The Color of Tiffany Blue: A poem by Rachel WRITESIDE BLONDE

In lieu of a George Collection video, I thought I would bring you something different this week. 4/7, Good Friday, a day of reflection for when Jesus gave His life for our sins. A day to reflect on the ways God has worked through people and events to ensure God’s will be done.

This is a poem I wrote for my co-workers at George, and now I’m sharing it with you all. Hope you enjoy.

36 thoughts on "The Color of Tiffany Blue: A poem by Rachel WRITESIDE BLONDE"

  1. Donna Gwin says:

    Absolutely beautiful Rachel. And deeply poignant. What a touching poem and video. Great Job Rachel
    @writesideblonde ❣️????

  2. Gina says:

    You are blessed. And I’m grateful that I was able to see and hear your beautiful poem. As I say I’m my book. “God gives us a gift. It’s what we do with that gift that makes us who we are.” God bless you. ?????

  3. Jr Salinas says:

    Tiffany Blue color of our time

  4. Regina says:

    Stunning! Just like Tiffany Blue

  5. Amanda says:

    So much in your poem to ponder. I hope I live to see the day truth is allowed and healing can begin.

  6. Pauline says:

    Very good job!

  7. Wendy Strub says:

    Love this!!! Happy Easter!!!?

  8. Shelley Marlow says:

    Amazing, wonderful…thank you ??

  9. Mark Callis says:

    such a great video.
    thank you for sharing.

  10. Lisa K says:

    Beautiful Rachel!
    Icons taking shape on their cue
    Victory over the coup
    Amen and Amen.

  11. AmericaBeautiful says:

    Please add subtitles for the many thousands of people with hearing loss who would like to read this.
    Otherwise, your work is inaccessible to them…

  12. Jessy says:

    Nice job on your poem it was great thank you gor sharing

  13. Peacock??? says:

    Tiffany Blue is Gods color!

  14. Leesa says:

    Wow .. this is full. And beautiful

  15. Rhonda Thompson Mcconahy says:

    Bravo! Loved this! Trying to share with the unwaken crowd.

  16. jennifer BRODSKY says:


  17. jennifer BRODSKY says:


  18. Janet says:

    Wow, Rachel! You definitely have a talent for expressing wisdom through your poetry! I loved the video that went along with it as well! Beautifully done! A talent I hope you will continue to express! Much love to you and the team!

  19. Diane T Kelly says:

    I did not realize that the Trumps probably selected that certain Tiffany box as a gift and Melania’s ensemble as a tribute to JFK & Jacqui.

  20. Christine L Casciani says:

    This is beautiful. Thank you.

  21. Erika says:


  22. Albert Saxén says:

    And in case any1 fgets – the end is why we fight.

  23. Martin says:

    This is amazing I love it!
    Greetings from Luxembourg

  24. Jennifer says:

    Moving and absolutely beautiful. God’s color, Tiffany Blue. Awesome job Rachel! IYKYK! God Bless George Online.

  25. Ramona Silvestri says:

    instant tears bitter sweet times Thank You Rachel

  26. Trudy Quigley says:

    The poem and video are extraordinary!
    Thank you for your magnificent words, depth of emotion, and tribute to beautiful Tiffany Blue!

  27. Trudy Quigley says:

    The poem and video are extraordinary!
    Thank you for your meaningful words, depth of emotion, and tribute to the most beautiful Tiffany Blue!

  28. Tricia says:

    This is stunning! The words, the music, the imagery…..all combined leaves me with a haunting feeling that all is to be revealed.
    This is a gift!

  29. Sharon Shelton says:

    Absolutely beautiful! So powerful for those of us who know. We are so close, I can feel it.??

  30. gemagalvin says:

    There is so much depth to this poem. I saw so much in this, it overwhelmed me for a moment. Beautiful . I hope one day very soon ALL truth is told and righteous healing begins. God’s timing is perfect!
    All glory be to Him, alone.

  31. Roisin Ni Chleirigh says:

    Rachel, what a beautiful poem, really touched my heart and soul. Your words, your beautiful voice along with the visuals and the music, just really brought me in a sense of stillness, in the present moment, in gratitude and in awe of all the people who took the brave, courageous stand for centuries and in the last many decades in fighting this war. People we will never hear about or know about publicly. I pray for all the fallen heroes who fought this war for us and for all involved in fighting the war against the dark forces. Thank you, Rachel for all that you do and all your videos and using your gift as a writer in this war. Bless you.

  32. Robin Loye Taylor says:

    Promises made, promises kept. His promise to ours. His will be done Amen

  33. Robin Loye Taylor says:

    Absolutely lovely Rachel, Thank you

  34. dianamarinova73 says:

    MASTERPIECE! I love it! ❤️

  35. Michele Camara says:


  36. Wendy McCracken says:

    Beautiful Rachael,
    I have loved your work and all you’ve brought to us through this crazy upside-down world. This was spectacular! It gave me God bumps, tears, gratitude and a knowing there is a brighter future for us all.
    As always, thank you sweet girl!
    God bless you and your family always.

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