Poll Result

George Presidential Poll Question

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as a true Independent, without a Political Party.
Question: What effect will RFK jr.`s run have on the 2024 presidential election?
After Voting please leave a comment as to why you voted as you did

RFK Jr. will win the 2024 USA Presidential Election 2542
He will pull votes from Biden 1030
He will pull votes from all and crash the 2-party system 812
He will pull votes from Trump 507
Nothing will happen 506

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14 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mary Powell says:

    Nobody voting for Trump/Freedom, will vote for ANYONE else.?‍♀️ RFK Jr. adheres more to the blue dog democrats values. He will garner the votes from the old democrats who see how screwed up/clown show like, the democrat party has swung. The only thing I like about him is his stance on vaccines that are brought to market without having done proper safety studies. But his abortion and guns stance is a no go for me.?‍♀️ Oh, and he certainly has the balls to take on the Commie news. That’s pretty awesome!?????

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ellie says:

    RFK Jr, for the most part is a decent man who loves our country. He does have some “leftist” ideas that are detrimental to the future success of our country, though. He is a follower of the “Green New Deal” for instance, which is basically a slush fund for the Cabal. There are other instances where he is very “left” , ie… reparations for the black population. There may a position in the Trump administration within the health services area for him, where he would work to protect the citizens from the radical medical decisions currently being made by the HHS.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Louise says:

    RFK Jr. is a truth teller and courageous human. I have listened to many podcasts and am always inspired. He’s unstoppable!

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine CoastRider92651 says:

    ?”2020… It’s Not Over Yet!”?

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michael Vardoulis says:

    A nation of 334 million people having only two political parties (or in a way, ANY political parties) is more than a little absurd. I voted that RFK Jr would break the 2-party system out of hope – because having to choose between two mutually controlled opposition parties is no choice at all; like choosing between dystopia and dystopia-light.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine George Herndon says:

    With the condition of america, we need President Trump back in office.
    My second choice would ne Kennedy.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gwyn Guess says:

    It could confuse people and hopefully expose the absolute absurdity of a “good guy” -“bad guy” adolescent way of looking at life itself. I personally think everyone in D.C. should be moved out of that Luciferian ‘City’ and the entirety of that fetid, putrefied monstrosity dynamited to Hell, where it came from in 1871. Good Riddance !!!!

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gwyn Guess says:

    It could possibly open people’s eyes up to the adolescent view of the ‘2 party’ system with a good guy/bad guy for all the voters. Like I said, I think the whole system stinks and that D.C. should be dynamited after every person is moved out. It is just a Luciferian city ruling over the ‘united states for America’ while the City of London controls the levers, and the Vatican becomes bloated with our Stolen wealth.

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Turdly Mctrump says:

    I like the guy’s positions on stuff like guns and reparations. Rock on Bobbob!

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Turdly Mctrump says:

    My favorite as an old-school Fidel castro/enver hoxa supporter. Also the best numerologicality

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine LindaWilliams says:

    Donald Trump is going to appear to not be electable, at all. But miracles happen. RFK,JR. will take a deal from Trump and drop out. If Trump offers him a post like unfettered control of HHS and unfettered access to ALL Classified information left regarding his Uncle and his Father. That is his ultimate goal. It’s also, why the IC will NEVER allow him to become the Chief Executive.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisamarie says:

    The only way up is to crash the 2 party system and UNITE is to have a kennedy/Trump ticket. Dark to light! ? ? ??

    1. Lisamarie, so that you are aware, “Dark to Light” is part of the Masonic initiation into the Blue Lodge.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Philippe Sauvie says:

    I think he is part of a strategy to crash both parties. Those who know, know. MAGA

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