The Sovereign Citizen Movement

By Peter Samuels

The Sovereign Citizen Movement  at george magazine
The Sovereign Citizen Movement  at george magazine
The Sovereign Citizen Movement  at george magazine

6 thoughts on "The Sovereign Citizen Movement"

  1. David Clinite says:

    Who wrote this, the fbi?
    The Bundy’s were persecuted and won. This is a hit piece. Why? From George Magazine?

    1. We shine a light on topics that others shy away from. Maybe this movement isn’t really what you think it is? How does a movement like this build-up America? Does it strengthen America or weaken her?

  2. Rosemarie Cappelletty says:

    I have an answer/statement. This kind of movement is actually required when we currently have a tyrannical government that does not represent any common person, in fact it is corporate. Rebellion is the only way for these politicians to wake up and realize corporations are not the majority. The people are tired of the lies and corruption that would easily have landed anyone else in prison. This is actually peaceful rebellion. No guns just resistance. I feel in this present climate it is necessary to stand up.

  3. TP says:

    This is a scare tactic of the elites! Something has to give. This tyrannical government is taking away civil liberties of the American people. They are pushing their FEAR propaganda through the media and you could see how communist tyrants had stolen control of the citizens! Stop the propaganda now!

  4. John Galt says:

    As someone who holds George Magazine in high regard, I was disappointed to see the diction of the title of this article. After reading it, I am baffled. I understand that we must proceed with caution with respect for interests of such gravity, however the complete lack of understanding and depth is disappointing to say the least. Such a crass explanation sounds more like the George Magazine attempting to align itself with the group think coming from the corporate media. The most disappointing thing is that there is so much TRUE PATRIOTIC HISTORY being made in this vain and no media outlet has the balls to cover it properly. I am writing under a pseudonym, however I would love to have further dialogue on this considering my standing and access to expertise on this matter. Please respond in the comments with feedback so that I will be able to gauge proper intrigue.

    1. Go through and read our other articles about the origins of such movements.

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