Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Should Julian Assange be extradited to the United States, where he faces 175 years in prison, for his role in “exposing government lies?”
(Please comment as to why you voted as you did)

He should be pardoned and all charges dropped 1867
Yes, he should be extradited. 280
No, he should not be extradited. 217

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Mike Vardoulis
5 months ago

Truth is treason in an empire of lies. Full pardon, charges dropped, and given a hero’s welcome: Free Assange!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

Let us not be bedazzled bamboozled manipulated politically and socially to ‘Kill the messenger!’ The unbridled killing and atrocities committed in our name through false media narrative, dark ops for power and money not excluding regime change has us all complicit by design. Demonizing those few journalists , those heros who have the moral drive and cahones to do Do SOMETHING! about this horrific situation, that shine spotlights on the lies and propaganda is criminal,, against our laws and morality. The lack of protection under the law speaks volumns on how the web of dark power has run unchecked.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Kevin Bruce Stevens
5 months ago

The satanists who run the world don’t want the exposure so Julian pays the price. Free Assange and at the same time destroy all satanists. They all must go, in Jesus’ Name.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Nick Kosonic
5 months ago

It’s time but there is no safe place for him to be just yet. If the White Hats can guarantee his safety then his extradition (under protections afforded the highest office0) may help speed the disclosure of evidence heretofore not in the pubic ( sic: normies) purview. Only Q knows the best path. I believe it’s already decided..

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
G J Slobe
5 months ago

Julian is a “whistleblower”, same as Ed Snowden. Those that actually committed the crimes, should be prosecuted in both cases. The government, their CIA Op with all media, corrupted many in the public, to believe both committed treason, when the truth is, the government was/is corrupt.
The government knows the truth, they killed Seth Rich for giving the thumb to Wikileaks. Julian exposed the corruption, as a journalist should do. That is the 1st Amendment right in the US. Just like President Trump, when the globalists get worried, they create false charges to attack their opponents, same as all the J6er’s. Julian and Ed, are actually heros, for exposing the evil and corruption that still exists. Recently I uploaded a video to my Rumble channel “CitizenFour”, a great documentary on Ed (@gjslobe on Rumble). Julian and Ed notified truth to the public, and actually had a heart for the Constitution and “We the People”. Those involved should face military tribunals for the corruption, both of them exposed. God bless both of them and their families, please pray for both. 🙏🙏🙏

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

Julian Assange is our modern day Paul Revere. An American hero. 💛
He should be freed and provided with more than required compensation to make his time and family whole.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Pamella Tynan
5 months ago

A hero’s homecoming should occur!
He should be compensated for the pain and suffering he’s had to go through. Being separated from family for all those years is unthinkable.
God bless him and his family.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

Julian should be extradited back to the US so that he may go to trial and expose the evidence of corruption he found through discovery to the entire country. Then he should be exonerated on all counts.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Ben Glossop
5 months ago

So many westerners cannot see the hypocrisy in slamming Putin for the death of Navalny, as they do exactly the same to Assange.

Biden can claim Iran is culpable in proxy war with US for ‘support’ to Houthis but US is not culpable in war with with Russia for ‘support’ to Ukraine.

Free Assange. Free all journalists whose crimes are to tell Truth and hold ‘authority’ to account; This is their role and duty.

Free the world and mankind from corporations. Make Earth Great Again.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Ronald Stanley
5 months ago

We need Julian to expose those that are corrupt in our government, and to bring Seth Rich’s killers to justice, without the Truth, there is no Justice!

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