Yes I was always taught that the rapture would happen, then the restrainer ( Holy Spirit) would leave during the 7 year tribulation. Which where we are at right now in the World as in the Days of Noah seem to be quickly approaching! ?♥️?
You need to understand the Holy Spirit and what he does and how he works to understand when the “Holy Spirit” leaves. The Holy Spirit is an indwelling being within the Christian who has been born again by fire and spirit. The Holy Spirits job is to exemplify Christ and remind the Christian of Gods word to guide the Christians life.
Therefore the Holy Spirit leaves when “The Church,” “Christ bride” is raptured out. The only thing holding back the rapture is that people are still coming to Christ. Much like the Q movement, when the amount of the returns are no longer viable to continue the effort….the rapture (or end of this movie) will occur. We are not at tribulation. Rapture occurs first. The church won’t see the rise of the antichrist. But those remaining will know as the antichrist will offer Israel a peace treaty. It will be stated as 7 years but will be broken at 3.5 years.
In the days of Noah…definitely. Are we close. Yes. In tribulation not yet.
I don’t necessarily agree the events in Revelation haven’t occurred yet. The first verse indicates otherwise.
“The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.”
I think many Christians have been fooled into thinking that Jesus has not already defeated Satan. Nothing could be further from the truth. The lawless one has already lost the war but he is still the ruler of this earth (the kingdom of the air).
Wow!!!!! I’ve been praying for 20 years that we’d be here for this time! I’m so excited ?.
Thank you for your email and your beautiful George! This has gotten me into my Bible this morning ?. Such Great News!!! Come Jesus our Savior, Messiah, Come! Hallelujah!
Whoa be to those left behind….
Without the Holy Spirit it will be like feeling your way around in the dark…no light…walking right into hell. ?. Please believe unto our Lord Jesus the Christ, and be saved today!
Much love and peace to you all!
I was reading the scriptures you posted (to judge for ourselves)and when I came 1st Thessalonians 6:21 I couldn’t find it. That chapter and verse does not appear in my King James Bible.Am I missing something?
While some read it as, it’s the bad guys going bye-bye, not us. Christ arrives and we rule with Him for 1,000 years before the final Gog vs Magog spectacular.
Jesus doesn’t return until the restoration of all things. We were given salvation through His death and resurrection, and then empowered by the infilling of the Holy Spirit to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth! Jesus teaches us to pray, “On earth as in Heaven.” I agree with the post of Liberal Ideas Always Fail. We have been given authority, Jesus said, “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY…” We have been deceived into thinking Jesus is coming back to save us from the evil. No! He has given us the power and authority over all the enemy, and we need to use it! “Occupy until He comes” means to take control of the area. It’s a war term. Instead everyone is waiting to be rescued by the rapture instead of living in the victory and empowerment given to us by Jesus and Holy Spirit.
The LORD Jesus Christ returns PHYSICALLY to the Earth to restore all things through War and then His 1000-year Reign as King from Jerusalem. Members of the Body of Christ are Ambassadors of Christ. Our role is not to restore anything.
I’m drawing parallels between what we call the deep state and Satan. Our war against the ding deep state is already won but it still appears to be in play.
Yes; the Holy Spirit will be removed with us, when we go;
Don’t’s not so much the gender; him is masculine, obviously, yes; ‘what’ is a subject, noun. ‘It’ could be used however ..
equally it’s not a place but something ..
I used to find it curious how but Lucifer is not in hell; roams the earth looking for ppl to devour ..Revelation 20:3 that’s where will be put but only then
The Holy Spirit is not male; it is a spirit; so is God but ..ok; this gets complicated; the Father is He – duh – Jesus is male but the Holy Spirit is a spirit – genderless; 3 in 1 in 3. Three Gods. Who are the same – Trinity. Yet separate.
How can the Holy Spirit of The God of Heaven be removed from the Earth?? Not possible. We see in Scripture that immediately following the Rapture of The Body of Christ that the 144,000 are sealed BY The Holy Spirit and go forth to complete the Great Commission of Matthew 28. And even after they are removed, we see the great angel flying in the Heavens proclaiming the Gospel of God.
So, no, the Holy Spirit is not removed with the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is removed because our time of Ambassadorship is over, and just like on Earth, directly before war breaks out, the Ambassadors are called home. In addition, the Body of Christ has nothing to do with the Great Tribulation, known as the Time of JACOB’s Trouble.
My belief is “the beast” is the Central Bank fiat financial system.
“Mystery Babylon” is the deep state.
The first two seals have already been opened, the first seal was Covid the 2nd seal where there was no peace on the earth was the George Floyd riots, the 3rd seal will be the collapse of the petrol dollar.
After that I think, Like Bo Polny thinks, we will have a 3.5 year jubilee a worldwide awakening, Jesus revolution Before the rest of the seals start to open. It is all biblical and he explains the scripture so well. He isn’t a prophet, but a time analyst that goes along with the concept of “Nothing new under the sun”
Your belief has nothing to do with what the Bible says. Please read the Bible and pray, and stop listening to podcasters, who make up fantasies for “clicks”
There is a theory that we are in fact in Rev:20 period, since the thousand years of peace (which were erased from history books, new back stories were invented, timelines changed to cover it up) already passed, and the “little season” started around 1850s. Old dating systems warned us for this time by counting the years left in the 1000 years of “grace”: L’ an de grâce du mille xxx, or in Latin MD xxx year of God’s millennium (incorrectly transcribed as 1500). Revelation is not chronological, it is describing the end times from 4 different perspectives (like the 4 corners of the earth, 4 cherubim guarding the Ark , 4 gospels, 4 recipients of the Covenant with the earth after the flood, the lion, ox, eagle, man (cf. 4 sons of Horus) – i.e., the beast of Rev. 4:7). So certain passages, notably from Rev. 17-19, may still be applicable. The man of sin or son of perdition (2 Tess 2:3) to be revealed, may be man itself: the number 6 stands for man (3x, son of perdition, the father of lies, evil spirit as perfect counterfeit). Who knows. The harvest (=rapture of the evil ones Luke 17:37 jo. Rev.19:17) first requires clearcut identification and separation of the wheat and the tares. The Covid period was likely productive in this respect ….
Nope. Christ’s Return and the 1000-year Reign from Jerusalem has not happened. The Rapture/Harpazo is NOT the Harvest. As Paul tells the Thessalonians to “comfort one another with these words” pertaining to the Rapture. Please read and believe the Bible only. Fanciful theories about Targaria and mudslides, are fun to watch and for content creators on Video platforms to promote to make money, but that is where it ends. Trust the Bible. It is the only REAL Truth we have
huh? .. ofc it’s possible; it is here as a helper so, if we’re not here ..
uhh ..I appreciate if this is to provoke, stimulate conversation .. bro, seriously, no the 144K are not sealed by the Holy Spirit but angels; .. well the Great Commission is already pretty achieved I often think the Bible is pretty much in four corners of the Earth ..not much more where need to go ..
The Tribulation Saints aren’t removed (huh?) the ..v fact which makes them that is that they remain; and will be beheaded . This is like post trib Rapture making absolutely no sense..pre obviously. During ..well, why the heck wld you wanna stay here for that if could escape it..and post is just innately silly ..
the gospel .. it is a different one; and Romans isn’t one but not Matt., Mark, Luke, and John – Revelation. There’s one in there ..which is not at all like the four preceding it/is of judgment.
You are correct that the Church has nothing to do with the Tribulation well .. yea, Replacement Theology is a false dichotomy; and take it from Perry Stone (Paul; faith comes by hearing); Rapture, and we come back with Jesus ..who are we gonna rule over (‘cos, if will, need someone to – rule over – right? Tribulation saints and their children .. why us over them? ..because they waited and we didn’t in our faith ..
This is the events in order:
1. The rapture (catching up) in the clouds of the current believers.
2. The 7 year Tribulation begins the moment the rapture happens.
When all those people go missing, there will be chaos and a leader will arise to bring calm for 31/2 years, make everyone take a mark on tight hand or forehead to buy or sell, if you don’t take it you will eventually be executed/beheaded. Taking he mark states your loyalty to the Antichrist.
Time is short. If you don’t know Jesus find him today!!!
3. He will make a treaty with Israel for peace then break it and sit in the temple and claim he is god. Meanwhile, during those 7 years will the most most horrific time ever in the history of the world.
4. At the end of the 7 years Jesus comes back (Second Coming) on a white horse with all us (believers that were raptured and the dead that previously died in Christ) on white horses to conquer the Antichrist and his evil minions.
5. Then we reign with Christ for 1000 years of peace on earth.
6. Satan is finally permanently thrown in the lake of fire for eternity to never bother anyone ever again.
Say Jesus is already here, physically on Earth. What could I do to help Him? To make Him smile even? How could any member of this human race be so arrogant to look upon His face knowing how truly evil humanity has become.
I love to go hiking, this was a great hike through the scriptures! My question is this: If Satan has access to ‘the courtroom of God’ (Job 1 & 2, 1 Kings 22: 19-23, Ps 82), He is able to roam the earth and prowl like a roaring lion (Job 1 & 2, 1 Peter 5:8), yet he is contained in the abyss; does that mean there is a dimensional separation between humans and Satan?
It makes me think of the project at CERN. Thinking Satan would like to open the portal on his own timing and terms.
Thank you
Yes I was always taught that the rapture would happen, then the restrainer ( Holy Spirit) would leave during the 7 year tribulation. Which where we are at right now in the World as in the Days of Noah seem to be quickly approaching! ?♥️?
You need to understand the Holy Spirit and what he does and how he works to understand when the “Holy Spirit” leaves. The Holy Spirit is an indwelling being within the Christian who has been born again by fire and spirit. The Holy Spirits job is to exemplify Christ and remind the Christian of Gods word to guide the Christians life.
Therefore the Holy Spirit leaves when “The Church,” “Christ bride” is raptured out. The only thing holding back the rapture is that people are still coming to Christ. Much like the Q movement, when the amount of the returns are no longer viable to continue the effort….the rapture (or end of this movie) will occur. We are not at tribulation. Rapture occurs first. The church won’t see the rise of the antichrist. But those remaining will know as the antichrist will offer Israel a peace treaty. It will be stated as 7 years but will be broken at 3.5 years.
In the days of Noah…definitely. Are we close. Yes. In tribulation not yet.
I don’t necessarily agree the events in Revelation haven’t occurred yet. The first verse indicates otherwise.
“The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.”
I think many Christians have been fooled into thinking that Jesus has not already defeated Satan. Nothing could be further from the truth. The lawless one has already lost the war but he is still the ruler of this earth (the kingdom of the air).
Welcome back JR. WWG1WGA
Exciting time to be alive, included in God’s ultimate plan. I cling to He and only He, and know that His Word is True.
Wow!!!!! I’ve been praying for 20 years that we’d be here for this time! I’m so excited ?.
Thank you for your email and your beautiful George! This has gotten me into my Bible this morning ?. Such Great News!!! Come Jesus our Savior, Messiah, Come! Hallelujah!
Whoa be to those left behind….
Without the Holy Spirit it will be like feeling your way around in the dark…no light…walking right into hell. ?. Please believe unto our Lord Jesus the Christ, and be saved today!
Much love and peace to you all!
I was reading the scriptures you posted (to judge for ourselves)and when I came 1st Thessalonians 6:21 I couldn’t find it. That chapter and verse does not appear in my King James Bible.Am I missing something?
Please re-read it is clearly 5:21
Hi Brenda,
Please re-read. The verse in the post is clearly 1Thess.5:21.
Thank you,
While some read it as, it’s the bad guys going bye-bye, not us. Christ arrives and we rule with Him for 1,000 years before the final Gog vs Magog spectacular.
Jesus doesn’t return until the restoration of all things. We were given salvation through His death and resurrection, and then empowered by the infilling of the Holy Spirit to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth! Jesus teaches us to pray, “On earth as in Heaven.” I agree with the post of Liberal Ideas Always Fail. We have been given authority, Jesus said, “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY…” We have been deceived into thinking Jesus is coming back to save us from the evil. No! He has given us the power and authority over all the enemy, and we need to use it! “Occupy until He comes” means to take control of the area. It’s a war term. Instead everyone is waiting to be rescued by the rapture instead of living in the victory and empowerment given to us by Jesus and Holy Spirit.
The LORD Jesus Christ returns PHYSICALLY to the Earth to restore all things through War and then His 1000-year Reign as King from Jerusalem. Members of the Body of Christ are Ambassadors of Christ. Our role is not to restore anything.
I’m drawing parallels between what we call the deep state and Satan. Our war against the ding deep state is already won but it still appears to be in play.
Thanks! I’m going to post this on Telegram and my Truth Social links!
Yes; the Holy Spirit will be removed with us, when we go;
Don’t’s not so much the gender; him is masculine, obviously, yes; ‘what’ is a subject, noun. ‘It’ could be used however ..
equally it’s not a place but something ..
I used to find it curious how but Lucifer is not in hell; roams the earth looking for ppl to devour ..Revelation 20:3 that’s where will be put but only then
The Holy Spirit is not male; it is a spirit; so is God but ..ok; this gets complicated; the Father is He – duh – Jesus is male but the Holy Spirit is a spirit – genderless; 3 in 1 in 3. Three Gods. Who are the same – Trinity. Yet separate.
But it is not the Holy Spirit.
How can the Holy Spirit of The God of Heaven be removed from the Earth?? Not possible. We see in Scripture that immediately following the Rapture of The Body of Christ that the 144,000 are sealed BY The Holy Spirit and go forth to complete the Great Commission of Matthew 28. And even after they are removed, we see the great angel flying in the Heavens proclaiming the Gospel of God.
So, no, the Holy Spirit is not removed with the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is removed because our time of Ambassadorship is over, and just like on Earth, directly before war breaks out, the Ambassadors are called home. In addition, the Body of Christ has nothing to do with the Great Tribulation, known as the Time of JACOB’s Trouble.
My belief is “the beast” is the Central Bank fiat financial system.
“Mystery Babylon” is the deep state.
The first two seals have already been opened, the first seal was Covid the 2nd seal where there was no peace on the earth was the George Floyd riots, the 3rd seal will be the collapse of the petrol dollar.
After that I think, Like Bo Polny thinks, we will have a 3.5 year jubilee a worldwide awakening, Jesus revolution Before the rest of the seals start to open. It is all biblical and he explains the scripture so well. He isn’t a prophet, but a time analyst that goes along with the concept of “Nothing new under the sun”
Your belief has nothing to do with what the Bible says. Please read the Bible and pray, and stop listening to podcasters, who make up fantasies for “clicks”
There is a theory that we are in fact in Rev:20 period, since the thousand years of peace (which were erased from history books, new back stories were invented, timelines changed to cover it up) already passed, and the “little season” started around 1850s. Old dating systems warned us for this time by counting the years left in the 1000 years of “grace”: L’ an de grâce du mille xxx, or in Latin MD xxx year of God’s millennium (incorrectly transcribed as 1500). Revelation is not chronological, it is describing the end times from 4 different perspectives (like the 4 corners of the earth, 4 cherubim guarding the Ark , 4 gospels, 4 recipients of the Covenant with the earth after the flood, the lion, ox, eagle, man (cf. 4 sons of Horus) – i.e., the beast of Rev. 4:7). So certain passages, notably from Rev. 17-19, may still be applicable. The man of sin or son of perdition (2 Tess 2:3) to be revealed, may be man itself: the number 6 stands for man (3x, son of perdition, the father of lies, evil spirit as perfect counterfeit). Who knows. The harvest (=rapture of the evil ones Luke 17:37 jo. Rev.19:17) first requires clearcut identification and separation of the wheat and the tares. The Covid period was likely productive in this respect ….
Nope. Christ’s Return and the 1000-year Reign from Jerusalem has not happened. The Rapture/Harpazo is NOT the Harvest. As Paul tells the Thessalonians to “comfort one another with these words” pertaining to the Rapture. Please read and believe the Bible only. Fanciful theories about Targaria and mudslides, are fun to watch and for content creators on Video platforms to promote to make money, but that is where it ends. Trust the Bible. It is the only REAL Truth we have
Come Holy Spirit and enkindle in your faithful, the fire of your love…
The Holy Catholic Bible✝️
huh? .. ofc it’s possible; it is here as a helper so, if we’re not here ..
uhh ..I appreciate if this is to provoke, stimulate conversation .. bro, seriously, no the 144K are not sealed by the Holy Spirit but angels; .. well the Great Commission is already pretty achieved I often think the Bible is pretty much in four corners of the Earth ..not much more where need to go ..
The Tribulation Saints aren’t removed (huh?) the ..v fact which makes them that is that they remain; and will be beheaded . This is like post trib Rapture making absolutely no sense..pre obviously. During ..well, why the heck wld you wanna stay here for that if could escape it..and post is just innately silly ..
the gospel .. it is a different one; and Romans isn’t one but not Matt., Mark, Luke, and John – Revelation. There’s one in there ..which is not at all like the four preceding it/is of judgment.
You are correct that the Church has nothing to do with the Tribulation well .. yea, Replacement Theology is a false dichotomy; and take it from Perry Stone (Paul; faith comes by hearing); Rapture, and we come back with Jesus ..who are we gonna rule over (‘cos, if will, need someone to – rule over – right? Tribulation saints and their children .. why us over them? ..because they waited and we didn’t in our faith ..
This is the events in order:
1. The rapture (catching up) in the clouds of the current believers.
2. The 7 year Tribulation begins the moment the rapture happens.
When all those people go missing, there will be chaos and a leader will arise to bring calm for 31/2 years, make everyone take a mark on tight hand or forehead to buy or sell, if you don’t take it you will eventually be executed/beheaded. Taking he mark states your loyalty to the Antichrist.
Time is short. If you don’t know Jesus find him today!!!
3. He will make a treaty with Israel for peace then break it and sit in the temple and claim he is god. Meanwhile, during those 7 years will the most most horrific time ever in the history of the world.
4. At the end of the 7 years Jesus comes back (Second Coming) on a white horse with all us (believers that were raptured and the dead that previously died in Christ) on white horses to conquer the Antichrist and his evil minions.
5. Then we reign with Christ for 1000 years of peace on earth.
6. Satan is finally permanently thrown in the lake of fire for eternity to never bother anyone ever again.
can’t reply to post/it goes into main?
Say Jesus is already here, physically on Earth. What could I do to help Him? To make Him smile even? How could any member of this human race be so arrogant to look upon His face knowing how truly evil humanity has become.
Thank you George Magazine! Indeed, only the Bible is true!
Isaiah 18:5-6 juncto Luke 17:37.
I love to go hiking, this was a great hike through the scriptures! My question is this: If Satan has access to ‘the courtroom of God’ (Job 1 & 2, 1 Kings 22: 19-23, Ps 82), He is able to roam the earth and prowl like a roaring lion (Job 1 & 2, 1 Peter 5:8), yet he is contained in the abyss; does that mean there is a dimensional separation between humans and Satan?
It makes me think of the project at CERN. Thinking Satan would like to open the portal on his own timing and terms.
Thank you
Satan is not contained in the Abyss. Please read carefully