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Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives

By Lara Logan

Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives  at george magazine
Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives  at george magazine
Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives  at george magazine
Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives  at george magazine
Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives  at george magazine

24 thoughts on "Lara Logan Interview: General Flynn, 5G Warfare, and the War of Narratives"

  1. Renee pearson says:

    Great job and article as a usual Lara

  2. Robert england says:

    You cam always trust Lara Logans’ intent and journalism. Top notch integrity and material.

  3. Brenda Ferguson says:

    Lara Logan is one of the few journalist I respect and trust. There are only a few in this world. She is top notch.

  4. Paul Clark says:

    Great article. So much I never knew about LTG Flynn. So much more to learn. Thank you for bringing this to us.

  5. Karen Mcsweeney says:

    Thank you Lara for sharing the truth of Gen. Flynn’s unjust treatment of our Gov’t. He was burned and it makes my blood boil!
    My Husband is a ret. USMC Col. Who gave 30 years of service.
    So I really appreciate Gen. Flynn’s service to our Nation, Along with his continuing service educating Citizens to get involved In local gov’t to make a Nat’l impact!
    I have hope in the future because of Patriotic leaders like Gen.Flynn and honest Journalists like you …Thank you!
    Karen McSweeney

  6. Karen Mcsweeney says:

    Thank you Lara for sharing the truth of Gen. Flynn’s unjust treatment of our Gov’t. He was burned and it makes my blood boil!
    My Husband is a ret. USMC Col. Who gave 30 years of service.
    So I really appreciate Gen. Flynn’s service to our Nation, Along with his continuing service educating Citizens to get involved In local gov’t to make a Nat’l impact!
    I have hope in the future because of Patriotic leaders like Gen.Flynn and honest Journalists like you …Thank you! By the way I have all of Gen. Flynn’s books
    Karen McSweeney

  7. Anthoné Coetzee says:

    Lara is one of a kind. Thanks Lara for showing once again what true journalism looks like.

  8. Montgomery J Granger says:

    Stunning in its clarity, this information is the tip of the 5th Gen. Warfare spear. Some we knew, some we did not, and together we see the picture of insidious corruption become sharper and sharper. It is difficult to comprehend such blatant disloyalty to our Constitution and laws. It is painful to admit that we have met the enemy, and it is US, our own government, and its most important agencies, tasked with protecting us. God bless Gen. Flynn and Lara Logan for giving us this insight, and for putting themselves on the front lines of this internal war. Godspeed.

  9. Christine Rathier says:

    Thank you General Flynn for your continued service to the USA. Thank you also for your dedication to educating the American people to mobilize and defend her alongside you!
    Christine Rathier

  10. Deidre Bender says:

    God bless your voice to bring truth!

  11. Jay says:

    What a message sent and received by the Lost Boys who have quite a bit to hide. Jesus warned us those who would want to get into the Sheepfold by “Jumping In” to the sheepfold. Blood IN, Blood out! These People are sick, Deceivers led by Lucifer! Pray for US in this Nation and the Peoples of the World, to come out of Babylon-Filthy practices and the Egyptian Debt/Slave System. Get SOLVEnt. Be True to who you are in God. Get to the Fathers business at the LOCAL LEVEL. Keep the Peace but be Prepared. Thank you Jesus! For Saving me. God bless the staff of George, Gen. Flynn, and my oh my, what a FORCE! Lara Logan.

  12. KathyL says:

    What a great article. You justly humanized General Flynn after the press and justice system demonized him. From what I’ve seen and heard of him, he’s a kind and loyal person who loves America and God and genuinely cares about people. Hopefully, the people who heard the bad things will also have an opportunity to read this article and hear the truth. Great job.

  13. Daphne Goodyear says:

    Lara, you are a rare gem. One of only a handful of honest, brilliant, and accurate journalists reporting today. Your reporting does rings around everyone else as re-confirmed by this interview with General Flynn. Most of us knew the General was treated horribly but we did not know the extent. Now the whole truth saddens, angers and thoroughly disgusts me. The Communists are taking over America, and attempting to change our beloved homeland forever. What happened to our General Flynn is despicable. Thanks, Lara, for reporting the whole truth.

  14. Mike Ilitch says:

    Gen Flynn & Lara Logan are True American Patriots, built with Integrity, Bravery and Commitment to We The People, The US Constitution and to Faith and Doing GOoD Works. GOD BLESS them and ?LL D??AR ❣️

  15. Joan Zietlow says:

    Thank you Laara for being the person and the journalist that you are. Thank you for your brilliance and your integrity and using your gifts to help wake up our country and our world. The depravity that has been going on for hundreds of years is difficult for the mind to comprehend. Even more difficult to comprehend that it’s happening right under our noses.
    Thank you for making people uncomfortable by bringing the truth to the light. Bless you And all the people that you work with to bring the truth to the light.

  16. Joan Zietlow says:

    Great article Laara and I look forward to part two.

  17. Camille Naeger says:

    What an excellent article Lara! I loved the manner in which you allowed us to view General Flynn in a more personal realm. I was honored to meet him at a ReAwaken Tour last year. He was the epitome of a true gentleman and Patriot! I’m looking forward to your Part 2 article.
    God Bless You! ??

  18. Ann M. Sparks says:

    TRUTH is surfacing, and I thank Lara and LTG Flynn for standing firm against the deception.

    I almost skipped over this article, but when I saw Lara’s name, and General Flynn’s, I had to read it. We talk about the minds of people being vulnerable. I stopped watching TV in the 1990s, but I always struggled with being interested in geo-politics and history. When COVID started, as a Nurse/NP, I knew it was time to pay attention. General Flynn was one of the few I knew I could trust.

    I discovered in 2017 that I have ADHD-Inattentive and Complex PTSD from childhood. I believe my symptoms are a result of the trauma of childhood and life that are being thrust upon our society, and causes executive function difficulties.

    We ARE UNDER ATTACK, and it’s silent in many ways. I’m holding onto FAITH, and getting involved as much as I can, to hold on to this Republic. I am searching (and seeking direction) for the ways I can be most effective with my Nurse Practitioner (Family, Psychiatry) skills, in the pending new reality of being pulled out of the “Matrix,” that we’ve been led to believe.

    Keep up the FAITH, the good fight, and know that GOD WINS!

  19. Tamatha Condra says:

    Excellent broad-view, background information on General Flynn. I’m looking forward to part two of media deception and pandemic lies. Because, after all, when does a MOCKINGBIRD sing? When you have Ms. Logan exposing it all.

  20. SANDRA DOHERTY says:

    Excellent article by Lara Logan.
    Lara Logan and General Flynn are two people whom I trust and have utmost respect for.
    May God Bless! ?❤️??

  21. D. Van Baale says:

    Thank you Lara and General Flynn. In a world of psychological operations against the American people, my head, heart, and gut told me something bad was happening to Gwneral Flynn that he did not deserve. I know the psy-op worked because my brother, who spent much of his career in Military Intel still thinks Gen Flynn should be in jail. I’ve been to two Re-Awaken America tours, purchased Gen Flynn’s 5th Gen Warfare(and read it), and spent very little time Gen. Flynn; and, I discovered he’s the real deal. I have four canvass paintings proudly displayed in my home. I can only pray,as I told General Flynn, he should run for the office of POTUS. My wife and I love General Flynn.

  22. Harry says:

    WOW Laura!!! A True journalist and writer, We loved this article… Laura (our Alice in Wonderland) Through the Looking Glass, taking us back into TIME with your beautiful interview with a great American General, Michael Flynn, and his journey out of the SWAMP. Looking forward Laura to Part 2…this was amazing! So grateful you are there in the revival of GEORGE
    Magazine 2.0

  23. Wendy says:

    Grateful to be on the right side with eyes and heart wide open. Laura, your deepest conviction has always shined through your reporting. You are a trusted voice. Gen. Flynn, thank you for your continued dedication, service, Patriotism, knowledge and leadership.
    Peace, Love & Light

  24. Sally says:

    Lara Logan never fails to inform us on the most important topics of the day. She is honest and fearless.
    I was looking for a way to support General Flynn and she mentioned his book, which I just ordered. He gave so much to the country and was rewarded with his reputation being trashed, his financial future ruined and his family put at risk. He is a true Patriot.

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