Election 2024 Countdown


How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government

By Alex Newman

How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government  at george magazine
How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government  at george magazine
How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government  at george magazine

5 thoughts on "How to Unite and Heal America: Rein in the Government"

  1. Mark Saylor, MD - Topeka, KS says:

    Alex, it’s easy for thinking Americans to agree with everything you have outlined here, but the HUGE problem that still remains is exactly how we might DO it. First and foremost, EVERY GOP presidential candidate must IMMEDIATELY (before the primaries!) declare that he/she ALREADY supports WHOEVER wins the GOP nomination! This is absolutely essential.

  2. John Ruffu says:

    Dr. Saylor,
    The rule of law in US v Ballin states the US Congress cannot make rules of procedure that violate fundamental rights. The rule in Congress that gives all committee chairs to the majority and then permit the chair to say to the minority when legislation is being drafted, “You are not recognized” is the lost right of constitutional speech of the citizens into the legislation.

    Mr. Newman is correct in the answer to the malaise of our legislative body is by following the rule of law in our constitution. The First Amendment protection of speech in legislative committees is violated and has lead to the most serious issues that will end our republic unless cured. The achievement of the goals in the Preamble only happens when the instrument is used as directed. As Thomas Paine wrote, it is simple to right our government when it goes awry, provided that it is written on simple constructs. The simple construct is the people will consent to what the government is permitted to do. Today by the violation of rule of law in US v Ballin, the protection of speech is lost and replaced with the unilateral fiat exactly like the King of England in 1776. The very evil the War of Independence was fought to stamp out is alive and well in DC today. Half the citizens have no speech into legislation and thus half do not consent to what the government is permitted to, but by tyranny are ruled. The common sense solution to consider is that each party gets the percent of committee chairs (political power) equal to the seats they hold in the chamber. They pick in alternate so each side has powerful committees to protect constituents speech into the the written legislation. Negotiations and compromise occur on the floor of the House and the Senate, not in institutions of propaganda such as the press and 501 c 3’s.

    Dr. Saylor, if you wish to fund a letter to all members with this Supreme Court ruling, US v Ballin, please reach out to me at [email protected] Better yet, run for Congress on this one platform issue that will unite citizens. Most politicians are not aware of the rule of law (and frankly so far from what I have been treated to, don’t care) and also 99% of the citizens do not know how speech is treated at the committee level. Educate people in line at the coffee shop and see what is possible. I’m just the messenger Dr. Saylor. Thank you.

  3. Tom Jefferson says:

    Ron Paul’s “What If” speech
    Madam Speaker
    I have a few questions for my colleagues
    what if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interests
    what if we wake up one day and realize that the terrorist threat is a predictable conse-quence of our meddling in the affairs of others and has nothing to do with us being free and prosperous
    what if propping up repressive regimes in the Middle East endangers both the United States and Israel
    what if occupying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing Pakistan is directly related to the hatred directed toward us
    what if some day it dawns on us that losing over 5,000 American military personnel in the Middle East since 9/11 is not a fair trade-off for the loss of nearly 3,000 American citizens no matter how many Iraqi Pakistani and Afghan people are killed or displaced
    what if we finally decide that torture even if called enhanced interrogation technique is self-destructive and produces no useful information and that contracting it out to a third-world nation is just as evil
    what if it is finally realized that war and military spending is always destructive to the economy
    what if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing
    what if we finally see that wartime conditions always undermine personal liberty
    what if conservatives who preach small government wake up and realize that our interventionist foreign policy provides the greatest incentive to expand the government
    what if conservatives understood once again that they’re only logical position is to reject military intervention and managing an empire throughout the world
    what if the American people work up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests
    what if we as a nation came to realize that the quest for Empire eventually destroys all great nations
    what if Obama has no intention of leaving Iraq
    what if a military draft is being planned for the war will spray out if our foreign policy has not changed
    what if the American people learn the truth that our foreign policy has nothing to do with national security that it never changes from one administration to the next
    what if war and preparation for war is a racket serving the special interests
    what if President Obama is completely wrong about Afghanistan and turns out worst in Iraq and Vietnam put together
    what if Christianity actually teaches peace and not preventive wars of aggression
    what if diplomacy is found to be superior to bombs and bribes in protecting America
    what happens if my concerns are completely unfounded – NOTHING
    but what happens if my concerns are justified and ignored – NOTHING GOOD
    What if we could put a man like Ron Paul in the Whitehouse and he brings up the CFR members who have run every administration for the last 100 years before a grand jury charged with treason for conspiring to make the USA part of an international rules based order, destroying the US constitution, and destroying US sovereignty.

  4. onebornfree says:

    From my song “New Revolution”:

    “This governments grown too big for its boots
    We’ve got to cut it back down, right back down to the roots…….”

    “…We’ve got to start us a new revolution
    And get back to the old constitution
    We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
    Its time to start over again”

    Song “New Revolution”:
    Regards, onebornfree

  5. Amber says:


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