn, like the times we are in now. But we go back to scripture for the reassuring word
    that He has conquered Satan and He will always keep His promises.

  9. Connie Yohe says:

    What a marvelous message! It is a honor to be a fisher of men and tell the story of Love and Grace of our Lord. Blessings and Love to Bob for sharing his wisdom and knowledge so we all can read of Jesus and of His Love and teachings.

  10. Nora S Esparza says:

    I enjoyed reading this it see things differently than how I use to see it I thank God for Pastor Bob Joyce he explains things in a way I can understand.

  11. Linda Sexton says:

    This says it ALL! Whether you have Christ already in your heart or not we need reminders to help us keep our eyes upon Him and follow Him. Thank you for a great reminder.

  12. Trish M says:

    Beautifully written.
    I will continue to follow, Jesus is my strength thru all the uncertainties in this world. Trust in Him is all I know. Man has a way of complicating the simplicity of the Truth. Sometimes people get lost in all the worldly options of traditions to bring people to the Truth….when all one really needs, at times, is a one on one conversation sharing how God brought Christ to them and how Christ changed him and her to give glory to God. My life changed, the day I realized, I was no accident. God chose me. He chose who were going to create me. When people realize God has the ultimate plan for our lives, our perspectives on life are transformed. Its all for the glory of God, for the kingdom. Our Lord is super powerful, and I love how He loves us. He chooses us. Well, as I am inspired by Pastor Bob and his sermons, I begin again to write. Gods blessings to you Pastor Bob, hope to visit with you and Household of Faith Church soon.

  13. Connie Anderson says:

    Praise be to our Creator for all he has done for us in this demention of Earth! We are ready to be Free!! slaves no more!!

  14. Elise says:

    Perfect…………. in every way…….I can’t see Yahweh standing around scratching his head and saying well I sure messed that up.. unless you’re looking at the duckbilled platypus hahaha

  15. Kristie says:

    Amen!! Thank You Pastor Bob for this message, just when I needed to hear it again in my life! You are truely a deciple of Jesus!! Hallelujah!!!

  16. Penny Shumaker says:

    Love this article b cause it speaks to the average person. It is inclusive to all who want to follow Jesus. We can all be used of God, no matter our age or financial status. No matter our position in the community or church. Thank you for your article. It was encouraging to me to read this article. No matter our past Jesus wants all to follow him. Keeping the faith.

  17. Karen Calkins says:

    Thank you, Pastor Bob, for this beautifully written reminder of how God calls us. And special thanks to Gene Ho and ‘George, who have brought these wonderful people and articles to us.

  18. Sara Miller says:

    This Sermon really touched my heart today — as many of Pastor Bob’s sermons touch my heart. Thank you, Pastor, for sharing your heart for God with us …. may God always bless you.

  19. Siiri Stehouwer van Velzen says:

    Dankjuwel pastoor Bob Joyce. Mijn hart was verdrietig, mijn familie heb ik niet meer. Ik zag op tegen de komende tijd. Wat u heeft geschreven heeft mij duep geraakt. De woorden door Gods Geest. Ik huil, maar nu van blijdschap. Dankuwel dat ik niet alleen ben maar broeders en zusters heb. Daar bent u 1 van.
    Gods zegen, dankuwel voor wie u bent in Christus!

    Met vriendelijke groeten,

  20. Kathy M. Storrie says:

    Dear Pastor Bob, So proud of you for not giving up but hanging in there to find out what else God wanted you to do. Your early calling to be a preacher was on the back burner all the time. You can not only preach good about Jesus but you are a great writer, too! God gave you so many talents and opportunities to bless this world and we are so thankful to be a part of you and your family! Can’t wait to hear you and Jessie singing concerts in Heaven! Thank you for blessing us!

  21. Ketina Swatsworth says:

    That was a wonderful article by Pastor Bob, as always. I enjoy reading them. I love that you include these articles in each issue. Amen ❤

  22. PJ777 says:

    Thank you Pastor Bob. I look forward to all of your articles. Grateful to have found you here.

  23. Barbara Matthews says:

    Thank you Pastor Bob Joyce I have a hard time understanding reading the Bible but when you preach I don’t know how to explain it but the Bible comes to life for me I love hearing you sing & preach on Sunday’s. I will be visiting my daughter in Little Rock again in October & can’t wait to go to Household of Faith again the Congregation of your church are some of warmest people I’ve ever met you just feel the LOVE!

  24. Teresa Collins says:

    Beautiful said! Thank you for your dedication to our Father God and Lord Jesus. God Bless you! ?


  25. Donna Lambert says:

    Pastor Bob , It is an honor to follow you as you follow Christ. It’s an honor to be a part of what God is doing and going to do with Household Of Faith. Each week it is exciting to see the sweet Holy Spirit as it moves all over the church. God Bless and keep you.

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