Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

For those on the Right/MAGA who follow Q - if Trump DOES NOT win the election coming up November 5, 2024, your view on Q will be...
(Please leave us a comment, we value your opinion)

Trump absolutely will not lose and the plan continues on. 1030
This was actually a way to expose corruption on both sides. 643
Other - Please Comment. 266
If Trump loses - that means the "military operation" is still ongoing, but without Trump. 406
Q is junk. It was a big psyop to keep the masses busy and complacent. 323
There was a plan, but the plan failed. 134

Please share The George Poll!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

81 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Songbabe says:

    It had to be this way.
    Largest sting in history WW.

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Yvonne Brooks says:

    God Wins.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MrsGalt says:

    Q was NEVER an operation to get Trump re-elected. If you think it was then you never read the drops. Trump is “part” of the plan. He is not “the” plan.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dave says:

    Perhaps Trumps “exit” is actually part of the plan, not a failed plan…

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine tofirius says:

    According to Q, only 10 people actually know the plan. So, if there’s a plan, there’s no way for anyone to know about it, unless things are publicly disclosed.

    All we can do is stay vigilant, do our due diligence to go vote in good faith, pray that evil will indeed be exposed and brought to justice, and that our Republic will be restored.

    Let’s see what happens!

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jolanda says:

    Still trusting the plan and believe in Q from the start Trump (David ) will never fail he is a part of the plan..

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Randy says:

    If the plan is real, it needs to end. Obviously the information is out about Q and any real “bad guys” already know the plan. Keeping it as an underground operation no longer makes sense. It is time for the grand finale, victory or defeat to be declared.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lonna says:

    If patriots weren’t in control, Biden would be cogent and Harris not so annoying, but these 2 clowns are fake and playing a role. Harris’ script that she keeps repeating is proof. But also, the People wouldn’t be waking up, and they are. They see Hollywood as the bloviating cesspool that it us, especially with Puff Daddy being arrested. People know things in 2024 that they didn’t know in 2019, and that is a great blessing.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lori Anderson says:

    I was devastated when Trump lost in 2020. I didnt think it was possible. Now I believe that if he does “lose”, it would be part of the plan and it will still all work out. I have absolute faith that all will be ok. Anything else is just unimaginable!!! GOD WINS!!!

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carmen says:


  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Glenda Hanson says:

    I still believe in Q … if it’s not real I’ll be the first to admit I’m duped, I just can’t imagine the Military involved in all this and it not real! President Trump is by far the best President in my lifetime. Im looking forward to the future.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Greg says:

    Trump doesn’t need to win. He is still CIC. The evidence of fraud, treason and foreign interference is overwhelming for 2016, 2020 etc.. Continuation of Government, the PEAD, and Executive Orders, and Military control are what has been happening.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shelley Allen says:

    I agree with all of the previous comments and would add: Q served its purpose well: to help awaken people to the corruption, and whether Trump wins or loses, God’s will will be done.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nearly over it says:

    Q is one of many PSYOPs. Is it calculated for patriot retribution if perceived as played? That will be the surprise for all of the hats. Uncalculatable risk. When is enough enough? Breaking point. Cards flipped due to controlled timeline imposed. If patriots time-out, end game arrives. Time to bring zero day.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Allison says:

    17s all the way for as long as it takes. For those that think Q is fake, they have no idea and need more info on it – I suggest watch Eye of the Storm on the Badlands Media channel (Rumble) and watch it continuously, not just once. Shame on Doug Billings at Right Side Broadcasting for calling Q bull…….I won’t watch him anymore as he showed he is clueless about one important issue so not trusting him with other info.

    Regardless what you think, let’s stay together as WE THE PEOPLE!

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie Campbell says:

    Because I believe that God is sovereign over His people and the besetting evil all around us He has foreordained the outcome of not only the Q operation, the awakening going on worldwide, etc. it’s the only way I’m able to hope and not despair about the future in the midst of all the psyops we’re inundated with. We have very little control. Take a breath!

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laura Crase says:

    DJT is our CIC and will return as our President soon. Q is real and has taught us these past 7 years that a plan is working and we have to have faith and patience.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sherri Rogers says:

    I don’t think there will be an election!

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Scott says:

    The PLAN has been going for Decades. JFK Sr. knew what was going on in the Government. JFK Jr. found out everything about Hillary etc. Dianna found out all about the Fake, Corrupt, Satanic Pedophile Royals. Trump was like a Mole. He found out everything about Big Business, Pharma, CEO’s etc. All combined with Blackmailed , Brainwashed Government Leaders and some Military they have been exposing the Truth. If people can’t see that Biden, Kamala, Obama, etc. etc. etc. have been replaced then they must be blind. The Fake Election was needed to expose the Truth. Not just about Fraud Elections but the Countries involved. The Deep State has Blackmailed so many people. What I see right now is that the Deep State is at the very end and will be destroyed. Like we have been told. It’s a Chess Game. At any time the Deep State will concede. My guess is that they are trying to Blackmail the White Hats by saying Nuclear Bombs are hidden and they will use them if they lose control. I do not think an Election will even take place. What we are seeing is the Game continue to be played for the Sheeple. All this Election debates, Rallies and Hype are to keep things moving forward as usual. The last thing the White Hats want is a Revolution, World War or World Riot. If this happens then there can be no Election and power will stay with the Fake Democrats. The same scenario happens if a Black Swan Event occurs such as another staged 911 or maybe the UFO Scare. The World right now is basically under Military Watch. My post on Gab describes that. Q Post 4730. Mickey mouse Clock. Or is it a Watch. Military Watches are shown with the same setting. My take on this is that Q is trying to tell us that the Government right now is just a ” Mickey Mouse Corporation “. The Government is really under ” Military Watch “. The hands point to 10 and 2. Or 10:10. This could also refer to October 10. Could this be the date when Q reveals the Truth.? Maybe they will expose all the Fake Actors. As we have been told before. ” The Masks are going to come off “. There will be a Military Watch. Trump will be reinstated. Games within Games. No matter what happens. SAVE THE KIDS Q. Please say Hi to JFK Jr. for me. Maybe one day we will meet. Your Friend on Gab. Squirrelpower. Take Good Care. God Bless the entire Q Team.

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana Frattarelli says:

    We can plan all we want. But God also has a plan. We know as Q followers what we are listening to is good for the country and we’re praying it all goes through. But I also know God has plan. And for Him to ever come back the world has to get worse. So I trust God. I’m praying that what Q talked about will happen, it would be nice to see our Country back for a while and our children protected. God bless.
    A man’s heart plans his way. But the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane says:

    So many moving parts and defeat is not a option. Battle for planet earth. Moves and counter moves, timeline convergence also a factor. We must ask the question what’s after Trump? And which Trump? So far i see 3 different ones. No simple pole will answer or solve anything in regards to the Q operation.

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lauren Petree says:

    As badly as I do NOT want to wait until November 5 for justice and resolve, I’m afraid that’s exactly what will happen. The Great Awakening has been very successful and people of all sides are seeing the truth, but, I actually believe that Trump WILL win, but I also believe that the election will be stolen again except this time, the vast majority will absolutely believe that it was stolen. Because we know “they” will steal it and we’re militarily prepared to monitor it, I personally think this steal will be what constitutes the Military stepping in without causing civil war. What I also think might be a hard pill to swallow is I don’t believe those of us who believe in Q will ever get the vindication that Q is a brilliant military cyop for the good of mankind, but once all is said and done I’m not so sure that will even matter. God is in control, God is good, and Justice is His; God Wins = We win!

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julie Anna Kehoe-Lippman says:

    Q is Part of Gods plan as Trump is his anointed I do see him winning but it depends how the enemy fights back. This war is already won but we need to be in agreement with our creator and submit to his will as Trump needs to as well. No matter what happens God will work all to good according to His Plan. I believe Trump is Q+ and he is doing the best he can but we need to pray for him and all the White Hats fighting on the frontline. This is a Spiritual war first and foremost. Pray Pray Pray and be active in your community it’s up to us as much as Trump to fight here on earth. We thank you Fther for our Victory and we praise you in Jesus name Amen

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joe Q Tzu says:

    There will not be a 2024 election. If there is, it’s more psyop. The apocalypse is happening. The whole satanic and corrupt corporation knows as the District of Columbia is collapsing. The two party system must be abolished.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Enrietta Lee says:

    Hi to all!!! First and foremost, I am a very proud Q Anon since 2016 filled with so much LOVE & GRATITUDE and PRAISE towards “Q” for their LOVE and amazing and benign hard work they have done, are doing and will continue to do here IN OUR COUNTRY and on Planet TERRA. Our President Donald J. Trump won the Elections in: 2016, 2020, and if there are Elections again (which I doubt) because I feel that our President Trump shall come forth to claim his rightful place at the helm, and make this TRUTH known to our Republic! And I will not say much more for now, only that I LOVE GOD, YESHUA, “Q”, HUMANITY, OUR DEAREST PRESIDENT TRUMP AND FIRST LADY MELANIA AND ENTIRE BENIGN FAMILY. I Love your George Magazine and always look forward to receiving my copies so much every month. You are doing an amazing professional SANE job with it! Love and Light, Enrietta L.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julie Anna Kehoe-Lippman says:

    So Say We All (Battlestar Gallactica)

    Yes I’m a Sci Fi nerd but it helped me see the truth.

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shelley says:

    The baddies were already dealt with prior to us knowing about “The Q Plan”. We are watching a MOVIE!

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sharon says:

    I still believe this is the greatest military operation ever attempted…with God at the helmet

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marvin D Hughes says:

    If Trump loses, then:
    Patriots are NOT in control
    We DONT Have it All
    Black Hats WILL Escape What is Coming
    The First Arrest WONT Shock anybody, because there won’t be one
    NOBODY will Enjoy The Show
    The Best is NOT Yet to Come
    Symbolism WONT be their downfall
    Crimes against children WILL CONTINUE
    Crimes against humanity WILL CONTINUE
    They DONT have a very special place picked out for Soros
    10’s of thousands of sealed indictments WILL MEAN NOTHING
    This video WILL NOT get Trump elected.
    ETC, ETC, ETC…….

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marvin D Hughes says:

    I believed Q hook, line, and sinker……
    I’m not completely off of Q, but if Trump loses…..it was all bullshit.
    Change my mind.

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sania Macdonell (Roxana) says:


  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Erika D says:

    I still believe in the plan as I have learned so much from this experience both good and bad. But the one thing I will always have faith in is God, he brought us all here for this moment in time and I appreciate having the eyes to see and the ears to hear the truth. Having my faith restored is a blessing, thank you all!

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine byvdb says:

    Scott saved me a lot-o-time & writing , He said it all & then some Thanx Scott,,,,,,,,,

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen B. says:

    The Best Is Yet To Come 🙏🙌🏆

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Oliver K Hitz says:

    Only hungry cold people will change things – not Q nor Trump.
    We will lose a lot of loved one’s during the process.
    God wins in the end.
    Keep the faith in God and his son Jesus.

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mycaiah Bei says:

    Galactic Federation is done with this lingering on and wants the people to stop participating in it. We all love and thank Trump, Q, and the military, but everyone must raise their frequency as well. The plan would not have lasted as long had more people raised their frequency. There is no government in higher densities so participating in that is unnecessary. Trump has done his part and given the power back to we the people. Now we must do our part.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Color says:

    Jesus has appeared to many as early as 1990 saying that Donald Trump was going to lead the US into a really good place and change the world. One of those He spoke to didn’t even know Trumps name for several years as they prayed for him. Jesus also spoke about Q to some as early as the early 1990s.
    Q team started with words from God. Those words started with obedience of a church in VA to hold prayer and fasting in the DC mall every 8 years since 1990. At one point over a million attended. Each time He called for prayer and fasting in the DC mall, many faithful prayer warriors attended- often crying tears of intercession into the soil during cold pouring rain or unbearable searing heat. Yet they remaind faithful for hours each time.
    He told the church in VA that He needed the prayer and fasting to prepare for HIS PLANS TO CLEAN THE SEWAGE FROM DC- God’s expressed purpose at the time.
    The last prayer and fasting was held in 2016 in a different city in PA to indicate a future relocation of the US capital.
    Q was not an end in itself, but a plan that was inspired by God Himself. Many have prayed into this plan from around the world. Many still pray.
    God wins.

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laura says:

    “Trump” is a character playing his part.
    I trust God, He is the one who woke me up for this so that I can do my part!
    Bring out Jr (and maybe Sr too) already 😎💪👊

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mycaiah Bei says:

    Enrietta, you are correct, there are no more elections. Not on my timeline. I want nothing else to do with that timeline.

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carrie says:

    Like Trump always says “you can’t keep the diamonds” if 2020 was stolen.. which I believe it was… that has to be rectified first! As for Q, the plan must go on!

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MQuntainFQxx says:

    I have known of this Plan since at least 15 years ago..it was a whisper on the internet. I honestly don’t think the military should allow another election. They should expose 2020 and rectify it. I don’t understand why they’re allowing an invasion that is causing such harm, especially to women and children. I’m starting to think this was man’s last ditch effort to defeat evil, but only Yahweh can truly do that. I also think the WHs grossly underestimated how many evil, corrupt people there are. I’m usually the optimistic type, but I’m not seeing tangible things affecting people at all. I see words and comms and decodes and more psyop circus shitshQw. We’re tired. We’re broke. If we have nothing left to lose, we’ll snap. Many I know have lost their lives, homes, loved ones. Why is the covid jab still allowed? Why are they spraying things in the air to make us sick? Why is the country being set on fire if WHs are in Control? Why is weather warfare continuing? Enough are awake. You need to pull the trigger and give us the damn truth once for all! The sleeptards will only wake up by a sledgehammer to the face. If you can, stop dragging this out or give us medbeds so we’re strong enough to fight the evil with you. My husband and I are willing. We’re tired of the lies and manipulation. We appreciate what has been accomplished thus far, but we’re sick of “enjoy the show” bc no one who’s suffering is enjoying anything. My man was a J6 in the Army. He knows psyops. We both agree it’s time for truth and we do not agree with having another BS election. END THIS SHITSHQW 🙏😌

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    I just love all these positive responses and it is so refreshing to have a group of people be so close in their answers. I go back and forth between either no election and he assumes presidency or a planned loss to show people what’s been happening all these years . So many people are awake now and are paying close attention whereas they weren’t prior. So that I don’t get too overwhelmed I continue praying because only He knows the answer.

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Judy Searles says:

    Trump should win, and most likely will, but the White Hats could allow Kamala to win (if there’s fraud) to expose it one more time. Then the military might step in and save our country at last.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathy Reiss says:

    Q isn’t about getting Trump elected. It’s about a military take down of current systems.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Phyllis W Baggett says:

    Continuation of government and the military are in complete control. I may not like the complete plan nor how long this is taking but I do know that it had to be this way.

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MeMe Patriot says:

    If Q isn’t real, why did so many anons & truthers continuously get suspended from Twit? My permanent suspension is, imo, one of my greatest adult-life accomplishments outside of my family-world. I also think if Q was not real, they would have gotten bored with it and it would have stopped a few years back. I am ready for some resurrections and military tribunal marathon watch parties.

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lewis Tyner says:

    Trump is part of the plan, but Junior finishes it. Whether Trump exits the stage before or after the election doesn’t really matter. He’s a character in the movie. He won’t last once the movie is over, so I’m expecting him to bow out, one way or another. I don’t personally think Trump will be president of the Republic. I think that will be for Junior to win after NESARA is announced, unless of course, he becomes the King of USA Kingdom, and then we’ll be voting on others. Any election before then is still part of the movie and the ‘corporation’.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joanne says:

    Be not Afraid…Nothing is as it appears yet the abuse was very real for everyone of us in this matrix. We must raise our vibrations and act from a place of love even in the face of evil. We are eternal spiritual beings having an experience. Q has been invaluable on this journey as it shone the light on some of the darkness. We must speak truth and do what is right. The rot has had centuries to manifest so it will take time but beautiful positives happening beneath the chaos too. Many souls have & will depart their bodies but they are still assisting. WWG1WGA.
    Keep shinning.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paula Angelos says:

    No matter what happens I believe the main objective of Q was and is to teach the masses how to research and think for themselves. Secondly to prepare us for what will and must happen.

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Scott Mueller says:

    Q is quite real. Trump may “appear” to lose but he can’t lose. He’s already CIC and the current administration is not real. The end is already written for this movie and God WINS 🏆

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sandy says:

    I believe 2020 will be exposed before the “November Election”. They had the last 4 years to ‘clean’ it up and make all necessary arrests, we have it all. Military has the servers, all the real watermarked ballots…so enough with the BS election crap. There is no need for another fraudulent election. Will not be voting until 2020 corruption and arrests are made public. Roll the f’n credits already!

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cynthia Cordell says:

    We are everywhere and THAT is refreshing.
    The last election caused me to stop following Q driven creators up until recently because I knew I had to in order to stay strong mentally and emotionally. I returned to “ true crime “ research and subsequently began watching criminal trials. Though we see the lawlessness and corruption in NY, DC, Atlanta and San Francisco, it is NOT the norm. Every day there are sheriffs and police officers, district attorneys and state attorneys and righteous upstanding judges who are doing the right things. Our country is great because of the individuality of the states. We have to do our best to keep calm and encourage others to realize that we are who we have been waiting for.
    Donald J Trump will prevail because GOD set him apart for this time in history!!!

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Billy says:

    If we go to election then win or lose we are in the same place we’ve been. That’s a loss for all of us because civil war would be the only option. The PEAD must come out, the election has to be halted, and the military intervention has to take place. An election with drop boxes, and rigged machines is a bad idea. Been there and done that. Trump winning is just a 4 year extension or reprieve from a cabal steal 4 years later. If Q and the plan was just a psyop, and was only put in place to expose corruption to the masses then a plan better be in place for the fallout. We still have mass illegal immigration, we still have a cabal that can actively put out virus scenarios and vaccines, and we still have wars that will rip this world apart. So the plan and Q have to stop this before the election and set this right or civil war will be a real possibility. Just my opinion.

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy says:

    This should not go to another election because 1) 2020 is still unresolved. If Trump wins 2024, no one will care about 2020 and they need to care about the treason committed Jan6 2020 by Congress and others and 2) the elections are still rigged, so there still is no democracy – a Trump win would mean that he’s benefiting from the rigging and therefore is part of the DS = we’ve been slowly boiled like frogs in a pot. With that said, I still believe in the Q plan and Trump- I don’t believe we’ll have an election 11/5.

  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Beck says:

    This needs to end! I have supported Trump since he came down the escalator and I have followed Q since 2017. I have lost all my immediate family to death and my children do not let me see my grand children. They had me arrested and locked me up in a mental institution for supporting “Q” which they think is a cult. If Trump does not win this election I will have lost my children and grand children for good. They are giving me until November to see something that I have been saying.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MC says:

    This is how I see it, If there is an Election Trump will win hands down…if for some unforeseen evil plot it’s stolen AGAIN…There is no way The Good Patriots will stand for it once again, no way will they suffer through another 4 flippin years waiting for more bullshit stories..and broken promises…which brings me to this Question What happened to the Brunson case? that seems to have Vanished into thin air, only I don’t think it did, From the outside, it appears that way, But I feel it could be the Trump card..I pray that it is…If not Patriots will more then likely do what needs to be done i’m afraid that is where the concern lies if this continues and doesn’t come to an End, and the words of Our very President THE BEST IS YET TO COME, will be just a slap in the faces of WE THE PEOPLE…we have Faith we have hope but we have mouths to feed above everything else, and that’s a stuggle alone…

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    I believe Q is the antidote to operation mockingbird. But the evil side is not done yet. Several months ago, I came across a vintage video of a whistle blower from the 70’s or 80’s disclosing their intent to use project blue beam and UFO appearances close to the end of the game or the completion of their plan to capture and rule the entire world.
    Last night, I saw video posts of UFO sightings in Minneapolis and Tampa Bay. Then, there was a robot bird captured in Chile. There was also a video of a man walking above the sun. I don’t know the exact location, but it must have been here in the US. The man who took the video was English speaking and kept thanking Jesus in the background audio, then he and the others with him started singing an old gospel song, There Ain’t No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down.
    This means we are very close to the end of the game. Pray for Team Trump and the Military behind him. If Trump loses in this coming election, we the people should get together to oppose it. But last night, I also heard some good news about the corrupt people panicking in Arizona. Apparently, a diligent reporter has discovered 1 Million voters in their state are not certifiable and is in the process of exposing it. If this is not resolved in time, Arizona may not be able to participate in the coming election; hence, the corrupt people are panicking. Let’s wait and see if this information gets out to the public in the coming days.

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barry Hoey says:

    Patriots are very much in control. This plan, which originates i suspect from JFK era, is simply a masterpiece. Trump I believe was chosen for the role long before 2015.
    45-47 CIC Trump is special, I do not believe it is him we see at the rallies, he is at this point an Icon / beacon of hope for many across the world, as we learn more about the cabal, and how that came about.
    The 200 Generals and others, including the 60,000+ secret army are doing wonderful work in many ways as future proves past for those paying attention.
    Obviously there is a strong Kennedy connection, and more.
    I am excited to see how this plays out, i was born and raised in Ireland, live here in the US since 2009, became a US citizen in 2013, where I started to see red flags as I went through that journey.
    I already seen red flags back in Ireland as it foolishly joined Europe.
    Trump and the White hats have created something that cannot be broken, MAGA is now worldwide.
    RFK compliments it perfectly with MAHA, as we are being poisoned, intentionally obviously.
    Future generations will have many to thank as we go though this period of 5th Generation warfare, where some of the ammunition is memes, with digital soldiers play our part.
    What a wonderful time to be alive.
    WWG1WGA 🙏☘️

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine JC says:

    Ron Qwatkins (and his dad?) is Q. He ran the servers for the boards and making Q drops seem connected to Trump is trivial. Watkins is a talentless attention seeker and Q was his imaginary friend.

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Maryellen Johnson says:

    2020, it’s not over YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Chook says:

    Trump is still the President.
    Look up DOD 11.11.8
    Yes, it had to be this way, as at times you need to take a bat to peoples to wake them up.


  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine RAOUL M PELLERIN says:

    If Trump loses, it would make it clear to everyone that it was stolen, making it more obvious to all the necessity for the military to step in. Otherwise, there will be civil war. Big time.

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol Roberts says:

    I agree with so many of these comments. I truly believe there will be a renewed America. God has affirmed this to me. Our Lord wants none to be lost, so He delays so more can come into the Light of Truth. I believe Trump will be reinstated to his rightful place as POTUS. Then he will hand it off to the Kennedys to finish what JFK wanted to do. It isxall in God’s timing. We must:
    Trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5
    May God Bless America!

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lucy Sampson says:

    Yes, peered into the future and saw this saga continuing. Teachable moments, more waking up slowly for those not aware. Finishing up things as they need to be completed. All good things take time. It’s just what I get. Just bring on the med beds so my hubby will pull through along with countless other good souls if it is their life plan. The roll out of technology will be amazing as it happens. Restoring our free electricity, clean water and food for all will be fantastic. feeling something big happens in January though, a shift. February feels much brighter. Aloha

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nicholas Hood says:

    I trust The Plan. I see God all over it.
    Trump is important to the plan on many levels but I think the Plan would continue without him if necessary, but I also think he will always overcome adversity and win ultimately because thats what he lives and puts out to the universe.
    Bring on the RV, NESARA GESARA, the GCR and Divine Prosperity for all, in Jesus’ Name. 🙂

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen says:

    I still believe in Q & The Plan. I was more upset in 2020 when President Trump lost to Biden by cheating. I truly was NOT prepared for that result. It left me very confused.
    My faith in Q & The Plan was restored when I actually saw that the Military was in control & President Trump was the true CIC, and that it had to be this way to show the American Public how bad it could get with the FAKE Resident Biden / Harris Administration.
    My sources , X22 Report, Derek Johnson, Juan O Savin, Real Raw News, and watching “The Greatest Show On Earth” President Trump’s “Capitulation Tour” are what gave me hope, confidence, & relief that Q & The Plan were true & accurate. Also, the video’s by Joe M. explaining & visually showing us what Q & The Military Plan were going to do.
    Can’t wait until the truth is broadcast LIVE on TV’s, & through an EBS. And, if the Brunson Brother’s Case is upheld by the Supreme Court & President Trump is reinstated, it will be amazing!!!!
    Now with RFK JR joining President Trump’s Team, he is a real asset & so knowledgeable on how to help President Trump destroy the corruption of the Cabal Syndicate. He is an excellent speaker as well.
    If we do end up having an election 🗳 on November 5th, I pray 🙏 that it will be by paper ballot’s, ID required & protection with Military Troops in place to monitor and handle the ballot’s. No illegal immigrant’s being allowed to vote!
    In the meantime we must pray 🤲 for protection over President Trump & RFK JR.
    If, by some chance none of what I mentioned above comes to fruition, I will be forever heartbroken 💔 and devastated. America 🇺🇸 will turn into a Communist / Marxist Nation. We will lose all our Rights & Freedom. This would be the end of our Sovereign Republic. Until then, I am watching every Rally with President Trump. Listening to all of RFK JR’s talks with various shows, like Tucker Carlson, and following his Social Media Account’s.
    I choose to keep believing in Q & The Plan. A Military Operation ongoing to bring Justice to all the Treasonous Corrupt Politician’s & Bloodline Family Criminal Cabal Syndicate’s evil plans to destroy this Nation. It has to end!!!!
    I’m ready for The Movie 🎥 🍿🎬 to be over. May GOD Bless President Trump & everyone involved in this undertaking to be successful! 🙏🇺🇸❤️
    We need our Country Back!

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine mark (truthdig55) says:

    I still believe in the plan 100%. I think we hit obstacles and it was harder for non military. I disagree with some of the methods that had many leave but President Trump conformations assured my loyalty.

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine mark hannapple says:

    I still believe in the plan 100%. I think we hit obstacles and it was harder for non military. I disagree with some of the methods that had many leave but President Trump conformations assured my loyalty.

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Amy Rosensteel says:

    I know DJT will win in a landslide IF the elections are protected as they were in 2016. But if not, then that tells me the military is allowing one final sting to catch yet another layer of the corrupt swamp pond scum. Either way, Q is beyond awesome in my book: God-military-civilian partnership. I’m all in and have total faith.

  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    The best is yet to come!

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jenn Penta says:

    The best is yet to come!!

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Peggy Conley says:

    It was never about Trump, although he is the perfect President to bring our country and the world together, united against corruption, trafficking and slavery. The Q Plan has shown us evil isn’t a Democrat or a Republican, but can be found in every corner of the world. Currently, the military is in control and whether or not Trump returns has already been decided and we will have to wait and see who takes over the reins. Maybe it’s We The People. As Trump has stated numerous times, “I am returning power to the people.” In Q post 2885, it is written “RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!” and signed by Q+, which is Trump. Maybe Trump really is “The “Last President,” which is a book written by Ingersoll Lockwood in 1896 about a man who is a political outsider, in a fictional New York City, who becomes President.

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Steve P. says:

    There hasn’t been a legitimate President since 1999 when :Russell-Jay: Gould, claimed the Title 4 Flag of the United States Code after the 3rd bankruptcy of the United States. So all Presidential elections since 1999 are fictitious and treasonous.

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kelli says:

    it’s all GOD’s plan. Trump is the Chosen one and it’s been proven time and time again. I trust in the plan because I trust in GOD.

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Connie G. says:

    Q is The Awakening. It was given to the people (worldwide), first, to inform of the corruption and 2nd, get us off our asses and engaged! #JustQIt

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Betty says:

    Over the last six years I’ve learned a lot about the world, our country, our people, and definitely about myself. Good lord! Hard to believe a person can be so clueless. Then, once you know, you know. You’re stuck with it. Ha! I understand now why disclosure has to come in doses. I find myself being all paranoid at times wondering what else don’t I know; what other twists and turns lie ahead. Makes it hard to relate to others without sounding like a loon. I think those of us who can, have to trust the Plan and God. And also trust in our own self to use our God-energy to create the world we want to live in.

  77. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kevan says:

    I still pray that the shit show will be over before Nov 5th. If people haven’t woken up by now, they will not without the fire hose being opened right in their face. Some still won’t wake up. I still believe in the Plan, even though I don’t know what it is. I see the fake stuff all the time, so I know the plan is in motion, but I believe in my Creator & Father above all else. Many patriots are worn out & hurting from this ridiculous economy, health issues, etc, and we’re ready for it to be over. There comes a point where enough is enough. The white hats are doing what the cabal has done to us for decades, and when does that become unjustifiable??

  78. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Bill says:

    I believe there is a plan, I also believe it’s a psyop to get people to think in one direction instead of being open minded. Example we hear the term “this will be Biblical ” there was mass death in the bible is this truly what we want? Also is this a psyop to get people to still rely on others instead of ourselves, we should be standing up to the corruption and not letting mouth pieces do it for us, this country won its independence by people fighting not some military or politicians. We the people means just that.

  79. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laurie Cox says:

    I agree with most of the comments. First and foremost, God and God alone is in control. I believe He allowed 2020 to take place in that although the military has the evidence of fraud, three things needed to happen: 1. Trump needed to remove himself and let the military take over to expose even more corruption 2. God had things He needed to deal with Trump on 3. just like post 9/11 we got complacent and we didn’t acknowledge God, we acknowledged a man. God will not share the spot light even though DJT is His annointed and appointed. That brings me to something Kim Clement prophesied. God said through Kim, “you (we) will be humbled and yet humbled some more.” There is no doubt we’ve been humbled over these last four years. Could the “humbled some more” refer to a loss in 2024? Or even a temporary loss. Two prophets see great upheaval until around June or July 2025. I don’t know. We shall see. What I do know is God will fight the battle for us, but faith is what MOVES God. So, I say we join Him by drawing close to Him and staying in prayer decreeing and declaring “on earth as it is in Heaven” while binding demonic forces and loosing angelic warring angels. For those that are ready for this to be over: God will not let you put Him in a time box because He is outside of time. In addition, imagine how He feels when He keeps asking His people to draw close to Him and yet He’s still waiting.
    Oh and those talking about JFK jr, Princess Diana, Epstein, etc. coming out, Hank Kunneman at the Open the Heavens conference last week gave a prophetic word and in it God mentioned people we thought were dead will be revealed as not dead. My jaw dropped to the floor. Soooo, there is one more thing to look forward to.

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