I personally want a Republic, not a Corporation. Whether someone likes someone or not, and blocking access, seems like what the SWAMP was all about. You got me scratching my head!
Politics are what I call corrupt government. Self Governance is what I call Freedom within a Constitutional Republic. We do need to take upon ourselves much more responsibility than we have taken in the past.
Btw…I have to giggle. Years ago I took a photo of Trump Interna.tional Vegas. A reflection in the windows reflected 81l, my full #Timestamp equals 811. No COINcidence eh! Love you Gene!
I personally want a Republic, not a Corporation. Whether someone likes someone or not, and blocking access, seems like what the SWAMP was all about. You got me scratching my head!
Politics are what I call corrupt government. Self Governance is what I call Freedom within a Constitutional Republic. We do need to take upon ourselves much more responsibility than we have taken in the past.
Btw…I have to giggle. Years ago I took a photo of Trump Interna.tional Vegas. A reflection in the windows reflected 81l, my full #Timestamp equals 811. No COINcidence eh! Love you Gene!