Election 2024 Countdown


Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine

By Vicky Richter

Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine
Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine  at george magazine

3 thoughts on "Ukraine-gate: What the Mainstream Media Hid About Ukraine"

  1. Michelle Belluardo says:

    Its sad and sickening what lies the media and governments tell. good for you to tell the truth.

  2. Ida Bonnevie says:

    I sincerely pray that this will become common knowledge – thank you for the dedicated effort. GEORGEonline.com is on a big mission. <3

  3. Mary Hope says:

    Great to see George online! Totally agree with the article above and have actually seen the videos mentioned (very disturbing) along with other videos of torture of Russian soldiers, via Patrick Lancaster’s channel on Telegram. My father was a Ukrainian who came to the U.K. after the war – he would turn in his grave to see what has happened to his beloved country courtesy of its rogue Nazi government.

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