George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

As Patriots, followers of the Constitution, and the Founders, is it your opinion that the USA would be better off with the newly elected President in 2024, whether Republican OR Democrat, be given all powers (dictator/King) for a certain period of time?
(Please watch the Video, before you respond, and then leave a comment. Your opinion matters)

Disagree - We fought a Revolution to NOT have a King or Dictator over us. 429
Agree - give the new President the powers of a Dictator or King 100

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

13 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    I hope that everyone who knows President Trump and his unique personality understands his wonderful sense of Sarcasm! He is the most law-and-order President our country has ever known. Being a “Dictator” on day one only means that he will immediately begin repairing the damage done to our country by the Biden administration. On his first day as President, President Trump will need to immediately reverse the multiple harmful executive orders that Resident Biden had signed on his first day in office. President Trump will begin to save America on day one…… closing the border to those wishing to enter our country without proper vetting, mass deportation of illegal aliens who have committed crimes while in our country, give our police officers indemnity so that they can perform their duties without fear of false accusations against them, leading to the loss of their homes/financial ruin, etc)…. plus many more immediate needs…….

    The choices of responses listed for this poll need to be expanded- it is not a simple Yes- dictator is good, or No- dictator is bad answer. President Trump did not waste any time during his 4 years in office, doing as much as possible to make America great again. He worked to have our economy prosper, bring back manufacturing to the US, become fuel-self-sufficient (plus have a surplus for our reserves) by drilling for our own gasoline, plus many more accomplishments too numerous to enter here.

    1. The point of the poll is to show that just because we may like President Trump, no one ever in the USA should ever be given dictatorial or Kingship power, because what applies to one, will apply to others!

    2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Quiche says:

      Sarcasm confuses stupid people.?

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angela Frick says:

    No dictators until King Jesus. (aaaaand, Trump was joking. It was funny.)

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Doug says:

    Sad to see how many people are pro-King.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Quiche says:

      There is only One King. The King of Kings. Jesus, the Christ, son of the living God.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melissa says:

    I would vote for anything that would help Trump get the United States straightened out, God help us. I’d only vote for Trump to be King for a short period to fix the ?? USA if that was what was needed! I definitely want to do whatever is right for all people! ❤️

    I’d never vote against MAGA!

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Trista says:

    Christ is King. Trump for president.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dean Anoia says:

    I read where they tried to make George a king, article said he refused. After Biden it’s very tempting though!

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary says:

    Trump was joking you late night lunatic! Interview the most ridiculous people in the crowd and you’re sure to get stupid answers! P.S the absolute panic in Hollywood is so cathartic!☺️

    1. This poll shines a light on the fact that what you may want for YOUR guy, will also apply to the OTHER guy. So be cautious!

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Darrin Williams says:

    Think Mirror! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander! I will stick w/ the original intended meanings of- The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and the American constitution on this one!

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cindy Hess says:

    I support President Donald Trump !! I believe that he truly has the hand of God guiding and protecting him. He and the good powers that be are working on saving this republic and the world from the evil that is trying to destroy us. …. And I truly don’t understand how there are still people who don’t understand this . I wish they could shed the brainwashed mentality for a moment to really see what has been happening to our world !! The tyranny is palpable! Trump’s sacrifices are so visible !!! I just don’t understand the depth of the cognitive dissonance ?‍♀️

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