Is the MAGA movement falling into a TRAP? Is there a scheme to elect Democrats by running un-electable MAGA candidates to split the Republican vote? Gene Ho debates with Rachel Writeside Blonde and Dave Blaze!
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As far as I see there’s only one Republican candidate, Trump! But the Dems have the issue you are describing with RFK Jr!
In time and times and the dividing of time all is exposed by truth. And the whole truth made us free, us being the obedient of God. And when we the people call upon God for salvation only then will the veil of deception be lifted for all the world to see. We are one nation under God and we the people will rise and rise again till lambs become lions and lions become doves.
Division has always been the M-O of the elites. Trump has been saying all along that election integrity is the basis for fair and honest elections. Let’s eliminate the electronic voting systems and go back to complete paper ballots. And not ones that were overprinted based on actual registered voters per district. How can we continue to accept a 107% or more voter turnout especially in the swing states?!?